Realized that he had said something wrong, but with Chu Kuanglong's haughty character, it was naturally impossible to bow his head.

In Chu Kuanglong's view, it is impossible for the rebellious dog of the Guling clan to resist his Chu clan.

At least it was impossible until the Ancient Spirit Race had no emperor!

It's just that in front of the Quasi Emperor, the race that ridicules others like this has to be expressed.

Chu Shisan said: "Mad Dragon, apologize to Shen Tian Quasi Emperor."

Chu Kuanglong's face was cold and he didn't pay attention at all, but just stared at Qin Luo closely.

Regarding this, Chu Shisan smiled lightly and said, "Don't blame Shen Tian, ​​Quasi Emperor. Kuanglong is the dragon of our Chu Clan's Imperial Clan. I'm used to being proud and arrogant. I will naturally educate him later."

Gu Chentian could only reply with a half-hearted smile: "Where is it? Don't young people be mad at young people. The appearance of Chu Kuanglong's young saint, even if he becomes an emperor in the future, it is not impossible. It is natural to be crazy."

Aunt Lin was disgusted when she heard this, and said: "I hate hypocritical human races like you the most. They are all intrigues and deceitful. They are extremely disgusting. The ancient spirits, you are really living and going back, or are you used to being dogs? Bow down Qu Qi can't stand up anymore? Hmph, calling you dogs is an insult to the dog clan, and the dog clan has stronger backbones than you, so why don't you dare to fight with the Chu family's imperial clan? Coward."

Fulong didn't speak. The Eight Tribulations Quasi Emperor looked slowly at Zhutian, and finally said: "Qin Luo, come back soon."

Qin Luo frowned a little, but he still obeyed Fulong's words and wanted to turn back immediately.

But in the next second, Gu Yuanchu, the doomed Quasi Emperor, made a move, his sleeves fluttered, and his old and haggard palms suppressed Qin Luo with a late life!

"Where is Qin Luo going? Your declaration of war is not over yet!"

Such a scene frightened Shenxiao Tianxing, and everyone's heart tightened.

Lin Gu shot even more swiftly, Qilin applied his blessing to Qin Luo, and at the same time turned into a streamer of light to rescue Qin Luo.

Lin Gu scolded: "Ancient spirit clan! You really don't keep your word! The dignified natural spirit clan is now in such a mess! A bunch of thieves!"

According to the unwritten rules of the heavens and the world, it doesn't matter if the younger generation fights, life or death.

But if anyone relies on Realm seniors to oppress and suppress the younger generation.

Then the clan war between the two big clans will not be blocked by all the heavens and all clans, and those who block it will be condemned verbally and in writing.

But rules like this are all based on self-consciousness. If someone breaks it with a not wanting face, it will end in infamy at best.

The small family dare not do it, and the big family will not do it.

What's more, this kind of work will invite killer organizations, and they can be wiped out if they are blamed. After all, everyone relies on Realm to come out to suppress the younger generation, and the heavens and myriad worlds will be extinct long ago.

However, it is rare for people like the ancient spirit clan to make a face-to-face attack and forcibly stop them.

Gu Yuanchu snorted coldly and said, "Why should Aunt Lin get angry? Qin Luo's declaration of war is not over yet, but he can't leave yet!"

Lin Gu yelled, "Fart! You, the Ancient Spirit Clan, are not wanting faces! No wonder the Chu Clan only treats you like a dog."

After finishing speaking, Lin Gu took Qin Luo down with her hand, and at the same time, with her plain hand, she slapped Gu Yuanchu with a palm!

Gu Chentian appeared quickly, and broke Lingu's palm with a wave of his sleeve. At the same time as the Spiritual Qi was stirring, Gu Chentian's eyes moved, as if a gleam of light struck him!

"Ancient spirit pupil technique?!"

Lin Gu was startled, if the pupil technique of Quasi Emperor level hits, Qin Luo will be demented even if he does not die!

