After returning his gaze to Lu Qianrou, Wang Zan cursed again in his heart: "Shameless!"

In this way, if he wins, the win is also a Junior.

If you lose, the joke will be a big deal.

Fortunately, Wang Zan had confidence in his heart, but he was always the first person in Zhongzhou games in previous years.

Dealing with a yellow-haired girl, that is not enough.

After scolding Lu Chen again, Wang Zhan looked at Lu Qianjuo on the opposite side and said, "Since you are Junior, let you be a tenth son."

Lu Qianrou looked back at Lu Chen, and when she saw Lu Chen nodding, she responded, "Thank you, Sect Leader."

Afterwards, the game started, and Lu Qianrou fell to ten sons first.

When the ten sons were settled, Wang Zan's face was already showing a smile.

That is to know the situation at hand!

He twisted a piece from the chess set, and said as he placed the piece: "To win you, only fifty-eight moves are needed."

As his voice fell, several Sect elders had given up on the chessboard in front of them, and could not help but looked towards the chessboard where Wang Zhan was.

Sure enough, in the next few moves, Wang Zan has gradually taken advantage.

As for Lu Qianrou's side, she looked a little rusty.

But after twenty hands, Lu Qianrou seemed to gradually adapt.


When it was thirty hands, someone had secretly said from the side: "I'm afraid that the king Sect Leader is too big. This little Nizi's method should not be underestimated."

"Well, if I want to win, I'm afraid after a hundred hands."

These words came into Wang Zan's ears, and they were very ear-piercing.

Before he watched Lu Qianrou drop ten sons, he was just a novice on the chess field.

With the first ten hands down, Wang Zan still has the confidence to win easily.

But after these twenty moves, Wang Zan began to be surprised by Lu Qianrou's chess skills.

In a short period of time, Lu Qianrou seemed to have figured out many of his ideas.

He had just made the layout, and he realized that Lu Qianrou had already used a trick to break the game.

After thirty moves, Wang Zhan was already taking it seriously.

Because now, he has just had a rudimentary layout, and will be torn apart by Lu Qianrou, and even Lu Qianrou has begun to make a backhand layout.

The chess pieces that looked like stagnant water before, looking back, and now Lv Qianrou's shots, formed the most perfect killer move.

After another one was settled, it was already fifty hands away.

"She was as early as the beginning, how would I go even if it's there?" Wang Dan asked in surprise in his heart.

If Lu Qianrou is really such a genius, if he has devoted himself to this chess game, I am afraid that he will be another thousand-year chess sage!

"Oh, fifty-eight moves, Wang Sect Leader didn't win this, haha." Someone joked in a low voice.

"It's OK, you can watch chess by watching chess, don't talk coldly!"

Everyone had no words, and quietly watched the fight on the chessboard.

Lu Chen couldn't understand, he could only understand the current situation through the words of others.

Obviously, even he didn't expect that the only method used to dispel Wang's resignation would have unexpected gains.

After about a hundred hands, with the fall of Lu Qianrou, the game finally came to an end.

The final result of this round was Lu Qianrou's tragic victory.

Until this time, there were several gazes, looking at Lu Chen's location.

Playing in Zhongzhou does not look at Sect's strength or its own strength, it is just a chess skill!

Lu Qianrou, the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Ji Sect, was able to defeat Wang Ban. In the eyes of everyone, this must be Lu Chen's teaching.

And Lu Chen said before that he can't play chess, everyone's thinking is the same as Wang Zhan, no one will believe it.

Now this is not a mistake!

The Sect Leaders taught are so powerful. If you want to come to own chess, you must be far above Wang Zhan, so I disdain to fight with Wang Zhan.

Wang Zhen stared at the chessboard for a long while, and when Lu Qianrou was about to get up and leave, she suddenly said: "One more game."

"Huh?" Lu Qianrou didn't expect Wang Zan to make such a request.

Lu Chen thought, how can a veteran chess player tolerate being overwhelmed by a junior?

Therefore, he gave Lu Qianrou a look.

The meaning of it is probably: "Don't take it seriously, get out as soon as possible."

Unfortunately, after Lu Qianrou turned around, she put on a more serious look.

I still secretly said in my heart: "Too Shang Elder means that you don't have to stay behind, kill him without leaving a piece of armor?"

When there were no more pieces on the chessboard, Lu Qianrou respectfully said: "Sect Leader, we will come according to normal rules."

"Okay." Wang Zan did not shirk, but responded happily.

After that, Lv Qianrou seized the right to go first by virtue of her own luck.

The other Sect bosses who quietly surrounded the board on the side of the board, after watching for a long while, couldn't bear to look at the board.

"Unexpectedly, this Nizi actually hid her privates before." Finally someone couldn't help but mutter.

"Well, let me be up now, I can hold on to a hundred hands without losing."

"Then tell me, how many hands can King Sect Leader hold?"

"It's still a hundred hands."

Indeed, after Wang was relinquished a hundred hands, he was defeated again with Lu Qianrou.

At this time, Lu Chen can already think of the next script.

Wang Zhen gritted his teeth, gathered the chess pieces, and said: "Can you have another game."

Lv Qianrou quietly glanced at Lu Chen again, and when she saw Tai Shang, Elder was now embarrassed, and she said in her heart: "Is it still too slow?"

After looking back, Lu Qianrou said directly: "Please, Sect Leader, please go first!"

Wang Zan took a deep breath, and ignoring so many rules, he replied, "Okay."

At the beginning of the third game, Wang Zan went first.

But in this round, from the very beginning, Lu Qianrou waved a butcher knife.

After fifty moves, Wang Zan ended in a disastrous defeat.

Three consecutive rounds were lost.

Wang Zan looked at the chessboard in front of him, silent for a long time.

The previous Sect bosses also shook their heads one after another.

"In the latest game, I can't handle it as well as Sect Leader."

"This Nizi's chess skill can easily defeat the king Sect Leader. Isn't it easy to win the first game in this Zhongzhou game?"

"How many years have you seen such a chess game?"

While everyone was discussing, Lu Qianrou finally found an opportunity and drew away.

On the other side of the chessboard, Wang Zan still stared at the chessboard for a long time.

After a while, he sighed and stood up and said: "In this life, the old man has only been obsessed with chess. In the past, he always believed that in this central state, no one can be the old enemy's opponent."

"Today's battle, the old man only knows, what is meant by outsiders, there are people outside, there are heaven outside the sky."

Everyone looked over and smiled and calmed down a few words.

Wang Zan raised his hand and continued: "You don't need to be like this, the old man understands what he wants in his heart."

"After today, the old will first withdraw from this Zhongzhou game."

After speaking, Wang Zan's body squatted down instantly.

He coughed a few times, smiled and turned around and said, "If one day, the old man thinks he can win today's game, he will come back again."

"If that day is not there, I hope that when the time comes, you old friends can go and offer a glass of rice wine to the old man."

After saying that, Wang Zan went to the layman of Nanshan Sect under the stunned eyes of everyone.

The loud sound of cranes sounded, and the white crane spread its wings and fleeed into the sky. .

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