Soon the news spread that Qingtian Tongtian Tower was going to open a betting market for beasts.

For a while, all the disciplines who wanted to break through the level surrounded them, and they were amazed to see the sand table information above.

"What? The pet beast of the spiritual master Ninth Stage wants to enter the Tongtian Tower alone?! And clear the first 30 floors?"

"Crazy? This is impossible at all! The guardian spirits of the tenth and twentieth levels are ridiculously strong, and none of the new disciples can pass!"

"No, no! This beast didn't bet to pass these two levels perfectly, but to pass other levels!"

"Is it fake? Is the beast master of this beast a lunatic? He dared to let the own beast go alone! You still have to clear the level!"

"Information...information...grass! Kuroba sparrow Kuroba sparrow of spiritual master Ninth Stage?! Dammit! Yu Xiao Fatty, is this going to be released?"

"The spirit shadow of the 30th level seems to be left by a senior brother whose strength is in the sixth stage of the spirit king?"

"Yes! Although the strength is suppressed by the Qingtian Tongtian Tower, it still has the peak strength of the Spirit King Third Stage!"

"Dammit! Bet! Why not bet! I bet thirty thousand..."


On the gambling board, there were a total of more than a dozen markets opened. Some bet on how many levels can be passed perfectly, some bet on all excellent clearance, some bet on which level will start to recover, some bet on how many moves to pass the level, and some bet on being able to pass the level. Defeat the guardian spirit and replace it!

As the news spread like wildfire, more and more disciples began to place bets. Some of them bet on the first level to recover, some bet on all excellent clearances, and some bet on the top 20 perfect clearances.

Under each market, there are several small markets, betting on recovery, betting on external force, and betting on moves.

But no matter which one, the more extreme the handicap, the higher the odds!

Of course, fewer people will buy it!

But Yu Xiao Fatty is a fine individual, and all the gamblers he opens are based on the psychology of all gamblers. After all, Xiao Hei's information has been edited by Qin Luo before it is released, and those things that are under the box will definitely not be released!

And betting on the pet beast plate! This is the first time there is such a gambling table in Yuntian Secret Realm!

The combat power of a pet beast without a beast master is greatly reduced.

So don't talk about 30 levels, the strength of the spiritual master Ninth Stage is enough to pass 25 levels!

So those gamblers bought the top 20 betting markets one after another, there are all kinds of betting methods, and there are also all kinds of betting ways for Xiaohei to live!

But they don't know that this gamble has ghosts from the beginning!

But gamblers don't care about these, they only care about whether they gambled today! How much bet!

If someone loses in this gamble, someone wins, but the one who gets the most money must be the banker!

Qin Luo's eyes widened when he saw the credits that flowed into the account.

"Damn it! No wonder people from Yushouzhai are willing to invest their points in this guy! Animals! You can earn at least hundreds of thousands of points in one market! There is also a market that secretly places points on the wristbands, so that those Disciples who are not here also buy!"

Qin Luo made a rough calculation, Xiao Hei had more than a dozen handicaps, after this round, Yu Xiao Fatty can at least earn back all the lost more than two million points, and still earn!

"Damn! Don't do anything every day, just invest in this little Fatty, and you can get points in your account even while lying down!"

No wonder this guy said he wanted to listen to him, he couldn't pass all the levels perfectly, he wanted to be a master trader! Win if you want to win, lose if you want to lose!

As the betting was settled, Xiao Hei finally got Qin Luo's order in the Qingtian Tongtian Tower!


(Finally ready to start? I can't wait!)

With Xiaohei's strength, the first level passed easily, and the points were also credited, which means that this bug can be blocked.

Just like Qin Luo's previous clearance, Xiao Hei has already mastered it by heart, but he needs to wait for news from Qin Luo, so he slows down the speed of clearance.

The second pass...the third pass, the fourth pass...

Ninth level...

At the tenth level, Xiao Hei paused. It wasn't that he couldn't break through, but because the private handicap required him to pass the level with a disastrous defeat, and then make a sample recovery at the eleventh level.

On the handicap, there must be a wave of people, and then a wave of killing!

Only in this way can the ruthless thing like the gambling table be opened!

All disciplines are used to this killing disk, after all, the spirit shadow left by Qin Luo is too terrifying, even those old disciples of the Spirit King who lowered their levels to challenge themselves have never done it before!

After all, the guardian spirit will change with the strength of the War Practitioner!

The spirit King Grade is another Qin Luo's spirit shadow, which is estimated to be able to kill all the disciples except the top ten disciples in the Tianjiao list with one sword!

So no one was surprised that Xiao Hei lost to Ling Ying in the tenth level.

Then came the recovery of the eleventh level. Some people sighed, while others cheered.

"I knew it! This Kuroba sparrow will lose to the guardian spirit in the tenth level, and then recover in the eleventh level!" The disciple who was under pressure shouted excitedly!

As everyone knows, this recovery was only released after Qin Luo and Yu Xiaofatty discussed it based on the odds on the gambling table.

Because the payout is the lowest in this level!

Immediately after the twelfth level...the fifteenth level...the nineteenth level...

After making it to the nineteenth level in a row, Xiao Hei was also defeated by the shadow of Qin Luo in the twentieth level.

This failure did not open any bets!

So don't pay!

Immediately after the twenty-first level...the twenty-second level...the twenty-third level...

I have to say, Xiao Hei really didn't boast too much, his strength is indeed able to pass the top 30 perfectly.

However, under the handicap bet, Qin Luo asked him to make some adjustments.

The one who pays the least, give it!

The one who pays high, kill!

This wave of operations can't arouse anyone's doubts at all, after all, they are all acting.

Knowing which level to lose, Xiao Hei will not recover, and keep challenging until the level that should be lost is lost, and then recover to the best state, killing those levels that were won by gambling.

Who would have thought of such a secret operation?

These old disciples were all terrified, after all, a Kuroba sparrow had the strength to win until more than 20 levels before it started to lose!

The twenty-fifth level... the twenty-seventh level.

Until the twenty-ninth level, Xiao Hei also broke through!

Finally came to the thirtieth level.


(Stupid beast master! Do you want to lose the 30th level?)

While recovering, Xiao Hei contacted Qin Luo in his heart.

Qin Luo discussed with Yu Xiao Fatty again, and soon sneered.

"No! This level! You fight evenly! Then win the victory with sword breakthrough!"

Xiao Hei got excited immediately!


(Finally willing to win for me?)

Originally, all the good ones passed the level perfectly, but unexpectedly, the odds on the gamble made Xiao Hei have to act along.

Then the battle of the 30th level was in full swing, and all the disciples who watched couldn’t take their eyes off it. The battle between Kuroba Sparrow and the spirit shadow guarding the level was in full swing. In the end, he had a temporary sword breakthrough and won the victory with a sky full of Sword Ray!


At this moment, none of the disciples expected that this would be the result in the end.

But none of them knew that they had already been trapped by Yushou Peak.

After this wave, Qin Luo actually earned three million points!

"Damn it! If I knew it, I wouldn't have scored five or five points! It's a loss!"

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