The thick tentacles were covered with suckers, and they opened and closed in the mist, like a whirlpool, as if they were about to swallow everything in front of them into it.


Lin Yuan's eyes flashed, and he pulled back a few positions with Qiu Wuji, Ye Chuxia and Long Xi behind him.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rumble, and the place where they had been was shattered into pieces, causing the earth to tremble.

"What the hell."

Bai Ze protected Luo Qinghan under his body and looked at the troublemaking Monster in front of him with an unhappy expression.


The web-like tentacles were waving rapidly in the air, and the fog that filled the air also dissipated.

The fog cleared, and everyone could clearly see the appearance of the Monster that suddenly attacked.

"It's actually an eight-clawed octopus..."

Lin Yuan took a breath, frowned slightly, and his eyes showed a bit of solemnity.

This is in a deep forest. Logically speaking, the octopus shouldn't appear here. Why?

Lin Yuan didn't have time to think about it, the attacks of the eight-clawed octopus came down in dense numbers. Even if there were so many of them fighting against one eight-clawed octopus, it would be difficult to gain any benefit from it.

"Bai Ze, are you watching the show?" Lin Yuan glanced at Bai Ze hurriedly and found that the little girl was standing aside obediently, like a scholar holding a sage's book in his hand, ignoring what was going on outside the window. "Suppress the movement."

Bai Ze said something faintly.

"Sister has ordered us not to interfere with your opportunities."

Lin Yuan moved his hands.


The eight-clawed octopus seized the opportunity, and the few free tentacles turned into blades and stabbed straight at Lin Yuan.

The sharp wind blade cut through the space faintly, causing waves of tremors.

Lin Yuan's eyes burst with light, he moved his feet, pushed himself to the side, and leaned towards his side.

As soon as he turned to the side, a brown tentacle passed through his eyes and stretched forward at an extremely fast speed.


There was a loud noise, and a hole was penetrated on the ground not far away.

Seeing that his attack failed, the Octopus hurriedly pulled out its tentacles. When he wanted to attack again, he was caught and stagnated for a moment, just like it had caught Lin Yuan's loophole. Qiu Wuji cooperated with Ye Chu Xia's attack directly cut off the hand that penetrated deep into the ground.


A scream rang out, echoing in the deep forest, causing a commotion.

When everyone saw this, they naturally would not give up this great opportunity to kill the Monster. With one breath, they increased the speed of their feet to the limit, and slashed the eight-clawed octopus with one sword after another.

The sharp blade instantly opened a gash in the tan skin, and the bright red blood instantly dyed its skin red.

The eight-clawed octopus was struggling in pain. The tentacles that were originally capable of attacking and defending were now waving aimlessly in the air, like swords dancing wildly, cutting down the ancient trees around them. It was difficult to hit even those few. Humans who are still attacking.

After a while, the octopus's hissing became quieter and quieter, and eventually even the movement became quiet.

"do you died?"

Ye Chuxia looked at the huge creature lying under her with lingering fear, and the hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

It's not because of fear, but because the octopus is too thick-skinned and thick-skinned. The soft blade of the sword hitting the octopus is like a piece of grass brushing against a copper wall. It has no deterrent effect at all. Word.

With cold eyes, Luo Qing flew out with the sharp sword in his hand, and repeatedly penetrated the Octopus' body several times. After there was no movement from the Octopus, he took back the sword.


Hearing this, Qiu Wuji and the others breathed a sigh of relief. The hands holding the weapons were a little relieved, and a numb feeling spread along their palms.

The few of them were a little dumbfounded, looking at the scene in front of them, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

The eight-clawed octopus is stronger than them. Without the cooperation of Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, they might be just a few passing ants in Monster's eyes, not even enough to fit between its teeth.

Qiu Wuji calmed down the bullying in his chest, with some unspeakable emotions in his eyes.

Is this the gap?

In the past, she always felt that Master was being petty when he refused to let Senior Brother take her out. For this reason, she was secretly angry with Master a lot. Now that she looks back, she realizes Master's kindness. Be careful.

If the eldest brother and master were not nearby, perhaps the eight-clawed octopus would have beaten them to a pulp when the octopus attacked for the first time.

Seeing Qiu Wuji and others in a daze, Luo Qinghan sighed and walked over.

"Is everything okay?"

Qiu Wuji and others shook their heads and smiled bitterly.


Lin Yuan glanced at the women, then flew down and hovered over the eight-clawed octopus corpse.

What does Bai Ze mean by opportunity just now?

He first used his spiritual consciousness to explore the Octopus. After a while, he didn't see any difference in it. To him, it was just an ordinary corpse. The only difference might be that The realm of this Monster is much higher than what has been seen before.

Suddenly, Long Xi, who was standing quietly behind everyone, came out and spoke.

"Big Brother, there is Beast Core."

"Beast Core?" Lin Yuan was a little confused. He had just checked it several times. Let alone Beast Core, he had never seen anything even remotely valuable. "Where is it?"

Long Xi bit his lip, his pupils flashing with golden light.

She looked at the body of the octopus for a while, and then drew a cross in a certain place.

Suddenly, there was a red light inside, only a gap was exposed, and the overflowing light seemed to dye the surrounding area blood red.

Lin Yuan just felt that the spirits around him were a lot more agitated, and he didn't feel anything was wrong. However, Luo Qinghan on the side frowned and used his spiritual power to protect his mind.

As for Ye Chuxia and Qiu Wuji, they didn't seem so relaxed anymore, with traces of cold sweat on their faces, fighting against the restless spiritual energy.

Under the gaze of everyone, Long Xi directly stretched out his hand and brought out the touch of red.

Torrential violence came oncoming.

Qiu Wuji and Ye Chuxia, who were already a little unable to hold on, groaned one after another and suddenly vomited blood.


The scarlet blood mixed with the red light, and the red light suddenly became a little stronger.

Lin Yuan's eyes fell on the thing in Long Xi's hand, and his breathing slowed down for half a beat.

That one is actually Double Dragon Pill? !

Made with the essence and blood of the Dragon Emperor, most Yang objects cannot be used even if they are obtained by ordinary people, because only people with Pure Yang Body can withstand the ravages of spiritual power. If ordinary people swallow it unintentionally, Most of them died as a result of body explosion.

And Long Xi is the bloodline of the Dragon Emperor, a Pure Yang Body, and a descendant of the Dragon Emperor. Who else in this world is more suitable than her? !

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