Xuanqiang and Luansheng were suppressed forcefully, and Yun Hongliu showed the strength of a peerless powerhouse!

At the same time, Yun Hongliu was also answering Qin Luo's question.

"I will regularly transfer the toxin of Impurities to the ten-body pavilion, which is sealed inside those stone pillars, and then clean it up every now and then. This natal spiritual weapon has this convenience, otherwise I don't know what it is like to degenerate."

Qin Luo understands.

In fact, although Yun Hongliu eats it so easily, as someone who has experienced it, Qin Luo knows very well that those things don't taste very good.

Just like his own current state...

"The body of good and evil gods is forbidden to be used in the future. It's too crazy. I don't use my own body as my body at all. I eat everything. I don't know if I have a bad stomach? Really."

Qin Luo rubbed the center of his brows, feeling very headache. For the next few days, he will have to sit in a wheelchair for a while. Don't ask why, just because his legs are weak!

"Beast Master!"

At this time, the three little ones rushed in, crying sadly. After all, the 'Qin Luo' in the state of the evil god gave them a strong sense of oppression, and their hearts suffered 10,000 points of critical damage!

"Wow! My stupid beast master! I almost thought you would never come back like this!"

Gui Xuan thought, Qin Luo's slap suddenly lifted up, but seeing the injury on Gui Xuan's body, he had no choice but to put it down again.

"I'll spare you this time, but I'll keep it in the account book, and I'll count it together next time."

Xiao Hei landed on Qin Luo's shoulder, he only cared about one question: "My beast master, next time you want to focus on training Ah Fu, right?"

Qin Luo shook his head abruptly, frightened for a while: "It's enough to train cats and cats. Ah Fu, as the second side, has always been growing. Even if we want to train, it's not now."

Based on Ah Fu's dirty deal with the evil 'Qin Luo', it is possible that Qin Luo would go offline on the first day of Ah Fu's breakthrough.

From now on, ‘Qin Luo’ will always appear.

At this time, Maomao, who had turned back into a cat, also returned to Qin Luo.

"Beastmaster, my stomach hurts!"

Qin Luo also nodded: "My stomach hurts too, no way! I have to run!"

Immediately, Qin Luo handed over the master's power to these saints, leaving them a headache, while he himself went to Closed Door Training.

All the saints present joked and laughed, they never thought that the majestic Lord of the Hundred Continents Alliance would have such troubles.

"Go, go! Let's deal with the funeral."


Not long after, news of the Hundred Continents Alliance's victory spread throughout the entire Eastern Continent!

Dongluanzhou, which had been divided for an unknown number of years, has completely returned to the territory of Dongzhou Domain!

And the breaking news is far more than this!

The holy pavilion has risen completely, the old man Tianjian joins, Wu Gan joins, and Qiankun Yunxiao joins!

Half of the area originally occupied by Dongranzhou will be used as the dojo of the Holy Pavilion!

And how much is the territory of the Eastern Chaotic Continent? Half! How huge!

It can be said that the Hundred Continents Alliance adds up to nothing more than that!

But from now on, Dongluanzhou has been renamed, and within the territory of the Holy Pavilion, it is collectively called Shengzhou!

Let Yun Hongliu join hands with other Holy Pavilion Spirit Saints to unite these continents to form a huge continent!

From now on, this is the main continent of the Holy Pavilion! Even the nearby sea area is the sphere of influence of the Holy Pavilion!

And Qin Luo will make it a place of pilgrimage for all cultivators in the Eastern Continent!

After the combination of the continents, the Holy Continent still needs to be remodeled, after all, the East Luan Continent had destroyed it very badly before.

But before that, the remnants in Dongranzhou will be cleared first, just in case, and then the knowledge will be popularized.

Immediately afterwards, the saints of the spirits took action again, shaping mountains, opening up rivers, clearing out plains, and building the holy city, the main city of the holy pavilion!

After all this was done, Yun Hongliu killed the chaotic saint and sacrificed to the heavens, and let the holy meteor rain fall on the nascent Shengzhou continent.

The Holy Fall of the Ninth Stage of the Holy Spirit is the most terrifying. The avenues emerged and filled the sky and the earth. The spiritual rain fell for half a month, completely integrating the Holy Continent and making this nascent continent glow with vitality.

The main city of the Holy Pavilion was built very quickly. Before the Hundred Continents Alliance was disbanded, craftsmen from the Hundred Continents were dispatched to build it. Of course, they built other buildings in the main city.

The Holy City is divided into inner and outer cities. The outer city is used as a commercial land to drive economic development, while the inner city is the main city of the Holy Pavilion.

Although divided into inside and outside, the inner city is more than three times that of the outer city!

The materials are all made of huge and complete Qing jade, which contains Spiritual Qi, and the texture is delicate and cold, which is very good.

It was built by a group of saints for half a month, which can be described as painstaking.

Even following the custom, let the high priest divination Feng Shui, so that the construction of the holy city conforms to the weather of the avenue.

Finally, three months later, the Shengzhou Continent completely took on a new look, appearing in front of the world with a brand new look.

The success of the establishment of the Shengzhou Continent has shown an amazing background!

The Thunder Emperor Palace was moved here by Lei Jiao, and the Lei Dao Lotus flower fell for three days and three nights, and tens of thousands of Lei Dao geniuses emerged!

Not to be outdone by the Sea God Palace, Hai Yuanlong also moved the mysterious sea environment here, the same is true for the waterway Lotus flower, and the avenue shows its beauty!

The old man Tianjian also moved Tianjianzhou here. After all, he will retire in the Holy Pavilion in the future, and the way of swordsmanship will naturally open up, and he will teach for ten days!

Countless sword cultivators from the Eastern Continent came here one after another! It was very lively for a while!

The same is true for the way of zither sounds. Of course, Tianyin Continent is still neutral, but Fairy Tianyin belongs to the Holy Pavilion.

Wugan also opened up Martial Dao to teach the most holy martial arts!

There is also the Deer God who also preaches and teaches, and enlightens the monsters of the Holy Continent, making them spiritual.

Lu Shenzhou reappeared, slowly developed by the three brothers and sisters of Lu Yueshen, but with the protection of the Holy Pavilion, it can be regarded as smooth sailing.

All in all, Shengzhou Continent was a thriving scene until Qin Luo left the customs.

Because of Qin Luo Closed Door Training, Guixuan took several months of vacation and lived comfortably.

So the first thing I saw when I saw Qin Luo was: "Beastmaster, why are you so stupid, and you are still in a wheelchair, shame on you!"

Qin Luo didn't want to pay attention to it, but seeing Guixuan's Realm standing still, he still couldn't help cursing.

"Damn tortoise, you haven't been playing all the time these days, are you? Dog! I should put Xiao Hei's inner scroll sword on you."

Now that all members are breaking through, Guixuan has the lowest change.

But Guixuan obviously looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, so he wrote on his forehead, what can you do to me?

"Call all the saints of the Holy Pavilion! I have something to announce!"

Not long after, in the main hall of the Holy Pavilion, Qin Luo sat high on the throne, showing the majesty of the young Lord of the Holy Pavilion!

"Meet the Pavilion Master!"

In the Great Hall, Yun Hongliu, Wu Gan, Tianjian Old Man, Qiankun Yunxiao, High Priest, Jiansan, Leijiao, Deer God, Sea God Horse, Tianyin Fairy and other saints gathered together.

"This time everyone is called for one thing. All the seniors know that I am not from the Eastern Continent. For some reason, I came to the Eastern Continent to practice. Now that the experience is over, I should return to the Southern Region to solve some things. Already!"

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