As the Great Emperor has been born on all nine thrones, the Emperor Road will also be closed.

The inner law of the emperor's road bloomed, like the last celebration of the birth of the Great Emperor before the last closure, bursting out with countless opportunities.

The living Tianjiao monsters began to frantically compete for these chance treasures.

The throne in this life has nothing to do with them, and the only things they can fight for are these external things.

And some cultivators who have already made a lot of money have also begun to exit one after another.

Among the remaining people, some felt that the road was hopeless, so they stayed and became city slaves, hoping to make further progress with the help of Dilu's rules.

Among them, the most fierce competition belongs to those cities that have lost the garrison Quasi Emperor.

The third city, the fourth city, the fifth city, and finally the ninth city!

The competition among these four cities is extremely fierce!

It is very tempting to become a defender of the city and step into the realm of Quasi Emperor.

Especially now that Lin Qianning has freed the Eleventh Patriarch of Gui and Xu Jiuhou, making those cultivators feel that even becoming a city slave of the Imperial Road is still profitable!

Maybe they will have such a noble person by then?

With such a glimmer of hope in front of them, those cultivators who refused to leave were doomed to fight to the death.

It's just how sad it is that these battles fall in the eyes of the other city's defenders, the Quasi Emperor.

These Quasi Emperors also came here in the same way.

Now these Quasi Emperors are already part of this Emperor Road, leave? Where can I go? Alone, without worries, there is nothing to look forward to in the world.

At the end of the emperor's road, Qin Luo Dihua is in full bloom. After becoming emperor, many things have already been thought of.

Dilu shines brightly.

Xu Jiuhou said: "The emperor's road is closed, and the power is already repelling us."

Qin Luo nodded slightly: "It's time to leave."

Everyone nodded, and then took a step forward. When the foot landed, Qin Luo and the others had already stepped out of the world of Emperor Road!

Guixuan asked: "Beast Master, the emperor's road is closed, what about those brothers and sisters who went to other heavens to compete for the throne?"

Qin Luo felt it and said, "Don't worry, they will come back from other routes after they become emperors. It's not that only the emperor's road can lead to other heavens."

Dilu is just a convenience, without so many rules.

Like the battlefield of the heavens, it is also possible to go to other worlds of the heavens, but it is limited to the flawless saint.

Turtle Eleventh Ancestor stretched his waist, took a deep breath and said, "I never thought there would be a day to return to the heavens, it's really unpredictable."

Xu Jiuhou saw that this was no longer the appearance of the heavens in his impression, and he felt a little lost. He was born in Rogue Cultivators, and now that so many years have passed, the family he left behind probably has disappeared in the years.

"The mountains and rivers have changed."

Lin Qianning looked at Qin Luo and said, "Qin Luo big brother, where shall we go next?"

Qin Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "Of course I want to do something that I couldn't do before! The Ancient Spirit Clan and the Chu Clan!"

As Qin Luo's words fell, the eyes of the pet beasts became hot!

"Finally, the day has come! The original account is now fully repaid!"

The eight beasts all exuded imperial prestige!

At this moment, the heavens are in turmoil! Countless strengths were shocked! Because they felt the killing intent in Emperor Wei!

"The Emperor Road is over! A new Great Emperor is born! Is the shuffle of the heavens about to begin?"

An era in which a new emperor is born is destined to reshuffle the old forces!


In the Ancient Spirit Continent, on this day, the sky is dark and the sun and moon are dark!

Dao machine is not displayed, the law is silent!

Thirteen figures suddenly descended on this place, appearing in front of the Ancient Spirit Continent!

It was Qin Luo and his team!

Among the thirteen figures, the weakest tortoise eleven ancestors are all at the Nine Tribulations Quasi Emperor level!

Dark clouds are overwhelming the city and want to destroy it!

A suffocating sense of oppression permeated the ancient spirit continent!

Qin Luo watched this scene, looked at Guling Continent, and found that the place was already empty!

Nuo Da Guling Continent, only a few cats and dogs are left.

The Eleventh Turtle Ancestor said, "Huh? Ancient Spirit Clan? But it seems that there are no people from the Ancient Spirit Clan here."

Celestial Secrets appeared in Lin Qianning's eyes, and he traced back to the source and traced the past!

"The Ancient Spirit Clan took precautions and moved away, to the First Imperial Court."

Qin Luo snorted coldly and said, "Then go to the First Imperial Court!"

Suddenly at this moment, two figures came through the sky, they were old man Jianjue and Ji Xuanyuan!

"Big brother!"

Ji Fuling ran over, like a little sister complacent in front of a big brother.

Ji Xuanyuan smiled happily and said yes repeatedly.

The old man Jianjue looked at Qin Luo and Xiao Hei, bursting into tears, and said, "This life is worthwhile, and death is not regrettable."

Qin Luo said with a light smile: "Master, you can't die yet. If you don't show off your power, how can you show how capable you are as an old man?"

The old man Jianjue slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, yes, yes! We have to show off first! Where do we start?"

Qin Luo's eyes were firm, and he said: "The Chu family! The first emperor's court!"

He looked at Guling Continent again. Although the place was empty, it didn't prevent Qin Luo from making a move!

Qin Luo put two fingers together and gently swipe down towards the ancient spirit continent. At this moment, the emperor's will flowed between heaven and earth!

An emperor sword slashed towards the Ancient Spirit Continent!


In the Ancient Spirit Continent, a ray of light suddenly rose, followed by an ancient emperor's will.

Gu Ling Great Emperor!

Seeing this scene that he didn't want to watch the most, the Great Emperor of Gu Ling suddenly sighed.

Qin Luo said lightly: "Great Emperor of the ancient spirit! You lost!"

Master Gu Ling expressed his will to die, and said: "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit!"

Qin Luo nodded and said, "Although we have different positions, there is someone in your ancient spirit clan who deserves my admiration. Do you have any last words?"

Guling Great Emperor asked: "Who is this person you admire?"

Qin Luo replied: "Ancient Shen Ling."

"It's him?" The figure of a little slug suddenly appeared in Gu Ling Great Emperor's mind.

"Hehe, did he have a last word before he died?"

Qin Luo replied: "Yes, three words."

The ancient spirit Great Emperor sighed, nodded and said: "Fate."

Qin Luo raised his sword again and made a move. The whole process was crisp and quick without any hesitation.

Gu Ling The Great Emperor did not resist, he was already a disabled spirit, and now that the overall situation has been settled, resistance is just a joke.


The ancient spirit Great Emperor vanished on the spot, but there was still as much power remaining, and the Sword Ray continued to fall!


The ancient spirit continent was cut in half by a sword, not only that, but the remaining raging Sword Qi strangled the divided ancient spirit continent!


With a breeze blowing by, the Ancient Spirit Continent is already a place of dust in this universe!

Emperor Qin Luo glanced at it, and then said: "Let's go! Go to the first imperial court!"

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