In the formation, several Lingyun Immortal Sect Elders smashed the jade in front of them one after another.

They followed the induction and gathered in the Luoyu formation.

"What about the others?" Elder asked.

Elder, who had crushed the Sect token before, said: "I was besieged and killed by the Heavenly Secret Sect before. It is estimated that other people have already encountered accidents."

"The late stage of Tianjizong's Hedao Realm is not against the Wolf Emperor. How can he have the time to intervene here?"

"Not that person, but three women."

Several Lingyun Immortal Sect Elders didn't stay long, they walked towards the depths of Ling Luoyu formation together.

As he moved forward, Elder said: "We have to find a way to break this big formation."

"I also have this intention, but unfortunately, there is no clue for the time being."

"Before, when we broke the jade, I think the aura of the big formation seemed to weaken, otherwise..."

"We work together to smash all this jade to him, and this battle will definitely not be a climate."

Several Elders discussed and shot one after another, and billowing clouds of smoke floated within the entire jade formation.

Outside the big formation, in front of the Tianjizong Mountain Gate.

Nanhua Old Immortal's complexion is extremely different, and now he is almost at the point where he is exhausted 24.

Several Hedao Realm late stage shots together with Pinnacle, he can no longer maintain the balance of the big formation.

Xiang Yu and Bai Qi, who were guarding one side, saw the strange color of Nanhua Old Immortal.

They just wanted to come forward and ask, they were stopped by Nanhua Old Immortal: "Go and welcome Sect Leader out."

"Old fairy, you..." Xiang Yu seemed to ask.

Old Immortal Nanhua explained: "The Lingyun Immortal Sect has found a way to break the formation, and I can no longer maintain the Luoyu formation."

"Ah!" Xiang Yu exclaimed, turning his head and looking inside the formation.

Sure enough, the Spiritual Qi in the formation is already extremely thin at this time.

It is estimated that it will fall apart in a short time.

Xiang Yu and Bai Qi didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly went to the inside of Luoyu formation.

By the time they and Lu Qianrou meet, the formation is almost broken.


A crisp sound whirled in everyone's ears.

All the jade in the falling jade formation disintegrated at the same time.

The entire falling jade formation dissipated in an instant.

Several people hurriedly looked at Nanhua Old Immortal, Nanhua Old Immortal was already sitting on the ground, and a pool of bright red blood could be seen on the clothes on his chest.

"Don't worry about me, it is important to protect the Heavenly Jizong." Nanhua Old Immortal said.

"Tianji Sect, tomorrow will be gone, why bother to die?" In front of the mountain gate, Lingyun Immortal Sect Elder said.

Lu Qianrou turned around, and all the Elders of Lingyun Immortal Sect smiled and looked over.

"Lu Sect Leader, I heard his name a long time ago, and when I saw it today, it really is the color of heaven and the country." Elder said.

"I heard that the Elders of the Heavenly Ji Sect are all rare beauties in the world. Take down this Heavenly Ji Sect..."

Many disciples of the Tianji Sect, upon hearing this, all stared angrily.

The long sword in Shen Qingxian's hand was never returned.

It's just a pity that after a great battle, today's Tianji Sect, everyone has been injured.

Even if he still has the power to fight, it is absolutely impossible to survive the current catastrophe.

Even Ye Lianxing, who is not serious, is just looking at the height of the heavenly secret Sect Leader peak, seemingly nostalgic.

"Sworn to the death to guard the Taiping of Tianjizong!" After a long while, Lu Qianrou finally spoke.

This is her will and her command.

All the disciples of Tianji Sect were all the disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect who looked towards the mountain gate.

"Death to the death to guard the Taiping of Heavenly Jizong!"

The sound resounded through the mountains and forests, and the grass and trees shed tears.

"Stepping on the Heavenly Jizong!" Elder raised his arms and exclaimed.

Countless disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect approached into the Tianjizong mountain gate.

