The two quietly entered the kitchen.

I originally thought that there would be handyman disciples preparing meals in the kitchen, but I didn't expect that this place was deserted. Except for the fire crystal stones on the stove that were giving off a little light, and the firewood crackling in the flames. There is no more sound here.

Yun Qianxue was stunned for a moment when she followed Lin Yuan in, and subconsciously opened the door.

"It's this time and there's no one here?"

Lin Yuan thought for a while and didn't know how to explain this matter to Yun Qianxue, so he just took her there in a few words.

"They are busy. When the food starts, we may not be able to grab something hot."

"That's not the case..."

Yun Qianxue felt that Lin Yuan's words had subverted her impression of Luoshen Palace.

No matter how bad the sect is, it's not like they can't afford to eat...

Lin Yuan smiled mischievously, "Of course not. The Luoshen Palace family has a great business, so they can miss out on your food."


Yun Qianxue realized that she had been deceived by Lin Yuan, and when she was about to get angry, Lin Yuan covered her mouth.

The hot body temperature in the man's palm touched his soft lips, which was a little hot.


Yun Qianxue wanted to struggle to get rid of Lin Yuan's hand, but her strength was far inferior to Lin Yuan's. After struggling for a while, she squirmed a little in Lin Yuan's arms. Not only did her holding posture not reduce, but it also made this posture a little bit... It was hard to speak.

After Lin Yuan noticed that there was no movement in his arms, when he was about to let go, his hand touched something relatively hard. The next second, a pain came from his palm.


Lin Yuan took a breath, withdrew his hand, looked at the tooth marks on his hand, and said helplessly: "Are you a dog? Why are you still chasing people to bite?"

"You are a dog. Why did you cover my mouth when you have nothing to do?"

Yun Qianxue was furious and put her hands on her hips, looking like it was natural.

Lin Yuan raised his injured palm and pointed at several more black figures shaking outside the door.

"Someone is coming outside."

Yun Qianxue looked in the direction known by Lin Yuan's fingers. When she saw the person projected on the door and window, she immediately covered her mouth, but the next second, she reacted and put down the hand covering her mouth.

"Isn't it just a visitor? Why should I be sneaky like you? I haven't done anything shameful, so why should I be the same as you?"

Yun Qianxue also emphasized the word "shameful", and her eyes fell on Lin Yuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Yuan originally thought of teasing Yun Qianxue, but now that his thoughts were exposed, he shrugged and continued.

"I'm not afraid that you will be tense all day long. If you worry too much, your body will have problems."

"" Yun Qianxue's eyes flashed with astonishment, "Are you doing this for me?"

"Why not do it for myself? I am the senior brother of Luoshen Palace. Normally, only Master will scold me."

Yun Qianxue lowered her head, remained silent for a long time, and finally said in a low voice: "Thank you... thank you."

Lin Yuan raised his head and glanced at Yun Qianxue, then put the chicken legs he had just roasted into Yun Qianxue's hands.

"Try it and see if my cooking skills are good."

Yun Qianxue was stunned. She didn't expect that Lin Yuan would conjure a hot chicken drumstick out of thin air in just a moment.

The steaming chicken legs are mixed with the unique meat aroma of grilled food. The skin is slightly browned by the roasting, and the oil that has burst out from the inside is still sizzling on the skin, like a small hook, hooking everything. Yun Qianxue's heart.

She didn't like eating greasy food, but when she saw Lin Yuan handing it to her, she took it without thinking too much.

The freshly roasted chicken legs were still a little hot, and Lin Yuan forgot to wrap the chicken legs in a lotus leaf. At this time, the oil from the chicken legs flowed into Yun Qianxue's fingertips and covered his hands.

Yun Qianxue felt an unspeakable feeling in her hands because of the oily texture. She just frowned slightly and didn't say anything. Instead, she directly brought the drumstick to Yin Tao's mouth and took a bite.

The skin of the chicken leg was torn open by the teeth, and the meat shreds under the oily skin were steaming. The oil and water burst out stained Yun Qianxue's red lips, making the already attractive lips and teeth look even more beautiful. stand up.


Yun Qianxue's eyes suddenly lit up. The smell of meat seemed to arouse the taste buds on her tongue, and each one of them began to get excited, looking forward to a more violent collision with the smell of meat next time.

Lin Yuan saw the smile on Yun Qianxue's lips, and the worry in his heart dissipated a little.

But at the same time, his concerns have not diminished.

He didn't remember that the original work mentioned the episode where Yun Qianxue's cultivation was stagnant.

After all, Yun Qianxue is a rare Innate Taoist in the world. The rarity of this kind of physique has destined Yun Qianxue to have a smooth life. Her innate talent allows her not only to win at the starting line, but even in her cultivation. It was as if the accelerator was turned on on the road, spraying endlessly, leaving everyone behind.

Now Juyun Qianxue is actually worried about breaking through the realm, and still in this insignificant realm compared to the Great Emperor before... It really makes him feel a little weird.

Just as he was thinking about it, the girl's satisfied voice brought him back from his thoughts.

Lin Yuan calmed down and asked, "Is it delicious?"


Yun Qianxue nodded crazily.

She had not eaten the food of the world for many years, and it felt strange to eat such ordinary food again after such a long time.

Lin Yuan noticed the grease on Yun Qianxue's hands from the corner of his eye, looked around, found a relatively clean handkerchief from the stove next to him, and held it in his hand.

Yun Qianxue seemed to be starving. Although she maintained her usual etiquette when eating the chicken drumsticks, the speed of the food entering her mouth increased instead of slowing down. In a short time, all the people on the drumsticks had been eaten. .

Lin Yuan asked: "Do you still want to eat?"

Yun Qianxue shook her head, her little mouth still squirming as she spoke vaguely.

"No...I won't eat. I...I'm full...uh...full..."

Perhaps she was eating too quickly. When Yun Qianxue was talking, she couldn't hold it back and burped. The hiccups were particularly obvious in the quiet environment. As she spoke, the second half of Yun Qianxue's words became louder and louder. The smaller it is, the harder it is to hear.

Lin Yuan looked at Yun Qianxue's blushing face, suppressed his smile, tried his best to suppress the raised corners of his mouth, and made his voice sound as soft as possible.

"Put your hand out and let me wipe it for you."

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