
Just when the entire 100,000 Realm was extremely concerned about the Tiantian Temple. WeChat applet

In the distant world of Yinglong, there is an extraterritorial void that is rarely visited.

In this extraterritorial void, there are stalwart stars circulating.

Yinglong Great World is the oldest of many great worlds. There are many dragon gods and dragon ancestors sitting in the town, and its strength is countless times stronger than that of the monster world!

is a real behemoth!

However, compared to the 100,000 realm that has been caught in a war-torn world, the Great World of Yinglong is still harmonious.

This is the paradise of the Yinglong family...

And in this extraterritorial void, the stars are extremely bright, and the power of starlight is also rich and extraordinary.

It has always been a secret in the world of Yinglong.

The power of starlight here is so strong that if ordinary powers come here, they will be assimilated by starlight and turned into a stone statue.

Therefore, those who come to collect the power of starlight are at least the peerless powerhouses in the semi-holy realm!

The power of starlight here is a treasure of heaven and earth to them, and refining a divine pill or a magic weapon is a rare treasure.

But even a saint can't stay here for too long.

Otherwise, the power of starlight here will also cause damage to them...

A dragon god in the realm of saints walked among the stars, and countless dragon scales appeared on his flesh to prevent the erosion of the power of starlight.

This dragon god in the realm of saints is an ancestor of the great world of Yinglong, a well-known peerless powerhouse!

But in front of him, in the depths of thousands of stars, there was a suffocatingly beautiful woman who was retreating and cultivating.

But the strange thing is that this dragon god in the saint realm actually turned a blind eye to it.


He didn't even notice the existence of this woman!

In the depths of thousands of stars, this woman suddenly slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were full of ancient and vicissitudes, as if they had gone through countless years.

This is an extremely ancient being...

She is dressed in red, and her appearance is exquisite and beautiful, as if it was created by heaven and earth, and it is soul-stirring.

Around the body, immortal light surrounds, immortal energy permeates, and it is natural!

The woman in red slowly got up and whispered: "." How many Epoch Times have I slept? "

Her expression suddenly moved slightly, and she turned to look in the direction of the Hundred Thousand Realm.

His eyes pierced through the void, as if seeing what she had been waiting for.

"This era...has him!"

The look of the woman in red was extremely complicated.

There is a heart-wrenching hatred!

There is also unforgettable love....

Chapter five hundred and eighty-eight the abandoned son of the ancient god

Just as Chu Xu expected.

Guantian Daoyuan has become a huge meat grinder.

The powerhouses of the ancient gods and the powerhouses of the human race are constantly fighting in the realm under the control of the Guantian Daoyuan. It can be said that countless powerhouses fall every day.

There are even many of them who are powerful and even semi-holy realm...

And the powerhouse of the saint realm has now also fallen three!

Even the Great Emperor has shot several times.

Although it is only a test, it is not as intense as the destruction of the Xuanyuan Ancient Clan.

But Chu Xu was not worried.

The reason why the ancient god clan did not count casualties was to destroy the Xuanyuan ancient clan with lightning speed.

It is because the ancient gods want to take advantage of the fact that the human race has not yet reacted, and first annex hundreds of realms to gain a firm foothold.

Otherwise, with the extremely barren resources of the Great World of the Ancient Gods, even the Ancient God Clan would not be able to spend it with the Human Race.

Although the Xuanyuan Ancient Clan has a tendency to be lonely, since countless epochs, the territory under the imperial control has also been extremely prosperous.

After the Ancient God Clan destroyed the Xuanyuan Ancient Clan, they also took the countless mineral veins of the Xuanyuan Ancient Clan as their own, possessing a steady stream of resources.

And after gaining a firm foothold, the ancient god clan wanted more than just how not to be driven back to the world of the ancient gods. WeChat applet

Instead, what he is thinking about is how to completely defeat the human race and regain the position of the overlord of the world!


One hundred thousand realms, people's imperial realm.

The Xuanyuan Ancient Clan, which was once prosperous in the past, has vanished.

The Human Imperial Domain was also renamed the God Venerable Domain by the Ancient God Clan.

It means that the ancient gods return to the supreme...

After the shocking battle that day, the gates of the Xuanyuan Ancient Clan had already been reduced to ruins, but in a short period of time, more majestic palaces were rebuilt.

The terrifying power of the gods is mighty, filling the sky!

An ancient god swallowed up the world, swallowed the essence of spiritual energy, and the breath was ancient and terrifying.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems that between the heavens and the earth, there are all the ancient gods!

And each ancient god's breath is extremely deep and terrifying, and the strength is extremely strong.

The creation and destruction of the world are all in their minds!

If someone sees this scene, they will definitely be very heartbroken.

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