"Qilin armor!"

Lin Gu put one hand on Qin Luo's back, and in an instant, the fine Qilin armor covered her whole body, and at the same time, the auspicious Qilin light flowed!

But even if Lin Gu is well protected, the ancient spirit pupil technique is a racial technique of the ancient spirit clan, and it is mysterious and unpredictable!


In an instant, Qin Luo only felt that the heart lake was shaking, the waves were turbulent, the soul was shaken, and the Qi and blood were in chaos.


Qin Luo's seven orifices were bleeding, his soul was in turmoil, and his aura plummeted.

But Qin Luo still grinned and raised a middle finger at Gu Chentian.

"It's not dead?!"

This made Gu Chentian stunned. With his strength as a Quasi Emperor of the Seven Tribulations, he couldn't kill a person in the altar realm with a single move of the ancient spirit pupil technique? !

"No! No!"

Gu Chentian took a closer look and almost fainted out of breath. It turned out that Qin Luo had already saved a hand.

"Breakthrough before the battle! This guy has also mastered a kind of pupil technique!"

At the moment of the ancient spirit pupil technique, this guy broke through before the battle, and with the help of the improvement brought by the breakthrough, plus an unknown golden pupil technique, he resisted his ancient spirit pupil technique!

Qin Luo stabilized his mind a little, laughed loudly, and mocked: "The Quasi Emperor of the Ancient Spirit Race is nothing more than that!"

Speaking of Qin Luo, he even made a weak gesture, full of sarcasm!

Lin Qianning and a group of beasts quickly stepped forward and brought Qin Luo back.

Now Gu Chentian's face finally lost the smile that he had been hanging all the time, instead his whole face became gloomy.

Aunt Lin laughed and said, "Your ancient spirit clan is really going back as you live, Gu Chentian, isn't it Losing face? The Seven Tribulations Quasi Emperor attacked a junior regardless of his status, haha! It really opened my eyes!"

Gu Chentian said in a deep voice: "If he can resist once, I don't believe he can resist twice! So what if there are many gods? You have to die or you have to die!"

Lin Gu snorted, and said domineeringly: "Then come! Let's continue fighting!"

Speaking of which, Lin Gu immediately made a move, leading Gu Chentian out, and the two fought in the depths of the void.

Qin Luo fell down and sat down, Maomao cleverly made a meat cushion to make Qin Luo more comfortable.

Xiaobai quickly mobilized the power of the Qilin clan to help Qin Luo recuperate.

Guixuan also used the true understanding of the Black Tortoise clan to calm Qin Luo's mind.

Lin Qianning even mobilized the power of this divine star to help Qin Luo recover.

Qin Zun saw it burning with anger, and immediately ordered: "Uncle Long! Please take action! Kill the ancient spirit clan!"

Fulong still raised his head slightly, looking straight ahead, his expression seemed a little dignified.

"Uncle Long?"

Hearing Qin Zun's words, Fu Long said: "Little master, I'm afraid my subordinates won't be able to control that much anymore. Your affairs are really complicated. Even the Quasi Emperor of the Chu Clan's Imperial Clan has been dispatched."

Hearing the voice fall, an old man from the Chu family landed lightly, with a childlike face and white hair, holding a feather fan, and a domineering aura that intimidated the world emerged spontaneously.

Chu batian! The patriarch of the Chu family! Nine Tribulations Quasi Emperor!

At this moment, the appearance of Chu Batian made the atmosphere here instantly heavy and oppressive!

Who can stop the power of the Nine Tribulations Quasi Emperor if the Great Emperor does not come out? !

The appearance of Chu Batian also made Qin Zun's expression turn cold.

"Chu Batian!"

Fu Long made a slight sound, even he, the Dragon Clan, did not dare to underestimate this thin-looking old man.

Chu Batian looked at Fulong calmly, and finally his eyes fell on Lin Qianning.

"Heavenly Dao girl!"

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