Linglong didn't know what happened, so she hurriedly followed Lu Chen out of the cave.

Situ Jun, who was waiting for news in the distance, saw the two in the cave rush out of the cave like crazy.

Angrily scolded.

"Damn it! You guys are stunned!"

In a short while, the figures of Lu Chen and Linglong disappeared in full view.

"Situ Dage, they are gone!"

At this time, Taichen and Taining, who were long overdue, said breathlessly: "There are people from the Tianji Sect, a dragon, and a woman!"

Situ Jun slapped the two brothers in the face.

"Nonsense! Linglong is the woman with the dragon body! What if we were your information? I already knew this by myself!"

"What I want is to capture the two of Tianjizong alive! Are you pigs?"

The priest Yin & Yang on the side advised: "Forget Situ Dage, this kind of person is not credible, and it is normal that they can't do it."

At this time, the yin priest said pretendingly: "Since you all know that you are wrong, you should hurry up and turn your merits and sins. This is all your own troubles, and you have to solve them yourself. Say yes?"

Tai Ning and Tai Chen nodded and knelt on the ground.

"Master Situ calmed down, we are going to capture the two of the Tianjizong alive now."

After speaking, the two went in the direction of Qiyun Spring.

"Situ Dage, Taining and Taichen may not be able to deal with too good Elder. You should know this, right?" The Yin priest asked.

Situ Jun laughed disdainfully.

"It's for you to say, then what do you think I am doing this Blood Demon curse for?"

It would be okay if Situ Jun didn't mention this, but when it was mentioned, everyone sank unpleasantly. .

"Don't feel wronged, everyone, I am also for the consistency of our twelve priests, but the Blood Demon curse I put on you is different from their brothers."

The Yin priest was very interested in what he said.

"Why is it different?"

"Have you seen the Scarlet Waterfall?" Situ Jun said with a playful smile.

When the other nine god-tier officials heard this, they were all shocked.

"Blood Waterfall? Situ Jun, what are you kidding? Is it possible that we are also?"

Situ Jun didn't answer this question but just smiled triumphantly, which made these priests feel a little scared.

Lu Chen and Linglong finally came to what Xiongba called the Qi Luck Fountain.

"Too Elder, I can clearly feel the luck here, it's really strong!"

Lu Chen walked slowly to the front of the Qi Luck Spring, and he felt the bottom of the Qi Luck Spring vigilantly.

Just when Lu Chen touched Qiyun Spring.

A stream of black water suddenly poured out from the Qiyun Spring, and Lu Chen, who quickly stopped, was unfortunately injured by the black spring. A piece of meat on his little finger was directly corroded by the black water.

Immediately, the black water on the Qiyun Spring began to surge, with a burst of sound.


The black water splashed all over, if Linglong hadn't changed back to her real body and charged into the sky with Lu Chen in her mouth, then the two of them would have become a pool of blood.

"Too great, Elder, are you okay?"

"Oh my God, what kind of gas spring is this, it's absolutely amazing."

Lu Chen just said coldly: "That's not a gas spring, it's three corpses water."

"Corpse poison, corpse bug, corpse sore!"

After putting Lu Chen down slowly, Linglong said angrily: "Three Corpse Water? Who put it in the Qiyun Spring so viciously? This shows that it is ruining things!"

"They are not spoiling things, they just want us to die, nothing more."

"Huh?" Linglong was a little scared by Lu Chen.

"Should we die? Why?"

Lu Chen couldn't help but think of a worst plan now, that is, starting from the time when Xiongba and the others found this good luck fountain, it was cash set up by someone.

"¨~Tianjizong! Take your life!"

There was an angry shout from a distance, and Tai Ning and Tai Chen rushed towards Lu Chen and Linglong.

"Heart's Demon curse!"

"Xuanbing Miasma!"

Lu Chen waved his right hand, and a huge eight-treasure glazed tower stood in front of them.

"Bang, bang"

After two loud noises, Lu Chen recovered the pagoda.

Taining looked at the black water all over the ground and the grass that had been corroded, and at the appearance of Lu Chen and Linglong intact. It seems a little surprised.

"Are you okay? It seems we really underestimated you!"

Lu Chen looked at the clothes of these two people, they were strangely loose uniforms, and they wore a huge mask (Nuo Zhao) on their heads, but they couldn't tell that it was from the immortal door.

Is it possible to be a member of the Demon Sect?

"Who are you two, dare to fight against us if you are full?"

I saw the two vowed to say: "You don't care who we are, you are about to die anyway, is there any use in caring about this?"

But when Tai Ning and Tai Chen thought that their own attire could block their own identity, Lu Chen directly blurted out.

"Two Thai brothers, how about coming in?"

Taining and Taichen were surprised, how did he know his own identity?

"You! How do you know who we are?"

I saw Lu Chen smile softly.

"Brother Demon Ice, I still have heard of it!".

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