The cluttered sounds existed for a while and then gradually died down.

Luo Qinghan opened his eyes, and a sense of desolation filled the entire hall.

"All the elders are right, but..." A red light flashed in Luo Qinghan's eyes, "No matter who has an idea for our Luoshen Palace, we will never give in."

Luo Qinghan's words directly sealed the deal, covering up some voices with different views.

The elders who originally thought of settling the matter hid their thoughts after Luo Qinghan looked at them indifferently.

"Of course, this is also a last resort." Luo Qinghan's tone softened a lot, and a hint of fatigue appeared in his eyes, "I hope you can help me more and don't let this matter develop into an irreversible situation. After all... War is not a good thing."

As he said this, a feeling of sadness emerged from the hearts of many people.

Luoshen Palace was almost wiped out several times. If it weren't for the help of various forces, it might have ceased to exist.

They hate those who stir up trouble, and they hate themselves even more for being weak.

If it weren't for the inability to protect Luoshen Palace, how could so many brothers and sisters have died under the swords of others and lost their lives early.

Perhaps it hit the most unspeakable place in everyone's heart, and the unyielding energy in people's hearts surged up, and everyone's emotions were high, and even once overshadowed the Blood Demon Sect, which always likes to fight.

Lin Yuan stood behind Luo Qinghan, looking at the high morale of everyone in the hall, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

He was devouring food in worry, and now that prey was delivered to his door, it was like pie in the sky, saving him the chance to cause war again.


He has already reached a deal with the people from Heavenly Mechanism Pavilion, who will start this fight now?

Lin Yuan thought about it in his mind and thought of many people. Of course, there was one person who stood out among these people.

Xiao Fan.

After all, I had just suffered a little for him not long ago, so someone must be holding a grudge and wishing to mess up the Luoshen Palace as much as possible.

In the outside world, there are many people who criticize Luoshen Palace, but for some reason, although most people have been gathered together this time, they have been gathered together for many days, and no leader has said that they want to launch an attack.

"Why has there been no movement for so long? Are you kidding us?"

"Could it be that you thought the risk was too great this time and ran away halfway?"

"After all, the strength of Luoshen Palace can surprise people every time. First, there are the Saints of Heavenly Jade Sacred Land who support Luoshen Palace, and people like Long Xi who have the Dragon Emperor's inheritance stay there. And most importantly, there are people like Lin Yuan. There are guys who can be called monsters. If Luoshen Palace was a soft persimmon that could be manipulated at will, it is now a solid iron plate. Even if you want to touch them, you have to consider the consequences."

The large army hesitated to move, and soon there was a commotion among the already restless crowd.

After a long time, a rough voice sounded, and the majesty contained in that voice shocked everyone present.

"What's the noise about?"

Everyone looked around and saw a man walking over. Many people's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Listening to the man's voice, I thought he was a big man with big muscles and a round waist. Unexpectedly, the person who came over turned out to be a somewhat thin young man.

The young man ignored the astonishment in everyone's eyes and said to himself: "Are you rushing to catch up in such a hurry because you want to die early?"

"Hey, what are you talking about?" When a few of the more explosive people heard this, they had already begun to roll up their sleeves and were ready to fight with the young man, but they were stopped by the people around them with quick eyes and hands. .

"Don't stop me. I have to teach this guy a lesson today. He's so arrogant..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a huge pressure exerted on himself, and there was a tendency of getting heavier and heavier.


Several people's faces instantly turned red, and several faint red marks appeared on their necks, which looked extremely scary.

The young man's face hidden under the bamboo hat raised the corner of his mouth with disdain, and said contemptuously: "You have such strength and pressure that you can't withstand it, and you still think about attacking Luoshen Palace. It's simply an idiot's dream. Do you know that Lin Yuan has already broken through to the Transcending Tribulation Realm, and with the three-legged cat skills of you little fishes and shrimps, you still want to raze Luoshen Palace to the ground, just dream."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a silent silence.

This person just now said that Lin Yuan had broken through to the Transcending Tribulation Realm?

This is such a terrifying cultivation speed. He was obviously in the Primordial Spirit stage when they fought not long ago, but only a few years later, he actually broke through to the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

Monsters may not be able to practice at this speed...

When everyone was silent, the young man had already opened his legs and left, but the pair of dark eyes like nighthawks hidden under the bamboo hat made people shudder.

The face under the veil slowly changed, and the outline also changed slightly, and finally transformed into Xiao Fan.

He snorted coldly and hid himself in nothingness so that no one would notice.

The movement this time was caused by him.

Since it is difficult for him to reach Lin Yuan with his own hands, it is better to use the hands of people in the world to give Luoshen Palace a heavy blow. Although he cannot directly solve Lin Yuan, if he can put some bets in Lin Yuan's heart, he is still very happy. Happy to see this happen.

The reason why Lin Yuan's realm was exposed was to arouse the fear of some old guys.

It is absolutely impossible to pull Lin Yuan down just by relying on those few passionate people who want to help the so-called righteous people. The only way is to make those old guys who are inexperienced in the world feel that their status is in jeopardy and go out to fight with Lin Yuan. Doing the right thing is the best thing for him.

Not everyone will continue to grow up as a genius, of course, except for those in their own family.

He used to seek refuge in the Luoshen Palace, partly because the Heavenly Jade Sacred Land, the giant Buddha behind the Luoshen Palace, could protect him from growing up to be responsible for his own affairs. Now, even if things go against his wishes, it does not prevent him from growing up to the point where he does not dare to manipulate it at will.

Now the muddy water will become even more muddy because of his few words. The words he just arranged will be like the pollen falling from the stamens, blowing with the wind to every corner of the Dongzhou continent, and finally fall into the ears of those experts. middle.


Xiao Fan looked up to the sky and smiled, with an almost crazy look in his eyes.

Lin Yuan, I'll see how you break this game.

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