Overseas Eight Continents, here is a place named jointly by eight connected continents. There is a sea route connecting the eight continents. When the tide rises, the sea route is submerged, and when the tide ebbs, the sea route will reappear.

And because it is located in the easternmost part of the Eastern Continent, it is named Overseas Eight Continents.

One of the eight overseas continents, Haiwangzhou, is ruled by the powerful Haiwang Palace.

At this time, in the palace of Haiwang Palace, there were nine figures seated on the jade table one by one, eight of them were facing each other, and only one was sitting on the lower seat, alone.

"The presence of the Prince of Han really makes my Sea Palace flourish!"

On the main seat, the Daoist figure laughed.

Prince Han stood with his fingers crossed on the table, his eyes contemplated, and he said lightly: "Master Haiwang is too famous, this time, it's still the same question, what do you think?"

King Hai tapped on the table, his eyes indifferent: "Those who steal the hook will be punished, and those who steal the country will be princes. Our eight brothers are really hard to resist this temptation. When the Prince of Han comes to power, we can also have a king with a different surname in eight continents overseas."

Boom! Boom!

There was a knock on the table, and the conversation was taken by another king of Hailongzhou.

"But Prince Han, the problem is that even if the Lushen Dynasty declines, we are not able to contend with it, and the sincerity between us is too low."

Prince Han nodded: "Aren't you just concerned about Emperor Lu's mighty dragon and the ancestors of the Lu God Dynasty? I can confess this to you."

"In the current dynasty, Emperor Lu is injured, and half of the officials have been won over by me. The time for the ancestor's death is approaching, and it is time for the Lu God Dynasty to change!"

King Hai smiled lightly and said, "Prince Han's move is to deceive the teacher and destroy the ancestors, so you are not afraid of leaving behind Ten Thousand Years?"

The Prince of Han looked cold: "Stink Ten Thousand Years? Humph! That throne is mine! How can he, a bastard like War Emperor, sit in that position?! The ancestor is biased! Now I'm just going to return my own things." !"

The eight kings of Haizhou looked at each other, and finally nodded silently.

Dage Haiwang said: "This matter can be done, but Lu Zhantian, the general of the Lushen Dynasty, is a problem. He controls half of the army of the Lushen Dynasty, guards the frontiers, and competes with my eight continents overseas. If this person is not eliminated, it will be difficult for us to send troops." And up."

The Prince of Han leaned back on his seat and said: "This is your problem. You can't ask me to think about everything, otherwise what will I do to win you over?"

Haiwang smiled and said: "Of course! If you can't handle even one Lu Zhantian, our eight brothers will have no face to face the prince."

He raised his eyes and looked at the other person: "Sea Demon King, is that done?"

The Sea Demon King nodded: "It was done a month ago, and now I'm waiting for Dage's order."

Hearing this, all the Neptunes cheered up.

Prince Han showed doubts, these pirates actually have something to hide from him! !

"What makes you so excited?"

The Sea King said: "We dare to board the prince's boat, so we naturally have to solve the prince's worries and problems. It just so happens that the time for Sea God Continent to surface is almost here, and the Sea Demon King has already found out the timing."

The Sea Demon King took over the words and said: "If the prince wants to take the throne, he must have a reasonable excuse. Sea God Continent is a good place. If the Emperor Lu has no children and no one to inherit the throne, what do you think, Prince Han?"

Prince Han's eyes lit up, he nodded with a smile and said: "It seems that I was right to find you. I was still worrying about this matter, but I didn't expect you to have found a solution."


Haiwang smiled and said: "Isn't this for the prince's great event? With the birth of Sea God Continent, all the geniuses from East Continent will definitely gather here, and Lu Huang is injured, so he must arrange for Lu Zhantian to escort him. When the time comes, spend some money and invite Dong Luanzhou to kill him." The embryos make a move, and great things can be accomplished!"

The Prince of Han raised his wine glass on the spot: "Great things can happen!"

Everyone held up their wine glasses to celebrate the success of the matter. After drinking for three rounds and cooking for five flavors, the Prince of Han left.

When Prince Han left, the atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

"Dage, are we really going to trust him?"

"Prince Han doesn't seem like a good man. It's okay to share adversity, but it's not good to share wealth and honor."

Neptune shook his wine glass, his eyes were quiet: "This kind of people who have forgotten their ancestors can't believe all of them. How many years have we eight brothers worked hard to take this position? The back road must always be arranged in place."

"What does Dage mean?"

The King of the Sea said quietly: "Secretly send a message to the enemy of the Lushen Dynasty, so that the people of the Yuan Dynasty will also participate. We are fishing in troubled waters, and the goal is the treasure house of the Lushen Dynasty! After we succeed, we will return to Haibazhou."

King Hai Ling said: "But if Prince Han deceives us, what should we do?"

King Haili smiled and said: "He dare not, now we are grasshoppers on a rope, he can only follow us to the dark!"

Hai Dragon King licked his lips: "I heard that the ancestor of the Lushen Dynasty is a semi-holy deer. If we can get the body of this deer, our eight brothers are expected to make great strides forward!"

King Hai shook his head: "Don't think about it, the corpse of this old deer is not something we can get our hands on. The Yuan Dynasty can keep an eye on it. We can just get some money, and we can retire when the time comes."

King Haiyun nodded: "Dage is right. Let the Prince of Han clean up the mess, or the Great Yuan Dynasty will directly annex the Lushen Dynasty!"

Hai Chao Wang frowned and said: "If that's the case, will the Yuan Dynasty take the opportunity to attack us?"

King Hai shook his head and said: "The demise between the continents is like the smell of fish. At that time, not only Dayuanzhou will come to smell the smell, but the nearby Zihezhou, Dongluanzhou, Dongshazhou, and Xuanyuanzhou will definitely not let go." But, otherwise, how could we fish in troubled waters."

King Hailing also nodded: "Prince Han thinks too much. Once the semi-holy old deer dies, the Lushen Dynasty will have no capital to fight against, so it can only decline. The Supreme Emperor alone cannot stand it. , unless the Prince of Han finds a backer."

Haiwang waved his hand and said: "That's why we have to be hypocritical. Before things get completely chaotic, we can't tear ourselves apart with Prince Han, but we can't do it on the surface."

Everyone nodded, they are not stupid, and those who can get to this position naturally have a bit of brains.

And at this moment, the Sea Demon King spoke: "The tide has receded, and Sea God Continent was born."

Sea King got up and said: "Spread this matter, the Sea God Continent has emerged, the Sea God Palace has signs of appearing, and the holy relic is in front, I don't believe there is any arrogance in the world who can withstand the temptation."

The seven sea kings all nodded. Sea God Continent was an ancient continent. Due to changes in geography, it finally sank, and the Sea God Palace, the former first rank force, also disappeared along with it.

And in that ancient time, the Overseas Eight Continents were nothing more than a subsidiary force of Sea God Continent.

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