Before the mountain gate, a farce soon ended.

The unreasonable little uncle Xu Mengliang drove the two seniors into the mountain gate forcibly.

The big brother of the Spirit Sword Sect, A Dong, led Lu Chen into the Spirit Sword Sect.

"Brother Lu, you personally faced our mountain gate last time, do you remember some of the scenery here?"

Lu Chen nodded and replied: "Naturally remember."

The two of them moved forward and chatted, and in the blink of an eye they reached the depths of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Lu Chen had been here before. At that time, Luo Feng, the sword master of the Spirit Sword Sect, had secretly warned Lu Chen about some trivial matters.

Now coming again, Lu Chen always feels that this place is full of weirdness.

When did the guard of the Spirit Sword Sect become so tight?

It wasn't until Lu Chen and Dong entered the reception hall and saw Luo Feng's figure that they suddenly woke up.

After seeing Luo Feng, A Dong left after saluting.

After all, as the big brother of the Spirit Sword Sect, many trivial matters in the sect require him to take care of himself.

What's more, Linglong still needs resettlement during this trip.

In the entire reception hall, only Lu Chen and Luo Feng were left in the blink of an eye.

Luo Feng sat upright and said to Lu Chen: "I haven't seen you for many days, Lu Elder is a bit younger again."

"If this is a while, I am afraid that I will meet Lu Elder, and I will not know Lu Elder."

Lu Chen shook his head quickly and said: "Sword Master's words, don't take it seriously."

After speaking, Lu Chen also carefully inspected Luo Feng's body.

Last time I met Luo Feng, Luo Feng, although he was older, was still alive and well.

I saw it today, but it was as lifeless as a frosted eggplant.

More importantly, Lu Chen discovered that Luo Feng's body seemed to be triggered by a hidden disease.

Even Luo Feng's luck was slowly dissipating a little bit.

Luo Feng also noticed the sight of Lu Chen's eyes, but he was not angry, instead he explained it by himself.

"Half a month ago, I went outside of the state. On the way, I encountered a gangster who tried to plot, which made me look like this."

After he said that, he covered his mouth and coughed lightly: "I just didn't expect that the injury has dragged on for so long. Not only does it show no signs of getting better, it's getting worse."

"Now, my affairs have spread all over the sect. Now, I'm afraid that several juniors in Sect want to push me down and replace them."

If it was before, Lu Chen saw the second and third uncles and still had doubts.

So now, Lu Chen already understands the strangeness.

The two uncles of the Spirit Sword Sect did not deliberately make things difficult for A Dong and other younger generations.

They are suppressing the momentum of the sword master Luo Feng's line.

After hearing what Luo Feng said, Lu Chen asked quietly, "Is there no cure?"

Luo Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "This has been a chronic illness for many years. It just happened to be out of control this time."

"If you want a radical cure, it will take at least a few years, and the Spirit Sword Sect can't afford it."

"So, did the sword master call me in a hurry?" Lu Chen asked.

Luo Feng did not respond at once, but continued: "A few days ago, a secret spy wrote a letter saying that Benlei Village had already come to the Spirit Sword Sect."

"Benlei Village? What are they doing?" In Lu Chen's mind, the one-eyed deputy owner of Benlei Village flashed past, as if he had some grudges with the Spirit Sword Sect.

"Naturally, I want to take advantage of the achievement of the Spirit Sword Sect's Qi Luck Array, and break the Spirit Sword Sect's Qi Luck Array." Luo Feng explained.

"On the other hand, it was also instigated from outside the state."

"But they never thought about it. If my Spirit Sword Sect is no longer there, can there be a place for him to travel to Lei Village in Zhongzhou?"

Lu Chen nodded, sighing that there are many headaches for these Zhongzhou overlords.

After that, Luo Feng's topic changed, and it has fallen to the matter of luck.

"Later, Lu Elder can let his disciples lead him to the Sect Leader Peak of the Spirit Sword, investigate the terrain, and begin to lay out the great fortune formation."

Lu Chen nodded and said: "Listen to the sword master's arrangement."

At this point, Luo Feng sighed and saw sorrow again.

"This great fortune formation is complete, for my Spirit Sword Sect, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing."

"Naturally it is a good thing." Lu Chen replied immediately.

"Once the Qi Luck Array is completed, I am afraid that the sword master's Qi Luck will turn, and the dark diseases in the body will be cured."

"If I enter the second rank fairy gate once, it will be an elegant thing for me as a whole in Zhongzhou."

"Lu Elder sees it thoroughly." Luo Feng smiled and did not refute.

But in his smile, he can clearly see a bit of bitterness and helplessness.

It was at this stall that Xu Mengliang, the young master of the Spirit Sword Sect, whom Lu Chen had seen before, entered the reception hall.

After he entered the hall, he rushed to Luo Feng without hesitation.

He lifted the tea bowl beside Luo Feng and drank it up.

After turning around, Xu Mengliang said: "Before in front of the mountain gate, I saw the second brother and the third brother."

"Oh!" Luo Feng just replied.

Xu Mengliang continued, "I beat them all back."

"Don't be so rude in the future. They are all fellow apprentice brothers..." Luo Feng said slowly.

Xu Mengliang retorted, "How can we be considered the same? They clearly said bad things about our Master."

"How did you say it?" After hearing Xu Mengliang's words, Luo Feng's momentum suddenly became serious.

Xu Mengliang said: "Said that our Master does not educate disciples. He taught a brother who can only walk horizontally in Zhongzhou, and also taught me a brother who has nothing to do all day."

"Yeah, their Master is just a thing?" Luo Feng cursed immediately.

But when he turned his head, Luo Feng saw Lu Chen smiled and looked over, and quickly reduced his previous momentum.

"You can't be rude to brother in the future. If they do this next time, you can come to me."

After that, Luo Feng said to Lu Chen again: "If Lu Elder has nothing else to do, it is better to go back and rest first. After this journey, the boats and vehicles are tired, and you have to pay attention to your body."

Xu Mengliang didn't care about this (Li Zhao), and continued: "No matter who dares to be disrespectful to the Master, I will ask them to swallow the words back."

"By the way, brother, I already know about Benleizhuang."

"What can you do if you know it?" Luo Feng asked.

Xu Mengliang replied: "I decided to fight with them. If they disagree with my Spirit Sword Sect's position in Zhongzhou, then fight until they are satisfied."

"If I can't fight, I will hide in the Spirit Sword Sect, and I will shrink back for three years, and then I will fight again."

Luo Feng helplessly shook his head without answering.

Lu Chen knows that it is not good for him to stay here.

He got up and saluted Luo Feng: "I have no other major issues, just the Linglong girl who came with me. She was injured by the Supreme Emperor on the road. Now she needs some Medicine Pill treatment, so she thinks... "

Luo Feng immediately waved his hand and replied with a smile: "Small things, ask A Dong to solve them. If someone doesn't, just say that I promised.".

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