The thunderstorms on the main peak of the Spirit Sword Sect gradually dissipated.

The cloud also seemed to hit a hard stubble, and he dared not continue to stay.

One sword can break a mountain, and how many people in Zhongzhou can be so proud?

When the clouds have cleared, the Qiyun Array is naturally completed.

It is a pity that the Spirit Sword Sect has fallen to a sword master, and is temporarily missing the second rank fairy gate.

But as long as this great fortune array is here, it won't take time to rank among the second rank fairy gate.

Lu Chen stepped out of the fortune array and looked above the sky, still looking at Xu Mengliang where Luo Feng's figure was going.

Secretly said with emotion: "If the Heavenly Machine Sect can also have such talent, I am afraid that the Heavenly Machine Sect..."

Lu Chen thought of this and shook his head slowly.

Tianjizong is now no more than the sixth rank fairy gate, although it is only one step away from the fifth rank fairy gate.

However, this step is often like a chasm.

That was the case for the previous Spirit Sword Sect.

However, Lu Chen believes that one day, he can also stand at this height.

The disciples under the sect will also have such a demeanor one day.

Probably because of thinking for too long, Xu Mengliang actually laughed.

"My brother, it's not time to go."

All the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect could hear these words.

After these words, the magnificent voice resounded throughout the spirit sword sect.

"Disciple, see Sword Master!"

In the Spirit Sword Sect, the person holding the sword is the sword master.

The former sword-holder was Luo Feng, the master of the sword, and today's sword-holder is Xiao Shishu Xu Mengliang.

Everyone in the outside world thought that after the Spirit Sword Sect Luo Feng, it should be the big brother A Dong who held the sword.

But only the disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect knew that there was a little uncle in the Spirit Sword Sect who could never hold a sword, but whose strength was as high as the sky.

Today, Xu Mengliang finally wields the sword and is already the sword master of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Xu Mengliang hadn't forgotten that, besides the mountain gate of the Spirit Sword Sect, there was an offender from Benlei Village.

He put away his emotions and said to Lu Chen: "Lu Elder waits a moment here, Xu Mengliang will go back."

After saying this, Xu Mengliang stepped forward, attracting a rainbow.

Changhong was in front of the Mountain Gate of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Lu Chen didn't really stay here, he had already descended towards the mountain.

Now that the Qi Luck Array has been completed, his trip to the Spirit Sword Sect can come to an end.

But at this moment, Lu Chen felt a different aura and appeared behind him.

The appearance of that momentum is no less than the current sword master Xu Mengliang.

Lu Chen hurriedly looked back, only to see that the imposing appearance came from Luo Feng's body.

Luo Feng is dead, it is absolutely impossible to have such a momentum.

As far as Lu Chen's eyes came, he did not see the person's figure, but the aura still couldn't dissipate.

After another breath, Lu Chen saw with his own eyes that the remaining air luck in Luo Feng's body turned into a piece of jade.

The uncut jade is crystal clear, especially attractive.

At this moment, a voice fell into Lu Chen's ears: "If you want to survive, take him and swallow it."

Lu Chen frowned, as if he wanted to find the owner of that voice.

"The enemy of the Spirit Sword Sect is far from being as superficial as you think." Seeing Lu Chen hesitate, the man continued.

Lu Chen asked subconsciously: "Who are you?"

At the same time, Lu Chen seemed to think of something that he was about to forget.

He did not continue to hesitate, but quickly walked towards the uncut jade.

After holding the uncut jade in his palm, before Lu Chen moved, the uncut jade plunged directly into his wrist.

The voice sounded again: "My identity, you will know one day."

"But it's definitely not now. Now that you know, there will only be a disaster."

The voice went farther and farther, until Lu Chen couldn't hear it anymore.

Lu Chen wanted to investigate the raw jade again, but found that there was no trace.

Even the system did not remind me at all.

Lu Chen did not dare to stay here for a long time, but continued to descend towards the mountain.

Lu Chen seemed to have seen the breath just now.

That was when the Tianji Sect entered the sixth rank fairy gate, the man seemed to have looked at him from a distance.

Moving forward, the only possibility Lu Chen could think of was that Shen Qingxian advanced to Shura to kill at the time.

Those who are helping you now may not be your friends, they may be enemies with evil tastes!

Lu Chen thought so in his heart and kept admonishing himself like this.

Only in this way can he not let up.

"The top priority should be to remove the threat of the Supreme Emperor, right?" Lu Chen murmured.


Before the Mountain Gate of Spirit Sword Zong, Xu Mengliang slowly landed.

The disciples of the two sides who had fought earlier, with the appearance of Xu Mengliang, all dispersed.

Xu Mengliang raised his sword and pointed straight to the two heads of Leizhuang.

He slowly said: "Wang Mingyin, many years ago, he was defeated by my senior in the battle in Zhongzhou."

"Wang Mingyang, it was still that battle, and was blinded by my senior brother."

"Today, how do you want to end?"

Wang Mingyin raised his hand, his face gloomy and terrible: "What do you want?"

"¨~Hiss!" Xu Mengliang showed a thoughtful appearance, and then replied, "You will lose to me one more time, and he will be blinded by me again."

"If not, even though Zhongzhou is big, there is nowhere to stand in Lei Village."

"I, Xu Mengliang, like my brother, can do what I say!"

Wang Mingyin gritted his teeth without answering.

Standing on the side, Wang Mingyang asked angrily: "You are relying on your own strength to bully me and no one in Lei Village?"

Unexpectedly, Xu Mengliang nodded and replied straightforwardly: "That's the case, what do you think?"

Wang Mingyang was angry, but didn't dare to shout again.

Benlei Village stands in the third rank immortal gate because the strength of the owner, Wang Mingyin, is in the middle stage of the realm of existence.

And he was just in the early stage of Existential Realm.

In another battle many years ago, he was blinded by one eye, and his strength was not as good as before.

Wang Mingyin thought for a while, and asked strangely: "Luo Feng is dead?"

"Dead?" Wang Mingyang asked immediately, puzzled.

The other disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect had already guessed the result a long time ago, and they bowed their heads and secretly saddened themselves.

Xu Mengliang nodded, and said with a sense of sorrow: "My brother shouldn't be aggressive."

"Well, don't talk nonsense, just start the fight."

Just when the words fell, Xu Mengliang had already stabbed Wang Mingyin.

Standing on one side, Wang Mingyang didn't even remember the reaction, he felt the darkness in front of Own's eyes.

"Didn't you go to my elder brother?" Wang Mingyang said inwardly.

The next moment, Xu Mengliang's sword fell in front of Wang Mingyin.

Wang Mingyin wanted to hide, but found that all around him were sword shadows.


But with one sword, the two owners of Benleizhuang lost all of them.

After Xu Mengliang received the sword, he turned and walked towards the Spirit Sword Sect.

"My brother left you a life before, so I hope you can do it for yourself." Xu Mengliang said lightly.

"Today I also leave you alive, want to see, in my lifetime, will you go to Lei Zhuang one day, can ride on top of my Spirit Sword Sect.".

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