In the unknown places of the four ancient lands, the light rain has stopped at this time, and the humidity in the air mixed with the smell of blood makes people feel slightly uncomfortable.

This place is already a mess, obviously there was a battle here just now, and a lot of bloody rainwater gathered in the fierce pit marks.

The pale man opened his eyes, slightly surprised that the deaths of Qingkun and Qingling had already been fed back to him, the mirror master, through the mirror.

"Interestingly, the strength of the spiritual master Ninth Stage brought the beast of the Spirit King First Stage, and he was able to kill Qingkun and Qingling, and after the water mirror summoned three mirror objects, he still killed them strongly. This person is Enemy!"

The pale man looked up, and the sun in the sky was still emitting a blazing light.

"Brother Gu! Do you want to go to the ancient tiankeng? Something good happened there."

A voice came from the blazing sun: "I'm not interested! Get out!"

The pale man smiled at the corner of his mouth: "People from the Blood Soul Sect found a blood crystal vein over there. What's interesting is that Qin Luo from the Yuntian Sect was also there, and he killed my two Spirit King Fifths with the spiritual master Ninth Stage Cultivation Base." Mirror slave of Stage."

The big day was silent, and then he gathered it back, and a majestic man with an extraordinary look appeared, his hair that radiated blazing light like the sun swayed slightly in the wind.

"Is that Qin Luo before entering the Four Sects Ancient Land?"

The holy son of Gu Yangzong asked, obviously he was very interested in Qin Luo.

The pale man nodded: "Who else is there besides him? Brother Gu Teng, how are you? Are you going?"

Gu Teng looked calm: "He is a Ninth Stage healer? Useless! No interest! He has already lost the qualification to fight with me!"

The pale man chuckled: "Brother Gu Teng! It's a big mistake to underestimate others."

The character of this holy son of Gu Yangzong is as arrogant as his strength, this kind of person's character is extremely arrogant! But at the same time, Guteng's strength also allows him to have this capital.

Gu Teng sat down cross-legged again and closed his eyes, saying: "It's just killing two elite disciples of the fifth stage of the spirit king. I can also be wiped out in this Realm! But now I am the sixth stage of the spirit king! Brother Qing Fan, Qin Luo It is no longer worthy of my attention!"

Hearing Gu Teng's words, Qing Fan, the pale man, sneered in his heart. Sooner or later, this kind of person will have to pay for his arrogance!

Gutten! Not enough to be a fellow daoist!

Qing Fan, who was born as a handyman disciple, has a deep understanding. How many people looked down on him before? How many people tortured him? What now? Those people are not dead! It is to become his ordinary mirror slave!

"Not interested in blood crystal veins? Not interested in the corpse of a strong man who has released blood?"

Qing Fan continued to ask, although this kind of person cannot become a fellow daoist, he can be used, after all, he has taken a fancy to Gu Teng's solar body! Before the solar body is eaten up and wiped clean, the face has to be maintained!

"Not interested in!"

Gu Teng still said that, in his opinion, if this Qing Fan didn't have the same strength as him, he would have killed him now!

Qing Fan spread his hands together: "Okay! Then I'll go and see! After all, people from my Qinghe Sect and Blood Soul Sect have already met Yuntian Sect. Brother Gu Teng, do you have any disciples from Gu Yang Sect over there?" ? You also know that the nine disciples of each generation of Yuntianzong are very fierce."

Gu Teng immediately opened his eyes like the sun again: "Which disciple of the Yuntian Sect leads the team? Is the sword spirit here?"

Qing Fan raised a smile: "Yu Xiaoyu and Du Qingmei, who are the tenth and sixth, are leading the team of Yuntianzong. Jian Lingzi is not here."

An inexplicable flame rose all over Gu Teng: "Tenth and sixth? That's fine! I'll charge some interest first! I'll take his head after the sword spirit comes out!"

Hearing Gu Teng's words, Qing Fan put away his smile, this kind of person can no longer be described as arrogance, this is a kind of extreme arrogance, always thinking that he can overwhelm a generation.

"Alright! Only with this kind of person rushing forward, can I reap more benefits!"

Qing Fan made his own calculations, he felt that Gu Teng's character could be used to plan more benefits for himself!

Rubbing his stomach, a sickly smile appeared on Qingfan's pale face. If there are people who practice pupil art here, they will definitely be able to see that a water mirror in Qingfan's body is refining Qingkun and Qingling that are screaming soul!

In addition to Shui Jing, this is another strength that Qing Fan can rise from as a handyman disciple!


The deepest place under the blood crystal veins.

Qin Luo opened the big bronze cauldron, and inside were eight medicine pills the size of longan eyes.

Even after so many years, the Medicine Pill still exudes a gleaming light, and the blood evil spirit around it cannot corrode it in the slightest, and it has even been purified into the energy that supplies and absorbs and maintains the properties of the medicine.

"The Zong-level earthworm earthworm outside must have eaten one of these Medicine Pills to maintain its essence and not be eroded by the mysterious demon power."

The number of medicine pills refined is counted at the extreme number of nine, and there are only eight here. Thinking about the situation of the earthworm earthworm, Qin Luo instantly understood the cause and effect.

The missing one must have been eaten when the earthworm could still come in, so this earthworm will have that kind of human intelligence and temperament.

"These are treasures! Go back and give them to Master Yao Wangchen to see if they can be deciphered and re-refined."

Although there is a refining method, but after such a long time, the medicinal materials may have undergone tremendous changes, and these hard-won eight pills will become very precious.

"Turtle! Beast Master! Give me one first!"

At this time, Gui Xuan suddenly shouted.

Qin Luo took a look, but found that this guy was slowly being eroded by the evil spirit of blood.

"Where's your Jingqi Pill?"

Guixuan scolded: "You have the face to ask me this question? You two freaks are not affected, but I will! Jingqi Dan will also be used up sometimes."

no way! Under such circumstances, Guixuan was the first to swallow one.

After eating the miraculous Medicine Pill, Guixuan immediately felt relieved: "Turtle! It turns out that it is such a comfortable thing not to be eroded by blood evil spirit!"

Qin Luo took a jade bottle on the stone trough, and put these Medicine Pills, and at the same time, the senior's bones and the cauldron were also put into the Qiankun ring by Qin Luo.

Qin Luo decided to take it back and deal with it properly, not to expose the dead body here, and it is also an explanation to this predecessor.

"Let's go! It's time to go out."

What should be taken here has already been taken, and it is time to leave. The earthworm outside has been waiting for a long time.

As soon as he came out of this Closed Door Training Immortal Cave, that earthworm immediately came up to him.

"How... how... did you get it..."

Qin Luo took out a Medicine Pill: "Is it this one?"

The earthworm earthworm jumped up happily, its huge body shook the dust billowing, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains!

"'s this...that's it...I've eaten it before!"


But Qin Luo thought of another question, the number of medicine pills is too small, how to save the earthworm group and those blood bats, after all, Qin Luo will be hunted down as soon as he goes up.

And if it is taken away like this now, the Earth Dragon Earthworm will not agree.

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