I'm afraid we won't be able to meet again...

Long Linger wrinkled her nose and turned to leave.

But in her heart, she still misses the drop of the blood of the immortal...

So beautiful!


In the great world of Xian Ding, many treasures were born in each continent.

Attracted countless monks to fight and fight.

The fall of a strong man, Tianjiao, can be said to be a huge loss for human beings.

But despite this, there are also many human race arrogant powerhouses who have obtained a peerless opportunity. Over time, they will definitely achieve great achievements!

Just like raising Gu, every time a chance treasure is born, the weak are eliminated, and the strong are stronger!

It is precisely because of this that the human race can rise and grow into the current master of the 100,000 realms...

After Chu Xu and Long Linger separated, they headed towards the depths of the Xianding Great World.

Although he wanted to subdue Long Linger, he was not in a hurry.

At least in the face of getting the chance of Xianding, it is nothing.

Besides, he has already left behind Long Linger, so he is not afraid of losing Long Linger's whereabouts...

After he collected the blood of the immortal, he could feel that in the depths of the great world of the cauldron, the aura of a terrifying stalwart became stronger and stronger, and responded to the blood of the immortal!


Chu Xu, who was walking in the void, looked at the blood of the immortal in his hand, and his eyes were low.

When he got this drop of immortal blood, he could feel the infinite truth contained in immortal blood.

And his divine soul bloodline also faintly echoed with the immortal blood, and memory fragments appeared in Chu Xu's mind... 10.

Chapter 608 How much blood is left to shed?

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

In the depths of Chu Xu's soul, many memories were suddenly awakened.

But these memories are not so much memories, but rather vague scenes.

In memory, Chu Xu seemed to be transformed into a strange and transcendent existence.

He walked in the long river of time and saw the birth and destruction of one civilization after another.

These civilizations are extremely terrifying existences.

Countless dao lineages are prosperous, there are countless powerful emperors, sect families, and racial gods.

Every civilization is no weaker than the existence of today's world.

But in his eyes, it's like passing clouds...

With his gestures, he can easily destroy a civilization and end an era!

In another memory fragment, he stood high above the throne, and the world-destroying fairy light emerged in his hands, destroying one era after another, and countless strong men followed one after another, but they were not the 013 power of his palm!

And when the picture turned, in the endless emptiness and desolation, he walked with his hands behind his back, growing lotus at every step, and the immortal lotus of good fortune rose up under his feet. WeChat applet

Vibrant vitality repairs the way of heaven, opens up new worlds one by one, and countless creatures become enlightened. . . .

But these memories are extremely vague.

There is not much that Chu Xu can know from it...

And this aroused his interest instead, it seems that his previous life...

It's an amazing existence!


In the depths of the great world of Xianding, the continents are all rising with immortal lights, running through the void.

A young gentleman in white robes beat the snow laughing loudly, and an extremely terrifying divine light emerged in his hands, turning into thousands of magical powers and sweeping them away.

The cultivation bases that were attacking all around were defeated and fell into the hands of this young son.

There are even some of the older generation powerhouses!

A powerhouse at the peak of power flickered with light in his eyes, his body soared thousands of feet, transformed into a demon god, and his physical aura was extremely powerful. WeChat applet

Step through the void and fight with the young son.

But with just a few tricks, this strong man at the peak of the mighty peak shattered his bones and retreated in panic!

The young man's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and then he smiled slightly.

Indifferently said: "It's worth it, you are more or less a strong person in my human race, this time I will let you go."

This young gentleman with extraordinary bearing is the Daozi of Taiyi Immortal Palace, Linjiang Immortal!

Linjiang Xian looked at the immortal blood in his hands, his eyes flickered, and whispered: "The ancestor spent ten thousand years of life to deduce the way of heaven, and this immortal blood is the key to unlocking the opportunity of the immortal cauldron.

In this way, it is one step closer to my Taiyi Immortal Palace's chance to get the Xian Ding..."


At this moment, a strong man has collected immortal blood.

These powerhouses are the top powerhouses in the world of Xianding.

Either it is a monster with peerless talent, or it is a top powerhouse from the 100,000 realm and many big worlds!

It can be said to be the most outstanding and powerful existence of the current and future generations!

In the great world of Xian Ding, suddenly there is a strong aura rising into the sky!

Although they are hundreds of millions of miles apart, everyone can vaguely see that in the deepest part of the great world of Xian Ding, an extremely majestic Heavenly Palace is looming in the void.

The shadows of the palace buildings are overlapping and continuous.

There are thousands of fairy lights intertwined, the clouds are misty, majestic and holy to the extreme!

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