As the ruler of the Chu God Clan before many epochs, Chu Miaoyin was naturally not a fool, and immediately understood what Chu Xu meant.

Since Emperor Changming basically has no hope of winning, if he drags on like this, the emperor can also kill Emperor Changming and others. Although it will consume a lot of mana, the cards still exist!

In this case, it would be better to meet the Emperor Lord directly now.

Let him have a hint of neutrality and directly kill the three emperors of the imperial court!

And the three emperors such as Changming Emperor are not simple existences. If the emperor wants to kill the three emperors of the imperial court as soon as possible, he will inevitably expose a lot of trump cards.

As such...

No matter who wins or loses in this battle, they will gain a lot.

Only in this way, the three emperors of the imperial court undoubtedly became the abandoned party...


In the tragic slaughter, the emperor's face was expressionless, and all kinds of magical powers poured out of his hands, fighting against his former three life and death brothers.

He really didn't use his full strength, because he could feel it.

Among those who watched the battle from a distance, there were faintly terrifying auras that were paying attention to him, and the Qi machine was pulling on him.

Once he reveals any flaws, he will suffer a thunder blow!

In particular, the breath of Chu Miaoyin from the Chu God Clan made the Emperor feel a little bit sharper.

The strength of this Chu clan ancestor is really too strong.

Even the emperor did not have the confidence to take Chu Miaoyin's sneak attack in the midst of the slaughter!

Suddenly, the Emperor Lord's expression changed, and he could feel that the tractive energy that came from Chu Miaoyin in his body dissipated for some unknown reason.

Although I don't know the reason, the Emperor Lord is still absolute immediately and seizes this opportunity!

This is a godsend opportunity!

Although he still has an absolute advantage on the scene, but he can't make a full shot, he can only watch the battle situation drag on.

Moreover, Emperor Changming has a very deep scheming, and I don't know how many others are left. WeChat applet

If it drags on any longer, I'm afraid there will be another accident...

If the emperor takes advantage of this opportunity, one move will set the world and directly kill the three emperors of the imperial court!

At that time, all problems will be solved...

Although there are Qi Qi from other ancient existences on the Emperor Lord, Chu Miaoyin is the only one who the Emperor Lord truly fears!

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the emperor, and a mighty immortal might soared into the sky. This immortal might was so shocking that it seemed that an existence above the one hundred thousand realms had descended.

I saw a celestial light flashing by like a fright, and Emperor Dongxu suddenly screamed.

The whole body was split in half, and it was broken by the waist!

The blood of the emperor is flowing, spreading across the sky.

It stands to reason that with Emperor Dongxu's cultivation level, even if he is cut into a hundred pieces, he can still be resurrected.

But that terrifying immortal power directly wiped out the divine Dao on the bones of Emperor Dongxu's flesh, making it impossible for flesh and blood to regenerate.

This blow directly inflicted heavy damage on Emperor Dongxu, leaving him dying...

One move almost killed a great emperor...

Such means are truly unheard of and unseen!

Chu Miaoyin's pupils shrank slightly, and she looked towards the emperor's hand, only to see a surging fairy light sweeping around in the emperor's hand.

Indistinctly, one could barely see the appearance of a stone sword.

Infinite immortal light and immortal power surged, and the phantoms of the world civilization collapsed and annihilated. The breath of this stone sword has already reached the height of slaughtering gods and destroying demons, and even surpassed the existence of imperial weapons!

"This is...."

There was an uproar around the crowd, even many ancient beings felt their own insignificance in front of this quasi-immortal artifact...  

It was as if mortals had encountered immortals and demons, and there was only a sense of powerlessness in their hearts. WeChat applet

"Certifying Immortal Sword!"

Emperor Changming's expression was extremely difficult to see.

He knew that the emperor had a natal magic weapon, and he also knew that the emperor had left this natal magic weapon in the great world of Xianding.

But he didn't expect that the Immortal-Chen Sword actually surpassed the level of imperial weapons!

The Emperor Master Zheng Xianjian was in hand, and the sword spanned hundreds of millions of miles, and the sword light and immortal light intertwined, and went to suppress the already seriously injured Emperor Dongxu.

The blow was coming to an extreme, and even Emperor Changming and Emperor Mingxuan did not react.

You can only watch the sword light devour Emperor Dongxu!

That round of Haoyang, which was hanging in the air, finally began to collapse, and Emperor Dongxu, the great emperor and emperor, also fell into the fairy light.

A legendary powerhouse just fell...

However, the emperor showed no pity or pity, and the immortal sword was prosperous, and Tao Tao said that the immortal light was like a violent storm, and turned to suppress the emperor Mingxuan.

Emperor Mingxuan's expression was extremely solemn, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "The hell does not move the sky!"

Behind him, the highly condensed death energy became even thicker, condensed into a single point, and a streak of Zhou Tian rose into the sky.

There are thousands of hells, countless demon gods flickering, and the eyes of 5.3 are empty, but the occasional flash of divine light makes people palpitate.

Emperor Mingxuan's strength is indeed extremely powerful, and even more strange.

In the beginning, he was the most bizarre existence of the nine emperors, and now he is even more extraordinary, to the point of immortality and immortality, the transformation of life and death!

But the emperor laughed loudly: "The hell does not move the sky?

Mingxuan, this cultivation technique of yours, I will help you complete it! "

Xianguang turned into ten thousand ray sword qi, and each one turned into a mountain of swords that was thousands of miles long, turning rumblingly.

Where is the constant suppression of the hell and the immovable sky, the hell and the immovable sky kept shaking and suddenly collapsed.

Zheng Xianjian broke through the hell and moved the sky with one sword, cut off the head of Emperor Mingxuan, and wiped out the soul of Emperor Mingxuan...

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