But in her heart, there is still inevitable worry.

Will Chu Xu be injured and will there be any accident.

More importantly, is Chu Xu tired?

When the whole world only pays attention to those glorious deeds of Chu Xu, when they are proud of their achievements.

The eldest princess only cares whether Chu Xu is tired or not...

This may be the simple emotion of a mother. The eldest princess can indifferently watch the innocent and tragic deaths of hundreds of millions of creatures, but she can't see that Chu Xu has hurt a finger.

And in her heart, there is a complex emotion.

That is, Chu Xu is getting stronger and stronger, and he seems to have become a useless mother.

The eldest princess is strong by nature, and she wants to clear the way for Chu Xu.

But now, she can only support silently behind the scenes...

The eldest princess lowered her head and thought for a long time, suddenly shook her head and smiled, and said lightly: "Go back, Xu'er's wedding is imminent, and there are many things that need to be handled by my mother."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

Her beautiful fairy face suddenly revealed a somewhat knowing smile.

"Just let those girls give a name together, otherwise, I can't stand it as a mother..."

Li Shanggong was relieved when he saw that the eldest princess was happy again.

He echoed: "His Royal Highness is a lucky one. After a few years, His Majesty will also be in the upper realm, and His Highness's family will be reunited. That is the real good time!"

The eldest princess smiled slightly, the palace dress fluttered, graceful and luxurious, beautiful and moving.

"I beg Xuer to be able to reign in the heavens, and I beg him to live in peace..."


In the depths of the Emperor's Mausoleum, Chu Xu and Long Linger walked towards the depths of the Emperor's Mausoleum.

0 .... 0

Along the way, Chu Xu finally saw the "powerful" point of Long Linger.

"Chu Xu, how did you cultivate? Is your strength so strong?"

"Chu Xu, I heard that the Taixuan Divine Body is very defying the sky, can you urge the Taixuan Dharma Body to show it to me?"

"Chu Xu, why is this token hot, what's going on?"

"Chu Xu, the treasure is about to be released, can you let me touch it first?"

"Chu Xu..."

"Chu Xu..."

After walking with Chu Xu, Long Linger discovered that although Chu Xu was quite indifferent to her, he would also bully her too much.

And a few treasures were born, although the value was not high, Chu Xu gave them to her.

But Long Linger was still extremely happy, and even thought that she had some friendship with Chu Xu.

The mode of curious baby was turned on, which made Chu Xu tireless.

In fact, even Long Linger didn't know about it, although she was angry with Chu Xu before.

I feel that Chu Xu is the most hateful villain in the world.

But in her heart, she couldn't help but want to get close to Chu Xu...

Chu Xu looked at Long Linger helplessly and had to admit it.

In a sense, Long Linger is the daughter of luck who brings him the most "trouble".

If you let Long Linger continue to talk, I am afraid that this imperial mausoleum does not need to go any further.

You can only frown and say coldly: "Shut up!"

"Oh." Long Ling'er pouted in grievance and stopped talking, but hid aside and sulked.

But the eyes are still looking towards Chu Xu secretly, as if to signal to Chu Xu.

Come and coax me, I'll be really angry if you don't coax me! what.

Chapter six hundred and forty-eight cold and hot

But what disappointed Long Linger was that Chu Xu did not coax her in the future.

Not only did he not coax her, he even ignored her, but began to look at his surroundings.

This is an extremely majestic square, surrounded by mysterious pillars, suppressing the surrounding and blocking the breath and luck.

The emperor's prestige pervades, the fairy light is dense, and it is extremely extraordinary.

After a while, Long Linger finally found out that Chu Xu really wouldn't try to coax her...

Long Linger stared at Chu Xu for a while.

This is the reluctant muttering: "Okay, I forgive you."

After that, he returned to Chu Xu angrily, and became the curious baby before.

"Chu Xu, where is this place?"

It's actually quite strange.

In Yinglong Great World, Long Linger can be said to be doted to 18 bones, it can be said that she is doted on by thousands of people.

The true ancestor of Yinglong loved this descendant very much, and he often took Long Linger by his side and taught him carefully.

And the rest of the ancestors in the Great World of Yinglong couldn't wait to hold Long Ling'er in their palms.

This is the case with the ancestors of these great emperors and saints, not to mention the rest of the dragon race.

But Long Linger didn't feel anything at all.

In the face of those who are good to him and obey everything, Long Linger basically ignores them.

On the contrary, Chu Xu was so indifferent, which made Long Linger have a strange feeling...

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