After saying this, the first figure has stood in front of Linglong.

He raised his hand and grabbed Linglong into his hand.

Linglong struggled, but found that the palm of the first seat was like a cage, which could restrain her Cultivation Base.

A group of Dacheng monks also rushed to the front, and the superintendent looked up and saw that the first seat had been taken down by Linglong.

He quickly reminded: "The first seat, that is the guest of the Spirit Sword Sect."

The first seat lowered his head and glared at the prison, and said angrily: "This gangster killed my abbot of Luohe Temple by relying on his own identity. No matter who it is, he can't act like this."

After saying this, the first seat has been slapped down at Linglong.

Linglong didn't have time to quibble at all, so she felt a strange aura that made her feel weak in own's body.

"Yes... Extreme Emperor Sect?" Linglong had just raised such a thought, her eyes were already plunged into darkness.

In the eyes of the monks in Luohe Temple, Linglong fell into a coma only when she was caught by the first one raising her hand.

The first seat returned to the front of the many monks, and handed the unconscious Linglong into the hands of the superintendent.

"Put her in the dungeon and I will interrogate myself later."

The prison was embarrassed, but saw a few monks step forward and said in person: "The prison, I did see with my own eyes, she swallowed the abbot’s luck."

The superintendent glanced at the abbot who had lost his breath, then nodded and acted as the leader said.

Lu Chen knew nothing about what happened like this.

He is still in the illusion, unable to get out.

In front of him, the sea of ​​blood seemed impossible to cross.

Every time Lu Chen takes a step higher, the blood goes up by a point.

And the more you go to higher places, the illusion world that Lu Chen can see becomes smaller.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the farther you can see.

In this illusion, the opposite is true.

Lu Chen looked up and looked up for a while before shook his head slightly, giving up his previous guess.

"The heights cannot be broken, you can only go forward."

Lu Chen whispered, and walked along the river towards the red area.

I don't know how long it took before Lu Chen saw the bloody edge.

This illusion seems small, but it seems to make Lu Chen completely lost in it.

At the end of the blood, there was a dullness.

Lu Chen raised his hand and stroked it, as if stroking it on the thick wall.

He shook his head, knowing that this place is still unbreakable.

Suddenly, a bell rang in Lu Chen's ear again.

This time the bell was very close, as if it was not far away from him.

But how can Lu Chen hear the bells of the outside world within the illusion?

"Does this illusion originally figured out with the outside world?" In Lu Chen's mind, a ridiculous idea popped out.

Without waiting for him to think again, he saw the two dark figures who had always been hiding in the dark before, and after the bell rang, they slowly appeared.

Their appearance is quite desolate, as if someone had just used a special method to personally force them out.

After seeing Lu Chen, the two figures showed fear.

Wanting to avoid, but found that he can't move.

Lu Chen took a few steps forward and walked in front of the two figures.

Their faces were obscured by a mist, and they couldn't see their true faces clearly.

But it can still be seen that it is the dress of the monk in this Luohe Temple.

It seemed that there was finally a monk who could not resist this gloomy atmosphere.

He got up and shouted at Lu Chen: "You can't walk through Luohe Temple, let alone reach the Spirit Sword Sect!"

"Why?" Lu Chen asked directly.

The monk was so scared that he collapsed to the ground again when he asked him this question.

Another monk slowly explained: "This side is a state of inaction. We are the novice monk beside the abbot."

"However, two days ago, I was detained here by the first seat. I was asked to wait for a Lu Elder to arrive, and then proceed from the dark to kill him here."

"Want to come, you are Lu Elder, right?"

Lu Chen smiled. Hearing the monk's words, he confirmed his previous conjecture.

"Then why are you..." Lu Chen wanted to ask why they suddenly appeared in Lu Chen.

One of the monks replied first: "We heard the bell and knew that the abbot had already established the world."

"The abbot is like I am waiting for my reborn parents. He leaves like this, and I am unwilling to wait."

"Since the first person wants to kill Lu Elder, Lu Elder must be able to threaten the life of the first person. Therefore, please wait for me to go out and find the first person to avenge the abbot."

"The first seat, the abbot?" Lu Chen thought carefully for a while, already feeling a bit of a bad thing in his heart.

Linglong's stupid dragon left her alone, not knowing what would happen.

And that first seat must have been eyeing them from the beginning.

Because of this, Linglong feels that the first one is rather weird.

Lu Chen figured this out, and then asked the two monks: "How to get out of here?"

A monk replied: "This illusion has only one exit, which is at the end of the blood river, but it is necessary to cross the blood river to reach the other side."

Lu Chen walked along what the monk expected, but shook his head.

"I have tried before, and the river of blood cannot cross over."

The monk paused for a long time before saying: "The River of Blood needs to see a living person before it can stop."

"I am willing to pave the way for Lu Elder, hoping that Lu Elder can avenge my abbot."

Lu Chen nodded, but his heart was strange.

The strength of these two monks are both in the middle stage of Hedao realm.

It is not easy for them to kill him in this illusion.

Is it possible that from the beginning of the first seat, did not think of imprisoning Lu Chen here?

Or, after leaving here, there will be greater conspiracy waiting for him?

Lu Chen didn't think about it. Right now, it's better to leave here as soon as possible.

Soon after, Lu Chen stood on the other side of the sea of ​​blood.

The difference from the previous one is that there is a sea of ​​blood over there, like a dead state, this side is indeed full of life.

Lu Chen just released Spiritual Sense and found the exit easily.

The bright luster of the morning reflected on Lu Chen's face through the window.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"The water here is a bit deep." Lu Chen muttered to himself.

Later, when he walked out of the guest room, he saw several monks waiting around, and when he saw his appearance, he hurriedly left.

Lu Chen looked at the guest room Linglong was in before, and Spiritual Sense glanced past, and she didn't see Linglong as expected.

"I have to see that first seat."

But at this moment, Luohe Temple Supervisory Court has hurriedly arrived.

"Lu Elder, how did you rest last night?"

"Not too good." Lu Chen replied alone, observing the weirdness of the prison.

The prison gave a sullen smile: "We are even worse, because the Linglong girl who came with you killed our abbot."

"We are the first seat, now please go and confront it yourself!"

"Sure enough." Lu Chen secretly said, making a please gesture. .

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