Fantasy: There Is Something Wrong With This Beastmaster

Chapter 359 Encirclement And Suppression Of Xuanmen

Beiming Territory, Beixuan Bingshan, Xuanmen resident.

Everything here seems to be as usual, Xuanmen is a second rank force in the Northern Nether Realm, of course, it seems so on the surface.

Xuanmen is very low-key in the Beiming Territory, even unreasonably low-key. Xuanmen disciples rarely go down the mountain, and even seldom leave the Xuanmen's own territory, like an honest and dull man, guarding his own three-acre land.

During this change in the Beiming Territory, the territory of the Xuanmen did not fall into the hands of the Five Kings Guards. It was said that the body of the founder of Kaizong was lost, and the entire Xuanmen entered the camp of the Beiming Territory to fight against the Five Kings Guards in.

And with this inner ghost, how can the forces in the Northern Nether Region have any plans to deploy? Everything was destroyed like a wreck!

And all of this, the high-level leaders of the forces in the Northern Nether Region felt that they couldn't arrange a home, and couldn't trap the pinnacle of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, Xuanmen discussed matters.

The sect master Xuan Tianyang sat in a high position, and the five Elders were below him.

"It's no longer possible to go on like this. Those guys in the Northern Nether Realm are beginning to suspect that there is an inner ghost."

The half-hundred old man with a fierce face nodded: "According to the plan of the five ancestors, after the northern underworld is unified, they can use this as a springboard to march to the middle sky region, or even go to the southern region to save my king!"

The old man with long eyebrows said: "The plan of the ancestors is certainly good, but there are four more ancestors of Wanbao Trading Company in the coalition forces of the Northern Nether Region. These four hard bones are indeed difficult to chew in a short time."

The old man with a gloomy face also said: "Why don't you mobilize your background, let's directly disintegrate the Northern Darkness Alliance Army from within, they can't stop it."

Xuan Tianyang shook his head: "No, the temptations of the five patriarchs have already made people in the world fearful. If we use our background again, I'm afraid that the cultivators of the entire Great Spirit World will have to unite to resist us."

A goatee Taoist Elder nodded: "The sect master's worries are not unreasonable, not to mention that my king is about to break the seal, and it must be the weakest time. If we don't get our support and supplies, I'm afraid it will happen again." It caused my king's great plan to fail, and we will be guilty of a great crime at that time."

As soon as this remark came out, all the Xuan people present nodded silently, it was indeed true.

"Why hasn't Xuan Fan come back?"

Xuan Tianyang spoke suddenly, counting the time, Xuan Fan should have already returned.

The five Elders all looked at each other. These days, they were busy being ghosts and actors, and almost forgot about it.

At this time, a disciple just came in: "Send me to the sect master! Xuanfan asks to see you!"

Xuan Tianyang looked calm, and ordered: "Let him in!"

Soon Xuan Fan walked in with slightly stiff steps, his face dull and expressionless.

The old man with the goatee was overjoyed: "Xuanfan, I never thought you would practice my clan's secret arts to such an extent! And you even settled in the corpse of the first emperor of China, not bad!"

The rest of the Elders all looked happy, this second-generation Xuan Clan named Xuan Fan is better than many Xuan Clans in the first generation.

"However, although you have made great achievements, but now is the time for our sect to employ people, the corpse of the first emperor of China is still reserved for the use of stronger patriarchs in the sect, adding one more sage to support the five patriarchs there."

Seeing that Xuan Fan didn't speak, the five Elders frowned.

"Xuanfan! We are asking you something!"

Xuan Fan still didn't speak, but in the next second Xuan Tianyang was furious, and blasted Xuan Fan out with a palm, shouting loudly in his mouth!

"Xuanmen is on guard! An enemy is invading!"

Xuan Fan flew upside down, his whole body exploded in the sky, and the semi-holy-level explosive force directly shattered the mountain gate of Xuanmen!

At the same time, Xuanmen is also on guard!

"Notify the other forces in the Beiming Territory, saying that my Xuanmen has been invaded by the Xuanzu, and ask for support!"

But at The next moment, a voice replied: "There is no need to die, you are already surrounded by me."

The figure of Yun Hongliu appeared from it, with his arms crossed, he turned his head and said to Su Xingtian: "I blew up Su Yunzhi's body, do you have any objection?"

Su Xingtian shook his head: "Ashes to ashes, ashes to ashes, the teacher should not want to own the corpse and be treated as a lackey by the Xuanzu."

Yun Hongliu nodded, and looked at the gate of the Xuanmen, which still had more than half of the guard formation.

In the next second, a head made of Spiritual Qi appeared on the top of Yun Hongliu's head, and with Yun Hongliu's movements, he suddenly bit at the Xuanmen formation!


One bite! With just one bite, the Xuanmen formation shattered, the foundation of the formation collapsed, and the spirit of the formation was Death!

Xuan Tianyang stepped into the air, confronted Yun Hongliu and Su Xingtian, and asked: "You two seniors! Are you trying to destroy my Xuanmen? My Xuanmen is now one of the coalition forces in the Northern Nether Region!"

Yun Hongliu laughed mockingly: "Stop yelling, "Catch the thief! People from the Xuan clan! You smell like that! I'm very familiar with it!"

Xuan Tianyang frowned and expressed his puzzlement: "What do you mean by this, Your Excellency? Are you slandering my Taoism?"

Yun Hongliu laughed loudly: "Slander you as a fifth stage? Are you worthy?"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Hongliu made a bold move, and the Xuanming iceberg exploded on the mountain behind Xuanmen. It was like stabbing an ant's nest, and countless corpses fell down like dumplings.

"Tsk tsk tsk! It's well hidden. This Beiming domain is really like a big freezer, which perfectly hides the bloody smell of your Xuan clan!"

Seeing this scene, Xuan Tianyang stopped acting, and directly tore his face.

"The two Spirit Saints are at the peak! It would be good to increase my Xuan Clan background! I am worried that I can't find a good Spirit Saint corpse!"

Yun Hongliu looked at Xuan Tianyang with a sneer, and said, "You better ask Xuan Qiang and the others to come back, oh, sorry, they won't come back!"

Only then did Su Xingtian speak out: "The five kings and guards will not be able to come back in time. The coalition forces of the Northern Nether Region are implicating them, and your news will not be able to spread."

Xuan Tianyang was not afraid at all, and said: "Just the two of you?"

Yun Hongliu looked coldly: "It seems that you all of the first and second generation Xuan clan have forgotten me, that's right, in terms of heads-up, the five kings and guards can only be beaten in front of me, and they probably won't fight with you Bring up those dark histories."

"Everyone! Come out!"

As soon as the words fell, all the spirit saints appeared, in addition to Qin Luo's one hundred spirit venerables.

Lingsheng can't kill him, so it's okay to help deal with the bottom-level Xuanzu.

Looking at the lineup on the opposite side, Xuan Tianyang couldn't help but his complexion darkened: "The preparations are really sufficient, is this going to eat my Xuanmen in one fell swoop?"

The five Elders of Xuanmen soared into the air, and at this time they were no longer hidden, and with Xuan Tianyang added, the aura of the original Lingzun changed in vain.

Holy Fifth Stage, Holy Fifth Stage, Holy Third Stage, Holy Second Stage, Holy First Stage, Holy First Stage.

At this moment, the Lingsheng and Lingzun who besieged Xuanmen were all shocked, their faces shocked!

Yun Hongliu looked towards Xuanming Iceberg, and said surprisingly: "The ones over there, come out too! Are you all frozen into zombie flesh here? Can't you come out for activities?"

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