Gu Qianming and others fled the Spiritual Qi storm in embarrassment, which was formed by the attack of ancient remnants.

And when they survived, there were less than 200 people left in the original team of nearly 10,000 people.

Gu Qianming's face was ashen, and he said almost gnashing his teeth: "Damn it's pigs! When I catch you, I will definitely peel you and cramp you! Refining them into human lamps!"

Gu Yun's face was also gloomy, the killing intent in his eyes could no longer be contained, and his chest heaved accordingly.

The same is true for the rest of the people, they hated Qin Luo and Liu Jianbai so much at this moment, those two scouts dared to deceive them with Illusion Art themselves, causing them heavy losses.

"Ah! Ah!! Master Gu, help me!"

There are still many people in the Spiritual Qi storm behind him, and there are even loyal dog legs, but it is naturally impossible for Gu Qianming to go back to save them, the Spiritual Qi storm is too terrible.

He even said in a cold voice immediately: "Damn you too! If you join forces to fight against the Spiritual Qi storm, how can I lose a Shattering Void realm treasure?"

From Gu Qianming's point of view, these pigs and ants should die for the people of his ancient spirit clan.

Gu Yun took a deep breath and said, "My lord, inheritance is important!"

Gu Qianming nodded, and flew out immediately. After avoiding the Spiritual Qi storm, they were already very close to the inheritance of the Dou War Saint ape.

The crowd followed quickly.

In the Spiritual Qi storm, Liu Erye and Yuan Changgang are still fighting hard.

Although they are the Shattering Void realm, if they want to break through the Spiritual Qi storm and escape, they have to pay some price.


Finally, under Liu Erye's pain, at the cost of a Shattering Void realm treasure, he finally blasted a gap in the Spiritual Qi storm.


Yuan Changgang seized the opportunity and escaped with Liu Erye, only the remaining people were slowly worn to death by the Spiritual Qi storm.

Second Master Liu said heartbroken: "Brother Yuan, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to obtain the inheritance of the War Saint."

Without the hole cards, Realm is not enough, they can't compete with Gu Qianming and Gu Yun of the Ancient Spirit Race.

Yuan Changgang sneered and said, "It's okay, Second Master, as long as our Demon Monkey Clan can win!"

Second Master Liu suddenly came to his senses: "What do you mean?"

I saw Yuan Changgang took out something, which was like a small portal, very miniature and delicate.

Looking at that thing, Second Master Liu said in a daze: "Gateway of the Great Dao? Did you invite a strong person from the Dao Realm?"

Yuan Changgang said: "Second Lord, you know that the ancient spirit tribe is here, and we can't compete with them, but I can't get the inheritance of the War Saint ape, and it's impossible for him to fight against the ancient spirit tribe. will get it!"

When the sound fell, Yuan Changgang suddenly instilled Spiritual Qi into the small portal, a large amount of Spiritual Qi was injected, the avenue portal flew out, and quickly grew larger and expanded in the void, finally forming a void portal about ten meters high!

Yuan Changgang immediately knelt down, cupped fist with both hands, and said respectfully: "Master Yuan Li!"

Second Master Liu immediately looked at the portal of the avenue, and saw a dark ape figure leaping over, pushing open the portal, and coming down here forcefully.

"The Little Ape King of the Devil Ape Clan! Ape Li?!"

Second Master Liu was startled, he didn't expect Yuan Changgang to be able to invite this well-known figure in the Demon God's Star Territory.

One of the ten little devil kings, the little ape king, Yuan Li.

Yuan Li took a deep breath, his voice was like thunder, Devilish Qi rolled on his body, his body suddenly shrunk, and he turned into a tall man, dressed in a black robe, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, with a rebellious look.

In front of the gate of the avenue, Yuan Li stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Yuan Changgang indifferently.

Said: "Yu Changgang, you are very sensible, when this king obtains the inheritance of Dou War Saint Ape, I will reward you as a follower!"

Ape Changgang was overjoyed immediately, and cheered up, "Thank you, little ape king!"

Yuan Li then looked at Second Master Liu, who was startled, and immediately respectfully cupped fist: "I've seen the little ape king!"

Yuan Li nodded slightly, then walked out, looked towards the place where Dou War Saint Ape inherited, and said lightly: "This king has sensed the breath of Dou War Saint Ape!"

Both Qin Luo and Liu Jianbai guessed wrong, the people of Demon Realm didn't want to demonize Dou War Saint Ape at all, but wanted to directly become Dou War Saint Ape!

"Yan Changgang, you said earlier that Gu Qianming of the Ancient Spirit Race is here?"

Yuan Zhanggang nodded: "Yes! The guardian is Gu Yun, who is at the peak of the Shattering Void realm, and he also has a spirit ape of comparable strength."

The little ape king ape sneered sharply: "There is nothing to be afraid of! This king is at the Dao realm! If the person behind Gu Qianming came in person, it would be more or less the same. If he was not a member of the ancient spirit clan, he would have nothing to worry about. Brilliant place."

Yuan Li clapped his hands, and three figures came out from the portal of the avenue, all of them were Shattering Void realm Returned to Origin!

All three of them are Yuan Li's demon slaves!

Second Master Liu's scalp felt numb all of a sudden, he was afraid that the little monkey king would turn him into a demon slave with just one thought!

"See Little Ape King!"

Yuan Li waved his hand, his eyes were greedily staring ahead.

"The inheritance of the Dou War Saint ape in the Dao Zunjing, according to some obscure records, the strength of this Dou War Saint ape has touched the threshold of the Reincarnation Realm, if this king can get his inheritance and refine his origin! Dao Prestige is just around the corner!"

Yuan Li's expression became greedy. Among the ten little devil kings, Yuan Li was just the tail of the crane, and he couldn't compare with the previous ones, let alone the top three.

But if he obtains the inheritance of Dou War Saint, it will be the capital for him to stand up. Not only is the Taoist state just around the corner, but he can also compete in the reincarnation state!

At that time, he will overtake the previous few in one fell swoop and trample them underfoot!

Thinking of this, Yuan Li couldn't help but licked his lips. For this reason, when Yuan Changgang passed the news back to the Demon Ape Clan, Yuan Li intercepted it almost instantly, and rushed over in person without stopping.

Yuan Li immediately walked out slowly, and said excitedly: "Let's go! It's time to get the inheritance of this king!"

In this inheritance place of the War Saint Ape, the ape's power of the Great Dao Realm is already the highest!


Looking far away, there is the aura of Dou War Saint ape emanating from the place where the Dou War Saint ape inherits instantly, making the ape feel ready to move.

Dou War Saint Ape Heritage Site.

Looking at the towering stone pillar, Gu Qianming's face was ashen, and the spirit was still there, but there was no power of inheritance!

Looking at the newly extinguished bonfire in the dojo, Gu Qianming couldn't bear it anymore.

"Damn it's pigs! How dare you take away the inheritance that this young master intends! It really is a damned race!"

As soon as Gu Qianming opened his eyes, he saw Qin Luo sitting on the stone chair in the main hall in the dojo of War Saint Ape, looking at them with amusement.

Gu Qianming was very familiar with that kind of look. When he played with ants, his eyes were full of teasing.

Gu Qianming was immediately irritated, and said angrily: "I want you to die!"

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