Finally, there are disciples who set foot in the Tianjizong Mountain Gate for the first time today.

Immediately afterwards, all the disciples of the Lingyun Immortal Sect will turn into wolves and tigers and leopards.

But at this moment, a fierce killing intent fell from the sky.

Afterwards, a touch of blood made all the Lingyun Immortal Sect disciples maintain their final clarity.


A round head rolled down from the mountain gate.

In front of a man armed with a gun and independent from the mountain gate, a vicious dog followed behind that man.

Several disciples who wanted to set foot in the Tianji Sect before were all killed by him with a single shot.

Yang Jian stood proudly with a gun, and Ling Ling stared straight out of the mountain gate.

"Those who set foot in the Heavenly Secret Sect, kill without mercy!" Yang Jianlang said.

A group of Lingyun Immortal Sect disciples looked at Yang Jian's blood-stained robe, where they dared to take a half step forward.

The head that fell because of that rolling down is the Wolf Emperor Kuangxiu!

A God of War at the pinnacle of Hedao Realm, which killed the early stage powerhouse of Saint Ruins Realm, who can stop it?

The several Elders of Lingyun Immortal Sect with a smile on their faces before, were also silent, for fear that one of them would be insignificant, they would be easily killed by Yang Jian.

They are arrogant, but they are smart people.

Yang Jian took two steps forward and stood on the ruins of the Tianjizong Mountain Gate.

The gunman turned to look directly at the disciples of the Lingyun Immortal Sect Elder, and he asked again: "Who would dare to set foot in my Heavenly Jigsaw Sect for half a step?"

After a word, Yang Jian's momentum went straight into the sky.

The disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect standing in the forefront all took a few steps back before they could stand firm.

With the appearance of Yang Jian, the previously lost disciples of the Tianjizong seemed to be beaten up one by one.

Unlike Lu Qianrou's calmness, Shen Qingxian is impatient.

Shen Qingxian can't sit still at this level.

As soon as the killing formation under her feet opened, the sword lifted to Yang Jian's side.

"The Tianjizong disciples are here!"

"Elder Xiang Yu of the Heavenly Machine Sect is here!" Xiang Yu flashed, and also landed beside Yang Jian.

"Elder Ye Lianxing of the Heavenly Machine Sect, it's still a battle!"

"Elder of Tianjizong is white, willing to advance and retreat with Sect!"

"Tianji Zong, Lu Qianrou, Zong is here and there are people!"

"Tian 233 Ji Zong Elder..."

Countless Elder disciples of Tianjizong stepped forward and stood behind Yang Jian.

Inside the small mountain gate of the Tianji Sect, a dense crowd of disciples of the Tianji Sect were crowded.

Who dares to commit such a Sect?

One goes for a long time.

When the momentum of the Tianji Sect broke through the sky, the disciple of the Lingyun Immortal Sect finally couldn't bear this atmosphere.

Finally, some disciples began to retreat involuntarily.

With the first one, there will be a second.

Not only the disciples, but even the Elders before that, were also confused by this aura.

Inside the Tianjizong mountain gate, there are still countless voices one after another.

"These Tianjizong disciples are crazy!" someone shouted.

As these words fell, all the disciples of the Lingyun Immortal Sect were like bursting a dyke and flooding, and never recovered.

But someone else saw that under the mountain road, a person was ascending towards the mountain.

Wherever he went, all the disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect who retreated were beheaded.

Halfway through the journey, the man raised his head and looked in the direction of the Tianjizong Mountain Gate.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that the mere Tianji Sect could really turn the sky over."

The many disciples of Lingyun Immortal Sect immediately understood the identity of the person who came.

The next moment, Hua Ling Ge jumped up and stood upright above the Heavenly Ji Sect and said: "Ling Yun Immortal Sect is currently the Sect Leader Hua Ling Ge, I wonder who can stop me from the Heavenly Ji Sect?".

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