It's just that his strength is countless times stronger than the other great emperors. . .

Some people say that above the great emperor is the immortal.

But immortals have always been just a legend, and immortals have never existed in the world.

At least on the bright side, there is no immortal moving.

Even after the immortal gate comes, there will be a chance for immortals, it is only the speculation of the great traditions!

But now, as soon as everyone saw this young woman.

There is only one thought in mind.

That is, this must be an immortal, an immortal who transcends the mortal world and travels in the long river of time!

Countless spaces around the immortal girl collapsed with vigour and vigour, countless small worlds were destroyed, and another small world was created.

The creation and destruction of the world are all in one thought!

An ancient existence looked respectful, bowed deeply to the female immortal, and said respectfully, "I have seen senior."

Although he is also an ancient existence, he has experienced countless years, countless epochs, and witnessed the rise and fall of countless Taoist traditions.

But in front of Xian, he is still just a junior!

The female immortal's eyes were low, and her eyes were ancient and waveless. She seemed to be indifferent to everything in the outside world, indifferent and ruthless. WeChat applet

Naturally, there was no response to the greeting from the ancient existence.

Her body was looming in the void, and her aura was so terrifying that it made her heart palpitate.

At this moment, a middle-aged man who had been watching this female immortal with a cold eye suddenly changed his expression and said in a low voice:

"She doesn't exist in this era, this is just the afterimage of this immortal!"

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were shocked, and they looked at the female immortal.

I saw that although this female fairy is lifelike and even has a very deep breath, she is out of tune with this world, and her body is looming. There is an old atmosphere.

This ancient breath is different from the breath of other ancient existences, which is completely different from the breath of this time and space!

Everyone's hearts are slightly stunned, yes, this is really just an afterimage!

This immortal existed before countless epochs, but only came to this immortal boat once.

But her strength is too powerful and terrifying, leaving an afterimage here!

However, although it is only an afterimage, the afterimage of the fairy in front of her still has extremely terrifying mana, and I am afraid that she can easily kill everyone in front of her!

Everyone boarded the fairy boat one after another, but they all deliberately kept their distance from the afterimage of the female fairy.

After all, such an unruly peerless murderer was right next to him, and he was a little worried, and he unconsciously wanted to stay away from the afterimage of the fairy godmother. WeChat applet

Only the middle-aged man who said it was an afterimage stood with his hands behind his back.

Standing in front of the fairy, looking at this fairy shadow with great interest.

His aura was very strange, neither terrifying nor lowly, not too bad, just to the point where one could feel fear but not feel threatened.

As accurate as a textbook.

Chu Xu's eyes are low, the origin of this middle-aged man is quite mysterious, and he rarely makes a move along the way.

Occasionally, he made several shots, but he used the most basic supernatural powers in the Hundred Thousand Realms, and he couldn't see the origin.

However, although the middle-aged man used all superficial supernatural powers, his power was incomparable, not weaker than those famous inheritance supernatural powers......

The middle-aged man's eyesight is also very high, and he is definitely the existence of the great master realm.

One has to sigh with emotion, the Realm of 100,000 is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Chu Xu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes stayed on the middle-aged man.

And the middle-aged man also seemed to feel something, turned to look at Chu Xu, smiled slightly, and turned away from the afterimage of the fairy.

Chu Xu also looked at the female fairy.

But what moved his heart was that he didn't know if it was his illusion.

He always felt that the female fairy seemed to look at him as well. . .

. . . . . .

The immortal boat carried the crowd, and when crossing the road, it was a river of ghosts, heading for the depths.

Along the way, all kinds of shocking visions rose up, and a shocking giant crossed the heavens, as if connecting the fairyland and the mortal world, getting farther and farther.

The immortal boat is like a bridge between the earth and the fairy world.

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was just a short moment, or maybe it was a hundred thousand years, everyone has been cultivating in the immortal boat, waiting for the arrival of the other side.

Suddenly, the Xianzhou sailed through the heavy fog of 5.3, and experienced a sea of ​​dead trees. There were dead branches and roots everywhere, and the mist shrouded the Xianzhou.

Even the people above the immortal boat could not see each other clearly, and the fog was extremely thick.

Not to mention the voice and eyes, even the divine sense cannot pass through.

I don't know how long it took, a warm and powerful voice sounded in Chu Xu's ears.

"Chu's god son, why don't you and I cooperate?"

Chu Xu's expression moved slightly, and he looked in front of him. In the mist, the figure of a middle-aged man gradually became clearer, walking towards Chu Xu with a smile on his face.

Chu Xu's face also showed a smile.

Indifferently said: "When the emperor invites you, the junior will naturally not refuse...".

Chapter 615 Teaming up

If someone else heard this, they would definitely be horrified.

This mysterious middle-aged man is actually the one who has been searching for hundreds of thousands of years.

, but the emperor who has never had a clue of whereabouts!

The legendary figure who used to be the co-owner of the 100,000 realm, who reigned over the heavens and the myriad realms, suppressed an era with one manpower, and slaughtered many great emperors, but a generation of heroes who mysteriously fell!

Who would have thought that this seemingly low-key middle-aged man was the emperor?

The middle-aged man, or the emperor, heard the words and heard that Chu Xu had already seen through his identity, but there was no surprise on his face. WeChat applet

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