Tang Xing led everyone to stay here just to observe the rules here, so that these little guys can learn it.

At this time, they also saw Cui Zheng's victory.

It was obvious that this sword repairman, who had fallen in the mud during the disciple plundering competition, had regained his dignity here.

Seeing Cui Zheng leaving quickly, Qin Luo said, "Senior Brother Cui! This way!"

Cui Zheng's steps froze, and the next second his steps flew, and the spirit sword flew to his feet to support him, and flew away quickly.

"Senior Brother Cui's fencing skills are very smooth!" Qin Luo said with emotion.

Seeing that Cui Zheng didn't come, Tang Xing joked, "This kid is probably afraid of you."

He explained to everyone: "After being on the list of disciples, there will be a settlement point every month. The higher the ranking, the more points. Of course, it does not mean that as long as you are on the ranking, it will be done once and for all."

"Yuntian secret realm has many disciples, and the points in the disciple list are also the most abundant, so almost every disciple on the list will be challenged. In order to avoid unnecessary battles, a leapfrog challenge ranking has evolved."

"So as long as you have the strength, you can directly fight for the first place, and the disciples on the list must accept the challenge at least once a month. If you give up, then when someone successfully challenges the previous disciple, your The ranking will also be devolved until it is squeezed out of the leaderboard, and vice versa."

Everyone listened to this and nodded, indicating that they understood.

To put it bluntly, if you give up the challenge and challenge the War Practitioner to win the previous ranking, then your ranking will automatically drop by one until you are finally squeezed out.

And if you accept the challenge, you can also defend your own ranking. Of course, if you lose, you will change your position with the War Practitioner ranking.

It's just that after you accept it, then you don't have to worry about your own ranking being squeezed out that month, and the ranking will be fixed there until the second month is re-calculated.

"So every month, you only need to accept the fixed ranking for one battle. After you finish, you can continue to challenge or refuse, but the ranking will not be changed or squeezed out."

It is equivalent to playing a fixed game every month. After the fixed game, you can play or not.

This point is already very tolerant. Those who are ambitious will challenge for a higher position, and those who only think of a fixed position will be brushed down sooner or later until they can no longer catch up with the disciples of the Tianjiao List.

"So when challenging, you have to challenge the corresponding position according to your own strength. This can save your own time and won't trouble other disciples."

Everyone nodded, this is indeed understandable, otherwise someone would definitely harass the number one every day.

After understanding the competition of the Disciple Tianjiao List, everyone in Qin Luo also understood the rules of the Tianjiao List.

At this time Tang Xing got up again: "Let's go! I'm familiar with this place, and then go to the Tongtian Pagoda."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became excited.

Long before they came, they knew that there were two places in the Yuntian secret realm that could earn big points.

One is this disciple Tianjiao List, and the other is Tongtian Pagoda!

Compared with the point settlement once a month in the Disciple Tianjiao Ranking, almost as long as the Tongtian Pagoda passes the level, the points will be credited to the account immediately!

With Tang Xing leading the team, naturally there would be no surprises along the way, while those old disciples were watching and silently calculating these new disciples.

For them, once the novice protection period is over, it is also a point to accept these new disciples!

The beautiful name is: protection fee.

So whenever there is fresh blood coming in, it is the busiest time in Yuntian Secret Realm.

The mountains have existed since ancient times, and Tang Xing led the crowd to fly over several peaks in succession. When they flew over a thousand-meter-high mountain, an ancient pagoda that lifted the sky appeared in front of everyone.

The ancient pagoda is slightly inclined, mottled and ancient, and the tower body goes straight into the clouds, like a magnificent building rising from the ground.

"Tongtian Pagoda, isn't this also an ancient relic?"

Looking at this ancient pagoda, Qin Luo asked.

Sure enough, Tang Xing nodded and replied: "Otherwise, why do you think Sect spent so much money and material resources to include this tower in the magic circle? Are you looking to play?"

"In the Yuntian secret realm, the base site here is a part of the ancient Yuntian sect. Whether it is the disciple ladder, the arena, or the Tongtian tower, they are all things from ancient times, even the ancient Yuntian peak and the ancient city of Yuntian. In order to include these things, it took a lot of background, but it was worth it."

While speaking, everyone fell down. Unlike the arena, there are obviously more disciples gathered here.

At a glance, there are thousands of people.

A large open space was also cleared in front of the Qingtian Tongtian Pagoda.

And a small market has already formed on the open space. In the market, those old disciples are like street vendors, shouting their own products.

Seeing this, Tang Xing also explained: "Each floor of the Tongtian Pagoda is a micro-shaped secret realm, which will change as different disciples enter, so there was an Elder speculation in Sect a long time ago that this Qingtian Tongtian Pagoda is also a place to train Sect disciples."

"Every disciple will get different rewards after clearing the level, and over time, they will also have things they don't need. This is how this market was formed."

All the disciples nodded, and Fang Ling raised his hand again and said: "My lord, every disciple will be rewarded for clearing the level. After all these years, won't the Qingtian Tongtian Tower be exhausted?"

This problem also attracted Qin Luo and others to wait and see. Tang Xing sighed and said: "Of course it will be exhausted. This has happened before, but later Sect discovered that as long as a large amount of Spirit Stones are injected for the Tongtian Tower to absorb , it can make up for it, so the second gold swallowing beast in this Yuntian secret realm is the Tongtian Pagoda."

Qin Luo stood up and asked, "Is this worth it?"

Tang Xing nodded heavily: "Of course it's worth it, not only is it worth it, even Sect is very happy!"


Everyone was a little puzzled, and short-legged Loli Lu Qi asked crisply, "Why?"

Tang Xing looked at the Qingtian Tongtian Pagoda solemnly, and said heavily: "Because according to the speculation of the Master of Zhongxing, this Qingtian Tongtian Pagoda is very likely to be a holy artifact! Those who clear the customs and climb to the top may be recognized by it!"

! ! ! !

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and when they looked at the Tongtian Tower again, they all felt a burst of enthusiasm in their hearts!


This Tongtian Pagoda turned out to be a holy artifact!

Tang Xing continued: "That's why Sect is willing to spend a lot of Spirit Stones in this Tongtian Pagoda, in the hope that one day some disciples will be recognized by him."

"But after all these years, we will just treat it as a legend, because this broken tower has indeed not revealed any changes or changes related to the sacred artifact. The Spirit Stones have been smashed for so many years without even a splash."

At the end, Tang Xing even shrugged his shoulders while spreading his hands.

This made everyone feel as if they had poured cold water on them and were hit hard.

"But it doesn't matter, Quan is a lottery, and the disciples who have experienced training in this tower are also quite good, so Sect acquiesced."

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