Dang Dang Dang——

Time passed by with the sound of forging.

The sound of blacksmithing was a little messy at first, but the master of the forging seemed to have found a suitable rhythm, and the sound of blacksmithing was no longer as dull as before, but more crisp.

A few days passed, and Lin Yuan's half-hearted forging became more and more proficient in practice.

Luo Qinghan, on the other hand, hurriedly and slowly managed to finish all the tasks at hand.

She put down the pen she was twisting in her hand, and there was a deep red mark on her fingertips from holding the pen for a long time. She glanced at it with some confusion, and then suddenly remembered that since that day, Lin Yuan seemed to It’s been a long time since I came here to find myself.

what is he doing?

With this in mind, Luo Qinghan supported the table with her hands so that her numb legs could move half a minute. After her legs gradually regained some feeling, she walked out of her palace.

Luo Qinghan just went out and happened to see Shan Zan not far away.

Shan Zan noticed Luo Qinghan's aura, looked up, and happened to meet Luo Qinghan's eyes.

"Palace Master."

He walked over and saluted Luo Qinghan.

Luo Qinghan nodded and said lazily, "Where is Lin Yuan?"

"Master has been staying in his bedroom these past few days."

A bit of surprise flashed in Luo Qinghan's eyes. This was not like Lin Yuan. How could he bear his temper?

"He won't stay in the house and sleep all day, right?"

"No, the master is blacksmithing."

"Blacksmithing? Why?"

"This..." Shan Zan scratched his head, "I don't know. Last time after the master came back from the back mountain, he took a pile of high-quality black black iron from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and returned to the house. He spent the whole day forging it. I don’t even know what the master is doing.”


Can Lin Yuan still forge? Why didn't she know?

Luo Qinghan was confused for a moment, waved his hand, said goodbye to Shan Zan and walked towards Lin Yuan's palace.

Doubts slowly accumulated in her heart, and she didn't even notice that she was almost in front of Lin Yuan's house. It was the sound coming from inside the house that brought her thoughts back to the real world.

A sonorous and powerful sound came out, and under the reflection of the sun, there was a bit of heat wave in the air, which was enough to show how high the temperature inside was.

Luo Qinghan suppressed the doubts in her heart and walked over.

There were constant sounds in the house, but she couldn't feel a trace of light.

What is Lin Yuan planning inside this mess?

Luo Qinghan's footsteps gradually moved in front of the screen, but behind the screen, there was still darkness. If it weren't for the sound that continued to come from the air, she might have thought she had seen a ghost.

"Lin...Lin Yuan?"

Luo Qinghan tentatively asked inside and slowly crossed the screen.

There was still darkness in front of her, but before she could take two steps, she was stopped by the air.

Luo Qinghan stopped moving forward and froze on the spot.

She stretched out her hand to touch the air, only to find that there was an invisible wall rising from the ground, blocking her in front of her, refusing to let her move even half a step forward.

Could it be that something happened to Lin Yuan?

Luo Qinghan was thinking, her palm still falling on the invisible wall, and she forgot to take it back for a moment.

However, the next second, she felt a pinching pain in the palm of her hand. The pain in her body made her react immediately. While putting her hand down, she took a few steps back.

When he looked forward again, there was a little more surprise in his eyes.

Suddenly, the place where there was nothing in the air just now began to become restless, and the spiritual power fluctuated.

Luo Qinghan looked at the strange place in front of him warily, and the hand hanging by his side gradually covered the weapon on his waist, ready to wait for an opportunity.

But before she could move, Lin Yuan's voice came from inside.

"Master, please don't move."

As Lin Yuan spoke, Luo Qinghan's body stopped moving after hearing the words.

So she watched helplessly as a mansion gradually transformed into the air in front of her.

Before she could react from the shock in front of her, Lin Yuan's figure appeared with the bright light.

Luo Qinghan stared intently at Lin Yuan's chest that was stained with sweat.

After staring, Luo Qinghan reacted belatedly, and his face instantly turned red.

She turned around in a panic and stammered: "You... you... why aren't you wearing clothes..."

Lin Yuan looked at Luo Qinghan's appearance, with a helpless doting in his eyes.

"Master, I'm working on blacksmithing. Wearing so many clothes will hinder my work."

"You..." Luo Qinghan's voice suddenly paused, and then she stabilized her emotions, turned around, and met Lin Yuan's gaze with some confusion, "What are you doing forging?"

Luo Qinghan didn't understand why Lin Yuan did this.

After all, in terms of weapons, apart from Yan Jiuxi, it is probably Lin Yuan, a prodigal guy, who has a Saint Weapon Dragon Scale Sword in his left hand and an Emperor Weapon Black Demon Halberd in his right hand.

Lin Yuan, who is surrounded by such capital, obviously does not need to worry about so-called weapons, so what he did...

Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan's appearance and found it increasingly difficult to understand his thoughts.

Lin Yuan didn't notice the change in Luo Qinghan's expression, but he just answered whatever Luo Qinghan asked.

"Make a hidden weapon just in case you need it."

"Hidden weapons? Have you been tinkering with these these days?"

Lin Yuan glanced at the thin needles scattered on the ground next to him. However, the shapes of the thin needles were different, which made it difficult to praise its status as a hidden weapon.

He nodded and explained.

"There will always be many unexpected things when we go out. Even if our strength is adequate, there will inevitably be some unexpected things. Preparing some hidden weapons may be a big help to us, and maybe it can also bring us surprises. Unexpected surprise.”

Luo Qinghan understood what Lin Yuan meant, but when she saw Lin Yuan's appearance, she felt strange in her heart.

"You can just leave these things to others, why bother doing it yourself? You don't know how... and you're wasting..."

Lin Yuan touched his nose when Luo Qinghan said it, and looked at the materials scattered on the ground, and suddenly felt guilty.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, but after thinking that he had achieved some success with his hidden weapon, he felt confident to refute.

“I don’t feel comfortable leaving it to others because no one can make what I want.”

"Oh?" Luo Qinghan looked at Lin Yuan and looked down upon him, "What can you make with your three-legged cat forging?"

"Master, are you a little too unsure of your eldest disciple?"

Luo Qinghan didn't realize what she had said until she finished speaking, but the words she said were like water thrown out. If she took them back, it would not be a disgrace to her face, so she just coughed slightly to relieve the feeling. Awkward atmosphere.

"Then tell me, what's so strange about the things you make that you have to make them?"

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