
Xiao Fan was so painfully squeezed by his internal organs that his whole face was pinched together, but the force of the blow just now was really too great, and even now he has not recovered.

Unwilling to do so, he prepared to take up the weapon and fight Lin Yuan for another eight hundred rounds. However, the moment he just picked up the weapon, he caught a glimpse of the aura exuding from Lin Yuan not far away.

Xiao Fan couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and there seemed to be a bit of fear in his bones.

"I...I'm not afraid of you..." Xiao Fan murmured to himself: "The weapon in your hand is not equal to the weapon in my hand. If I fight you, won't I suffer a loss?"

He was acting and talking like this, and in the end, even he believed this clumsy lie.

So, before Lin Yuan could rush over, Xiao Fan took a breath, turned around and tore through the void, and fled in a hurry with all his wealth.

Lin Yuan had no intention of continuing to fight with Xiao Fan. After all, he knew that the most important thing to solve in front of him was not Xiao Fan, but a few old guys who were still trapped in the illusion not far away.

So after seeing Xiao Fan tearing up the Shattering Void and running away, Lin Yuan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't chase Xiao Fan, but just let him leave.

After Xiao Fan's aura completely disappeared from this area, Lin Yuan focused his attention back and quickly walked to Luo Qinghan's side.

"Master, are you okay?"

He was so busy venting his anger on Luo Qinghan that he didn't even bother to ask her.

Although Luo Qinghan's face was still a little pale, she was still conscious. She pursed her lips and said, "I'm fine, but what should they do?"

Lin Yuan looked in the direction pointed by Luo Qinghan's hand, which happened to be where those old guys were.

Luo Qinghan bit her lip and said, "Although I don't know what method you used to restrict their movements, there will always be a time to break free from this restriction. If they realize that it was you who did it, they will definitely Come back with double the vengeance.”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan's head suddenly started to hurt.

This is indeed a point to consider.

He just focused on imprisoning them all, but he didn't think about what would happen after the illusion was removed. Moreover, even if he didn't remove it on his own initiative, he would let them break free on their own.

By then, let alone myself, the entire Luoshen Palace might be buried with him.

As he thought about it, Lin Yuan's eyes gradually darkened, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

"In this case, let's just keep doing it and kill them all..."

When Luo Qinghan heard this, his pupils trembled slightly.

At the foot of Luoshen Palace.

Shan Zan stuck the big knife on the ground, half-kneeling on the ground and gasping for air, and his side had already turned into a sea of ​​blood. The bright red blood flowed down the mountain stream, and the places soaked by the blood were everywhere along the way. Gorgeous flowers of the other side bloomed everywhere.

Seeing this, Shan Zan breathed a sigh of relief.

He sensed Lin Yuan's aura from above, and thought things were progressing fairly smoothly with Lin Yuan.

After resting on the spot for a while, Shan Zan grabbed the people around him who were still able to move, picked up their weapons and rushed up the mountain, because everyone had just received an order from the sect leader.

The content is nothing more than a few short words - go up the mountain and kill people!

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan scrambled for time to recover their physical strength. At the same time, several complex formation patterns were constructed in the sky.

The lines are full of obscure words, like surging scriptures, falling on the people trapped in the illusion. Under their feet, the blooming flower of the other side is blooming conspicuously, and then... He was so moved that his figure was swaying.

After waiting for a while, a few people came up from the bottom of the mountain.

Luo Qinghan glanced at it first, his expression slightly cold.

"Are these the only ones left?"

Shan Zan noticed something was wrong with Luo Qinghan's mood, and quickly explained: "There are still some seriously injured disciples who are unable to move for the time being, so they did not come up with them."

Luo Qinghan looked a little complicated, but didn't say anything.

After all, war is so cruel, and casualties are inevitable.

Lin Yuan on the side had almost adjusted his breath, and breathed out gently. His eyes returned to their previous clarity. When he turned his head, he found Shan Zan and others coming up.

Lin Yuan gave Shan Zan a look.

"I have read in the ancient books of the Blood Demon Sect that there is a secret method that can swallow the power of others and transform it into your own power. Do you know how to do it?"

Shan Zan thought about it carefully and said honestly.

"No, if that skill is not practiced properly, even oneself will be swallowed up. Some people have learned it secretly before, but the result is failure. Not everyone is as smart as the Demon Emperor."

After listening to Shan Zan's words, Lin Yuan felt a little disappointed.

I originally thought that everyone in the Blood Demon Sect would join forces to devour them. Not to mention sucking all the strength out of these old guys, even if I only sucked in more than half of their strength, it would still be able to weaken the threat.

"But..." Shan Zan's words changed sharply, as if he remembered something, and he said quickly: "I can use myself as a medium, and all the power can be gathered into you, master, through me."

A light flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes.

"Can everyone? Even people from Luoshen Palace?"

Although ability is essentially the same thing, after being cultivated by others, it will always evolve into countless forms when transformed into one's own power. There will be many subtle differences between them. If there is no ability to withstand the spiritual power in each body, If the difference in strength is different, you will end up violently dead.

Shan Zan nodded, "Everyone can."

"So...very good."

Lin Yuan suddenly came up with an idea.

"Everyone pour Entering Spirit into Shan Zan, and you can transfer this spiritual power into me."


Shan Zan got lucky and put his hands on Lin Yuan's shoulders. Seeing this, everyone around him stood up on Shan Zan's body, transporting spiritual energy forward one after another.


Bang bang.

Bang bang bang.

Lin Yuan felt a steady stream of spiritual power pouring into his Dantian. Endless energy filled his chest, and the strong beating of his heart was infinitely amplified at this moment.

At the same time, the lines of the magic circle on the dome became increasingly clear, and even flashed with its light in accordance with the rhythm of Lin Yuan's heartbeat. The death-like magic circle was at this moment like "alive" like having vitality.

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