"Strange thing? What is it?"

Qin Luo asked suspiciously.

Yun Zhongjian pretended to be mysterious, and proudly said: "Xuan Clan!"

"Xuan Clan?!"

Qin Luo raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect that there would be such an existence imprisoned after the five hundred levels of Qingtian Tongtian Tower.

"Are they still alive?"

Yun Zhongjian sighed, "Why is it so easy to die? The fate of the Xuan clan is very hard. Even if they die, the corpse will survive as a secondary life until it is completely exterminated."

There is only one way to kill the Xuan Clan, and that is to kill them to the brim!

Otherwise, even beheading would still be useless, and casual death would have no effect on them.

Qin Luo frowned and said: "I learned from the notes of the medicine sage that the root of the Xuan clan's appearance is because of those meteorites, so after that year, how many people have the Xuan clan grown to? How many people are imprisoned in the Qingtian Tongtian Pagoda?"

Yun Zhongjian was a little surprised, he didn't expect that this later generation would get the medicine sage's notes.

"There are a lot of people. In fact, the Xuan clan is also divided into levels. Those who can really be called the Xuan clan are actually those who have obtained the power of those meteorites. They can be regarded as the first generation, and after that, those who have been infected by the power of the first generation It can be regarded as the second generation of Xuan clan, after the second generation, they can no longer be regarded as Xuan clan, they can only be regarded as lackeys who have gained some power."

Yun Zhongjian recalled: "Back then, meteorites fell in the four sects. The first generation of Xuan clan was the first to contact and be infected. Then they lurked and developed the second generation. At this time, they were still able to hide very well. Containing the mysterious power of the Xuan clan until the third generation appeared, because the power obtained was not pure, its own power was polarized, becoming violent and bloodthirsty."

Qin Luo analyzed, and said: "In other words, this kind of classification is not the two levels of the power of demons and the energy of blood evil. The first and second generations with the power of demons, and the second generation with the power of blood evil It is the third generation."

Yun Zhongjian nodded: "You are right to say that. After all, when the third generation appeared, the Xuan Clan had already developed a terrifying scale."

Qin Luo couldn't help being puzzled, and asked, "How did you win back then? As far as I know, even a sage like Yungu Sect Leader couldn't stop the infection of the Xuanzu's power, but you still managed to win miserably in the end, and Kill and expel the Xuan Clan."

Yun Zhongjian spread his hands and said, "I don't know about this. After all, I died early back then. Not long after the outbreak of the war, I was disabled. After that, I took the initiative to settle in Qingtian Tongtian Tower and used my disabled body as the gatekeeper. Ghost."

Qin Luo looked it over: "So that's why you have a sliver of intelligence?"

Yun Zhongjian nodded: "It should be like this."

Qin Luo digested the information, and then continued: "Okay, since this is the case, I will continue to break through."

Yun Zhongjian reminded: "After five hundred levels, the first ten levels are all existences similar to me, responsible for giving warnings and blocking. After that, you will meet different gatekeepers or Demonic Beasts, and I, Yuntian, are among them." Shenzong disciples also have two or three generations of Xuan Clan."

Qin Luo nodded, knowing some information is better than nothing, at least when meeting the Xuanzu, there is no need to talk about martial arts.

At this time, Yun Zhongjian said again: "By the way, after the eight hundredth level, you have to be careful, although I don't know if you can get there."

Qin Luo asked: "Oh? Is there anything special after the eight hundred levels?"

Yun Zhongjian replied: "Yes, according to what the new Sect Leader later said, after the 800th pass of Qingtian Tongtian Tower, the Demonic Beasts captured by Yungu Sect Leader from the Nanman Mountains were imprisoned. There are very few transformations that are even comparable to a generation of Xuan clan, and they were originally reserved for research, but after the final battle, I don't know what happened, so you have to be extremely careful."

Qin Luo nodded, followed by the sword in the cloud to admit defeat, the scene changed, and he entered the 501st level of Qingtian Tongtian Tower!

At this time, the outside world was already boiling.


The crowd broke out into an uproar like a sea tide, and everyone cheered.

"History! New history! Someone passed the 500th level!"

However, before they could digest this information, Qin Luo broke through the 502 level again.

As the difficulty increases, Qin Luo's clearance speed becomes slower and slower, and the guardian disciples and Demonic Beasts he sees become stronger and stronger.

At the fifth and fiftieth level, Qin Luo met the first person from the Xuan clan, a three-generation Xuan clan, with extremely violent power, and killed with the Four Immortals Sword Art.

At the 580th level, Qin Luo met a disciple of Guyun Tianshen Sect, who blocked the way forcefully, Qin Luo was finally injured, and finally passed the level with a vision of the gods.

At the 600th level, Qin Luo met a disciple of the Ancient Yuntian Shenzong who was infected by the power of the Xuan clan. This person still retains his own spiritual wisdom and is a second-generation Xuan clan.

And in this confrontation, Qin Luo finally realized how difficult the Xuan Clan was. No matter how many times they were hit hard, they could not cause fatal damage. On the contrary, the second generation of the Xuan Clan was sinister and vicious, using all kinds of obscene moves non-stop.

In the end, Qin Luo couldn't bear it anymore, and directly suppressed it with Taiyue Shenshan and ground it into a meat paste before it could be considered annihilated.

At the sixth hundred and ninety-ninth level, Qin Luo met a chief disciple of Gu Yuntian Shenzong. The two talked for a long time and discussed a lot. After the First World War, Qin Luo gained a lot.

Level 750, the guarding disciple of this level turned out to be the second-generation Xuan clan, who has been lurking for a long time. Even in the battle, the power of the Xuan clan is still hidden. He even begged Qin Luo to take him away and leave Qingtian. The shackles of the Tongtian Pagoda.

All kinds of unreasonable things, as well as the sense of engulfing the four fairy swords, Qin Luo used a lot of things, and finally wiped them out.

In the 800th level, Qin Luo met an Elder from the ancient Yuntian Divine Sect, who was extremely powerful, but thanks to the suppression of the strength of the Qingtian Tongtian Tower, Qin Luo won the final victory in the Half step Spiritual Sect Realm.

At level 880, Qin Luo finally met the first modified Demonic Beasts of the Xuan family, with strange powers, full of erosiveness, tenacious vitality, and even the power of Mastery bewitching.

In the end, Qin Luo summoned Guixuan, suppressed it with the real body of Black Tortoise, and finally disappeared.

Level 899... Level 900... Level 910... Level 920...

Qin Luo went forward indomitably and made a strong breakthrough. With the help of Xiaohei and Guixuan, as well as the power of the divine body, although the battle was fierce, he still persisted.

At level nine hundred and ninety-eight, Qin Luo defeated a generation of Xuan clan in this level, but he has no power to wipe out, so he can only be beheaded. Although he will recover, it will take a lot of time.

Sitting down on the ground, Qin Luo was covered with wounds, Gui Xuan and Xiao Hei were also lying on the ground powerlessly.

However, at this time, the scene changed automatically, and there was still time to recover, but now it is gone.

Qin Luo was shocked, and hurriedly took Xiao Hei and Gui Xuan back, ready to exit the Qingtian Tongtian Pagoda at any time, after all, he was exhausted now, if he met the Xuan Clan again, it would be a disaster.

"I never thought that after thousands of years, someone would actually be able to reach this level. Welcome! Disciple of future generations, Qin Luo!"

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