In the mysterious sea, above the sky, those eyes that ignore everything recede.

The consciousness of killing the master returned to his body, and the loss of his heart made him already at the end of his battle!

Even though everything that happened just now was controlled by the Shasheng, the Shazhu also saw it clearly.

"a ha ha ha!"

The killer raised his head to the sky and screamed, his laughter was a bit sad, it was not his own end that was sad, but the identity of this chess piece that was discarded at will.

"Dong Luanzhou behaves like this! No wonder this matter can't be done, Qin Luo! You won! But Dong Luanzhou didn't completely lose!"

As soon as the sound fell, the killer died in a fit of anger. His body fell into the sea and was swallowed up by the ocean!

Everyone in Qin Luo frowned, not knowing what the words "killing the master" meant.

Looking at that guy Luo Sha, he found that he had a relaxed and indifferent face, as if he had seen it through.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Luo Sha shook his head, and suddenly grinned: "Hee hee! My ghost palace has succeeded! Although I can't see it anymore, it doesn't matter, it will be fine one day!"

The breath of the sea god horse swept out, and all these killing stars were shocked, and the corpses fell into the sea one by one.

"Turn it into the nutrient of the mysterious sea environment."

When Hai Yuanlong's golden trident struck, the power of the sea god rippled out, purifying all negative influences, and returning the sea to its original color!

"There's something wrong here."

All the killing stars on the killing star list are Death, and the Tianjiao ranking of Dongluanzhou will be re-selected.

But Qin Luo and the others were a little uneasy. Luo's words before killing him, like the whispers of the Devil, rang in everyone's ears!

"What is the meaning of Luo Sha's last words?"

"Has he succeeded in Rakshasa temple?"

Everyone looked towards Hai Ningdie, only to see Hai Ningdie comprehending, revealing Zhou Ling who was embracing the sleeping Sea God Continent.

Now this little guy was poisoned by the spirit devouring poison of ghosts and fell into a deep sleep, but now he is also suppressed by the power of the high priest?

"Mysterious, don't worry about him, people in Dongluanzhou are all mentally ill!"

Yun Jing was very annoyed by his thoughts. For a person like him, it is better to use his hands than his brains!

Xiao Hei landed on Qin Luo's shoulder, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but the Cultivation Technique seemed to be running at a much faster speed.

Gui Xuan also shrunk back to the appearance of a little turtle, and acted as a pendant on Qin Luo's body, silently recovering.

Qin Luo also put away the Natal Sword and Thunder Emperor Sword, and stored them in the treasure box of hidden swords. After this battle, they all suffered serious sword injuries.

I don't know how long it will take this time.

Qin Luo walked up to Hai Yuanlong with a smile, and patted the young sea god.

"Not bad, not bad! Brat, he looks a little better now."

Hai Yuanlong giggled.

Poseidon Ma, on the other hand, was very displeased: "Boy! Be careful with your words, he is now the new Seagod of my Poseidon Continent, please show some respect."

Hai Yuanlong retorted: "Uncle Hai, he is my Master, so don't use the Sea God's tricks on my Master."


Sea God Ma snorted coldly: "If it weren't for your innate fusion of Sea God's Heart, I wouldn't agree with you."


Hai Yuanlong grinned, this young man is already a Ninth Stage spirit man, he has accepted the inheritance of the Sea God, and now he is slowly growing up.

Now this trip, the sea mysterious environment is Returned to Origin.

Not only did the new Poseidon appear, Dong Lunzhou's plan also failed, and Zhou Ling was saved.

"Greetings, Lord Seagod!"

Hai Ningdie bestowed a blessing, but she looked a little inconvenient as she was holding Zhou Ling.

Hai Yuanlong quickly waved his hand: "Don't! Don't! Don't! Princess Ningdie, I can't bear this gift, and I can't bear this title."

Sea God immediately said from the side: "Why can't you bear it? This is the rule of my Sea God Continent!"

Hearing this, Hai Yuanlong didn't say anything anymore, because he knew that the boss of this Sea God horse was going to die, and he regarded Sea God's rules above everything else.

Hai Ningdie hurriedly propped up the Zhou Ling of Sea God Continent, revealing the current state of the Zhou Ling.

"Master Seagod!"

Looking at Zhou Ling's state, Hai Yuanlong was also a little at a loss. After all, he had only just completed the Seagod's inheritance, but he hadn't learned the Seagod's power, so he could only release some with the help of the golden trident.

Sea God Ma also looked at Zhou Ling, and couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "This matter has to be left to the current high priest. Sea God has just ascended to power, and his strength is weak, so he can't save him."

The divination technique of the high priest Mastery may be able to find a way to resolve it.

"I'll send you out first!"

Hai Yuanlong also knew that the situation was urgent, and the golden trident in his hand trembled slightly.


The portal to the mysterious sea opens, revealing the scenery outside.

Hai Ningdie thanked her and retreated respectfully.

"I'm going back to Qiankun Continent too, brother Qin, the Qiankun secret realm will open in a month's time, remember to come!"

Yun Jing also left, with so many things happening in Sea God Continent, the High Priest should not have time to be distracted by him.

And the things in the sea mysterious realm also made Yun Jing angry, Qiankun Wulou has rules, they don't care about fighting with Realm, but if someone bullies others by relying on the Cultivation Base, then I'm sorry, let's have a good chat .

As long as Yun Jing conveys this word back to Qiankunzhou, the owner of Qiankun may get up immediately and go to Dongluanzhou to start a battle with the Shasheng!

Seeing Yun Jing's slightly angry expression, Qin Luo also waved his hand.

"Don't worry! I will go!"

Poseidon glanced around and said, "What's wrong? If you don't leave, do you still want to stay here for dinner?"

Qin Luo couldn't help laughing, and immediately said goodbye with a cupped fist.

"Cultivate hard, and strive to bring a surprise to Teacher the next time I see you!"

Hai Yuanlong nodded heavily, and then with a wave of the golden trident, another ray of light fell into Qin Luo's body from the Sea God's bedroom.

The Sea God Ma wanted to cry but had no tears: "Sin! Young man, no matter how much background you have in your flower skills, you will be defeated!"

Hai Yuanlong didn't care, watching the back of Qin Luo and the others as they left.

He said gratefully: "Power can be rebuilt, but if there is no Master, I guess I would have died in Seaside City. The Master has saved my life, so what is a little power?"

Haishenma didn't refute. With the strength of a semi-sage, he can naturally see Qin Luo's strength clearly.

"It's okay, your Master is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and your future achievements may only reach unprecedented heights."

After meeting each other for a short time, Sea God Horse had already sensed Qin Luo's Realm and the identity of the beast master, and the two beasts were more outrageous than the other.

"Okay! Let's start training, you are the weakest candidate for the Sea God of all generations."

The sea god horse sighed, he was sleeping comfortably on the bottom of the sea, but the arrival of this strange creature, Hai Yuanlong, disturbed him.

After all, Sea God Ma had never seen such a weak Sea God candidate.

Hai Yuanlong nodded, and a stalwart figure immediately appeared in the Seagod's bedroom, that was the new Seagod's teacher who practiced the Seagod's power!

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