In the distant Tianji Sect, Xingtang Elder Shen Qingxian lived.

It has been in the mountains for more than a month, and I haven't seen Tai Shang Elder Lu Chen.

And Shen Qingxian also missed it for more than a month.

Looking at the mountain scenery outside the window, she couldn't help but sigh.

"I had known that I hadn't promised to go to Elder and Sect Leader too much at that time. Why would they be able to go out and leave me alone in this Heavenly Jizong."

While talking, Shen Qingxian's heart moved again.

It seemed that she had deliberately asked for the choice to stay in the clan.

In order to make Ye Lianxing feel uncomfortable, Ye Lianxing had to leave the Tianji Sect to look for opportunities, but she didn't necessarily need it.

You Luo Forbidden Land has given Shen Qingxian a chance, even if she leaves, she may not have other good luck.

It's better to stay in the mountains and guard Lu Chen's side.

I never thought that a few days later, Lu Chen and Lu Qianrou left Tianji-Zong...

"Master, don't you really understand, Qingxian's mind?" Shen Qingxian asked in a low voice.

Naturally, no one can answer her words.

For some reason, the more he thought of Ye Lianxing and Lu Qianrou, the more impetuous Shen Qingxian's heart became.

For what reason, she is obviously the closest to Lu Chen, but she always feels that she is behind those two people.

Thinking about it, this can only be blamed on Lu Chen.

Thinking of this, Shen Qingxian felt that there was a jar of bitter water in his heart, nowhere to pour out.

Simply, she picked up a pen and wrote: "I miss you three thousand, not as good as a beautiful woman!"

A few numbers can make Shen Qingxian feel a lot easier.

When the front of the pen was retracted, she put the pen back in place, and threw the figure describing her state of mind to the side.

After doing this, Shen Qingxian has stood up.

Within Sect, there are still many things that need to be handled by her personally.

Relying solely on the tyrant alone, even if it is exhausted, it is impossible to support the great Heavenly Mystery Sect.

After leaving the Xingtang, Shen Qingxian came to the Sect Chamber.

Several Elders and disciples who remained in the clan are already waiting here.

One of them, Elder, saw Shen Qingxian's arrival, and explained to her the situation in the clan in recent days.

Lu Qianrou just ordered people to write down these things, and after Lu Chen and Lu Qianrou returned, they would observe and discuss them.

After that, a few disciples reported to some in the mountains about trivial matters that needed to be dealt with urgently.

"Shen Elder, yesterday a disciple strayed into Taishang Peak and was injured by Taishang's left-behind disciples. Today, the two peaks disciples are in a state of fire and water."

"Shen Elder, some of the disciples practiced last month, but the medicinal materials and spirit treasures they need have not been distributed yet. Please urge Xiong Elder as soon as possible."

"Shen Elder, the mountain gate has now been rebuilt, I don't know..."

Shen Qingxian heard loudly for a while, but these things are still things she must deal with in person.

Xiongba has more than ten times more things to deal with than her.

Today's Tianji Sect is the sixth rank fairy gate, up and down, including those who left Sect, there are nearly 10,000 disciples.

"Shen Elder, Shen Elder!" A disciple reminded him when he saw Shen Qingxian's attention that had been placed elsewhere.

Shen Qingxian came back to his senses, and said in his heart: "If Sect Leader is in the clan, these things don't need me to worry about."

Her clear voice lingered in the hall.

"If you strayed into the peak, you deserved to be beaten. If you have the ability, you will be beaten back. If you don't have the ability, you will hold back."

"As for the medicinal materials and spiritual treasures that the disciples need for their practice, they need to wait for the Sect Leader to come back and personally approve them."

"I will check the repairs of the mountain gate later..."

After replying to these things one by one, Shen Qingxian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It may seem like a few words, but everything needs to work hard to think about how to solve it perfectly.

As soon as her palm fell to the center of her eyebrows, she heard another disciple coming.

"Shen Elder, Shen Elder..."

Shen Qingxian took a deep breath, then looked at the disciple and said, "What's the matter?"

The disciple gasped for a while before saying: "Shen Elder, Sect Leader and Taishang Elder, they immediately went outside the gate."

"Oh." At the beginning, Shen Qingxian just responded gently.

This is when I have to think about the coping plan in my mind, and I feel that something is not right.

"You said, Sect Leader and Taishang Elder are back?"

"Yes, you can go outside the mountain gate immediately!" The disciple continued to reply.

Shen Qingxian seemed to be energetic in an instant, and she immediately got up.

He said to all the Elder disciples in the temple: "Follow me to welcome Sect Leader and Taishang Elder back."

The group of people waited, and walked out of the Chamber of the Chamber in a mighty manner.

·· ····Find flowers······

Still far away from the mountain gate, I saw Xiongba already waiting not far away.

"Male Elder, do you already know?" Lu Qianrou asked as she approached her.

"Shen Elder knows, I can know it naturally, let's hurry over." Xiongba said.

Soon after, a crowd of people waited to the front of the mountain gate.

Looking outside the mountain gate, I saw Lu Chen and Lu Qianrou walking towards the mountain.

However, behind Lu Chen, another woman followed.

Shen Qingxian glanced at Linglong's body briefly, and then quickly stepped forward and greeted Lu Chen.

"Welcome Sect Leader, Master!"

After getting up, Shen Qingxian finally couldn't suppress the emotion in his heart.

Coupled with these days, it is indeed aggrieved, and this rushed into Lu Chen's arms.

.. .... ...

"Master, you can be regarded as coming back."

"Hiss!" Lu Chen felt Shen Qingxian's delicate body, feeling a little at a loss for a while.

Linglong standing behind him, but holding Eight Trigrams in her mind, approached Lu Qianrou's side and asked, "Is this the woman who is too Elder?"

"Aren't you jealous?"

Lv Qianrou whispered back with black lines all over her head: "Girl Linglong, this is Xingtang Shen Elder, a disciple of Taishang Elder."

"Oh, but the disciple definitely won't have such a bold behavior, and, are you not jealous?" Linglong was surprised.

Lv Qianrou didn't know how to answer, she gritted her teeth and said: "Linglong girl, I am too close to Elder, it's really nothing."

After Linglong gave Lu Qianrou a ghostly look in your eyes, she quickly distanced herself from Lu Qianrou.

She will never forget that Lu Qianrou still carries the dragon chain that restrains her.

Instead, she whispered secretly: "Strange, why do I feel sour in my heart?"

"Is it because of the inverse scale?"

While she was muttering, Shen Qingxian also seemed to realize that she was a little impulsive, and hurriedly let go of Lu Chen.

She stepped back and looked at Linglong.

Afterwards, she frowned and asked in a low voice: "Master, who is she?"

When Lu Chen was thinking about giving Linglong a suitable identity, he heard Linglong reply: "My name is Linglong, and I am your wife."

"Puff!" Lu Chen almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood, which is not a joke. At.

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