Several disciples hurried to report, but they happened to hit Wang Mingyin's evil deeds.

"Ah, forgive me..." the woman screamed harshly.

Wang Mingyin could still keep a smile on his face. He turned around and asked coldly, "What's the matter?"

The two disciples stepped forward and hurriedly responded: "The owner, whether there is a Sect Leader outside the village, came to ask for a meeting, saying that there is another visitor from outside the state who wants to meet the two village owners."

"Oh?" Wang Mingyin's hand movement suddenly stopped.

His whole person seems to have returned to the former aura again.

He took a few steps forward and said to the disciple: "Those women, you can dispose of them as you please."

After speaking, Wang Mingyin went to Sect layman alone.

At the same time, he yelled out in the clan: "Brother Xian, here is a guest, come out and see you."

Soon after, Wang Mingyang, who rushed out of the room with a knife in his hand, stumbled into the meeting hall of Benlei Village.

"Brother, which guest wants to see me?" Wang Mingyang asked.

"If it's a member of the Spirit Sword Sect, let me slash it with a single knife."

The three people sitting in the hall looked different.

Wang Mingyin blushed and quickly explained: "My wise brother, I was blinded by the sword master of the Spirit Sword Sect a few days ago, so this is..."

Without continuing to explain, Wang Mingyin had pointed to Wang Mingyang and said, "When you see the guests from Canglan Mountain, don't you hurry to salute."

"Dream of Canglan Mountain in Xizhou?" Wang Mingyang asked.

The black-robed man has now taken off the black cloak, revealing a slightly handsome face.

He responded with a smile: "Canglan Mountain Saint Son Nan Ke Meng."

Hearing the explanation from the other party, Wang Mingyang really calmed down.

Dameng Xizhou stands next to Zhongzhou, and the largest Sect is Canglan Mountain, the second rank fairy gate.

There are always some inseparable barriers between the so-called neighborhoods.

The same is true for Zhongzhou and Xizhou. In the past years, I don’t know how many fights have been made.

But on the contrary, it is difficult to tell the outcome.

The reason was that the sword of the Spirit Sword Sect was indeed too domineering.

Even if it is the second rank fairy gate, it can't help it.

After both parties identified their identities, this matter was naturally handled a lot easier.

After all, Benlei Village had the foundation of the third rank fairy gate, and it was not far from the Spirit Sword Sect. This was the reason Canglan Mountain came to the door.

The holy son Nan Ke Meng directly cut into the topic and said: "Now that the Spirit Sword Sect is promoted to the second rank fairy gate, there is Elder in Sect, and I am sent to discuss with the two village owners."

"Shenzi's words, I am afraid that I am going to Leizhuang and staying outside of Zhongzhou?" Wang Mingyin asked.

Nan Kemeng said with a smile: "This is not reasonable. Zhongzhou is Zhongzhou and Xizhou is Xizhou."

"I talked with the owner in detail, because I wanted to discuss the common major issues between Zhongzhou and Xizhou. How can I stand outside?"

Wang Mingyin thought for a long time before saying: "The saint son, please elaborate."

Nan Kemeng then continued: "We can break through the Spirit Sword Sect's great fortune formation, or we can hold Xu Mengliang alone."

"But the others..."

Wang Mingyin listened to the corners of his eyes shaking for a few times, and then asked, "How many people will come from Xizhou?"

Nan Kemeng got up, and after wandering for a week, raised two fingers.

"There are only two people, so I can only hold Xu Mengliang, not kill him."

Wang Mingyin sighed, but did not answer immediately.

Wang Mingyang said, "Why do you bother with your brother? As long as we can break the Spirit Sword Sect and let the Spirit Sword Sect have the glory of today in Zhongzhou, how many regrets do we have?"

"The big deal is to take the entire Benlei Village in."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense..." Wang Mingyin scolded.

Nan Kemeng waved his hand and said, "Don't let this happen. No matter how powerful Xu Mengliang is, he can only protect himself."

"If you want to find your bad luck in Benleizhuang, we can't agree to Canglan Mountain in Xizhou."

After hearing this, Wang Mingyin's heart gradually relaxed.

He asked again: "When will you start?"

Nan Kemeng replied: "Three days later, I don't know if the two or two villagers might have the power to fight at that time?"

"Although I am blind, I am willing to fight the vanguard for this. As long as I break through the gate of the Spirit Sword Sect, it is not a pity to die!" Wang Mingyang smiled.

However, Wang Mingyin did not easily let go, but continued to ask: "Can you really break the great fortune array?"

"Also, Xu Mengliang is the late stage Cultivation Base of the Realm of Existence."

Nan Kemeng said: "The same is true for those two, you can rest assured."

After discussing it again, I remembered that there was a Supreme Heaven of the Supreme Emperor standing quietly in the corner.

"Without Sect Leader, you can't stay out of it, right?" Wang Mingyin asked.

"The next sect also wants to participate, but no matter what, the strength is not good." Wushentian smiled embarrassedly.


Fifth rank fairy gate, in this battle, isn't it just an ant that can be trampled to death with just one foot?

However, Wang Mingyin said: "No, I don't know if there is no Sect Leader, do you still remember, who laid the big battle?"

"What does the owner mean?" Wushangtian asked in a low voice.

Wang Mingyin nodded and reminded again: "Handle it as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"Even though the Ji Sect is not the climate right now, but being so valued by the Spirit Sword Sect, it will definitely be a big trouble for me in the future."

"Don't worry, the owner, I will leave tomorrow to look for the trail of Lu Chen." Wushangtian replied. .

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