During the two days to and from Nanling, it is rare for Lu Chen to have such a free day without thinking about Xianmen.

He looked at the scenery between the mountains and rivers, and his mood opened up a lot.

But just after he returned to Tianjizong, Lu Qianrou hurriedly stepped forward to welcome him.

"Too great Elder, you finally came back, something big happened in Zhongzhou these days."

"The Lion Gate, Tianbei Palace, and some other sixth rank, seventh-rank immortal gates, were slaughtered!" Lu Qianrou said.

Lu Chen frowned.

He has only been in Zhongzhou for two days, so why did such a big mess happen? Is it possible that this is Yuantian's Sect Leader's last resort?

If something goes wrong with him, will other immortals give him a backing? Or is there any other power behind him?

"These immortal gates have a common feature, that is, they have been summoned before by us~!"

"One is not-more, one is not much."

Although Lu Qianrou's tone was calm, she still couldn't conceal the worry in her words.

"This is clearly aimed at us, too Elder, what should we do now?"

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, and asked, "What has happened to the Tianjizong recently?"

"Is there normality among the nineteen peaks disciples?"

"Everything is normal."

As the saying goes, it is necessary to tie the bell to untie the bell. What happened in the past two days must be related to Yuan Tianzong.

In the jail.

When Yuantian Sect Leader saw Lu Qianrou walk in with a stern face, he had already more or less guessed what happened.

"Oh, you actually come to me on the initiative? It's really strange, isn't Zhongzhou Xianmen dead?"

Yuantian Sect Leader sneered meaningfully, and then said something that surprised them all.

"No, no, these fairy gates are not just dead people."

"It should have been slaughtered by the immortal door."

"Hahaha, but it doesn't matter, these 6th or 7th grade immortal gates will die when they die, no one will care."

Sure enough, Yuantian Sect Leader still has a back hand.

But Lu Qianrou didn't think much about it, the dignified Cangxuan Continent, since there is such an annihilated humanity, life is like a grassy immortal gate!

"Say! Is it a good thing that you Xianmen did!" Lu Qianrou picked up the long sword beside her and pointed it at Yuantian Sect Leader's throat.

"If you dare to say half a lie, cut your throat immediately!"

Ke Yuantian, Sect Leader, a dying person, wouldn't mind Lu Qianrou's threat.

"Hahaha, do it if you have the ability, I don't care."

Behind her, Lu Chen raised his hand and pressed Lu Qianrou's long sword.

"This time things are obviously not something that Yuan Tianzong alone can accomplish. It seems that the forces behind you are starting to move around."

Lu Chen said coldly: "Don't worry, we found it."

Yuantian Sect Leader made a contemptuous cut.

"If you can find it, don't care about daddy, why do you tell me why you are crazy."

Lu Chen said lightly.

"At that time, when we find the forces behind you, we will tell him as soon as possible that this is all your credit, and then hand you over to them."

"You! You are so mean!"

Yuantian Sect Leader did not expect that Lu Chen actually wanted to hand himself over to Longya Inn?

How can this be done, the 72 torture instruments of the treasurer is not a joke.

Lu Chen discovered a fact from the fear between your brows.

"Sure enough, you are afraid of him, not us."

After speaking, Lu Chen pulled Lu Qianrou out of the jail.

Just as the two of them went out, Lu Qianrou asked angrily: "Why didn't you let me kill him just now?"

·· ····Find flowers······

"For people like this, why don't you keep it? Keeping it is a curse!"

"Keep him, it is the best witness, don't worry." Lu Chen explained.

At this moment, the treasurer of Longya Inn unexpectedly came to the door.

"Too great Elder, Sect Leader, the treasurer is here." Xiongba said.

Lv Qianrou said that the people in this Longya Inn have always dealt with ordinary people who have never had a relationship with Xianmen or desperadoes who have been expelled from Xianmen. Now how come they suddenly visit the Tianji Sect. This is really a piece of cake. Strange things.

.. ........ ...

"Is that the widow from Longya Inn? Why is she here?" Lu Qianrou asked.

"I don't know, but Sect Leader, I'll see her later, don't say that. The character of the treasurer is not bad." Xiong Ba persuaded.

When Xiongba talked about the treasurer, he seemed very embarrassed.

"I said Elder, why do you seem to be very towards her." Lu Qianrou asked.

"The shopkeeper Jin once passed by us still took great care of our disciples of the Tianji Sect, so..."

Lu Qianrou didn't want to deal with such a triumphant person, but he said that if he was a tyrant, then he would see it, and the right would be his favor.

In the Great Hall, the golden shopkeeper with a strong smell of powder, compared with the other immortal disciples present here, does appear to be infamous.

However, it is precisely because of this that this golden shopkeeper with lingering charm can be remembered so deeply.

"Ming people don't talk secretly, I came to Tianjizong to get back my things!"

"Not here." Lu Qianrou retorted directly.

"I haven't even said what I have lost!" The temper of the treasurer Jin is already on the verge of rage.


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