The man's house is at the corner of the village.

When he first led Lin Yuan and the others in, the people in the village seemed to have seen something strange. They looked at Lin Yuan and the others unscrupulously, with their glowing green eyes as if they had seen prey. , eager to rush forward and tear them into pieces in the next second.

But just when they were about to take action, the man leading them quickly looked aside, with a red light in his eyes. Seeing this, the other villagers immediately turned their heads away, pretending to be nonchalant. It seemed like the scene just now was just a flash in the pan.

However, Lin Yuan could see everyone's strangeness clearly.

Those villagers were clearly provoking the man, but after the man issued a threatening tone, the provocateur withdrew his gaze angrily. Behind them, there were several women with horrified looks in their eyes.

All the unreasonable things here describe the weirdness of this place.

But Lin Yuan did not say it directly, but turned a blind eye.

"What's going on here?"

He was like a young man who had never seen the world, feeling a little uneasy about the rapidly changing situation around him.

The man withdrew his gaze and said to Lin Yuan with a smile: "It's nothing. These people in the village rarely see people from out of town, so I just looked at you a few more times."

"Is that what it looks like?"

The man looked at Lin Yuan's emotionless eyes. He suddenly panicked for some unknown reason, but then he hid the panic in his eyes and said calmly: "Of course, you don't know what's going on here. The situation is that our mountains are high and the roads are dangerous. People like us have to risk half our lives if we want to go out on this mountain. As time goes by, we no longer want to go out.

So you have become a rare thing. "

"That's it..."

Lin Yuan responded thoughtfully, then grinned.

"It seems like it's not easy for you either."

Seeing Lin Yuan's softened expression, the man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and regained his former relaxed state.


For the rest of the way, several people were speechless.

Perhaps it was because of the rugged mountains that the man was too tired to have any other energy to talk to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, who were behind the man, looked at each other and had ideas in their minds.

"My home is over here."

The man led Lin Yuan and the two of them past a bush, and what looked like a thatched house was revealed behind the intertwined branches. When he set aside the branches, he pulled out the knife behind him and cut the branches and leaves on both sides of the road. After cutting it, he suddenly cut out a path through the dense bushes.

"Please come in."

The man took a step forward first and stood at the door of the courtyard. As if he were a master who had been waiting at the door for a long time, he stretched out his right hand and slightly bent his body, inviting a few people to come in.


When Lin Yuan and the two passed by the man, they nodded and expressed their gratitude.

Click, click, click.

As soon as they stepped into the courtyard, the branches and leaves that fell on the ground had already dried up and turned yellow, without any life. When their footsteps fell among them, they remembered several crisp sounds.

When the man saw this, his face showed some embarrassment.

"What... I don't have a mother-in-law at home, so... I don't care about cleaning..."

Lin Yuan looked up at the man and smiled.

"They're all men, I understand."

Luo Qinghan looked at the smiles on the lips of the two guys in front of her. She didn't know why, but she was a little speechless. But thinking about what she had just discussed with Lin Yuan on the road, she suppressed the strangeness in her heart and tried not to Go see Lin Yuan and the others.

Who would have thought that these two people hit it off immediately, like old friends they hadn't seen for many years, chatting happily.

Bai Ze, who was following Luo Qinghan's feet, was a little puzzled. He rubbed his head against Luo Qinghan's leg and said in his mind.

"What kind of drinks is that guy Lin Yuan selling in his gourd?"

Luo Qinghan shook her head helplessly.

"I don't know either. Let's just wait and see."

Bai Ze seemed to understand, but seeing that Luo Qinghan and Lin Yuan were not in a hurry, she didn't bother to care so much. After all, even if there was any unforeseen situation, she would rely on her own strength to It’s also possible to win.

As soon as they entered, the man led everyone to the firewood room next to him. He first piled the firewood aside, and then revealed a dilapidated bed in the corner of the room.

"I've really wronged you. If you don't like it, I can give you the room I live in."

Lin Yuan waved his hand.

"No need, this is just fine. We wanderers don't care about so many things. We just need to live in something."

"Okay, you just clean up. I'll start a fire and cook. I'll call you when it's ready."

"Okay, please."

"No trouble."

After the man finished speaking, he left, leaving Lin Yuan and others in the room.

Bai Ze was the first to speak: "Isn't this environment a bit too bad? How about we change it? There is no need to live in this place."

Lin Yuan smiled when he heard this.

"No, we are going to stay here today."

"Why?" Bai Ze was a little puzzled, "This place looks shabby, what's the point of staying here."

"Don't you understand this? Don't you feel that there is something wrong with them?"

Bai Ze tilted his head, his eyes full of doubts.

"Something's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

It recalled the scenes along the way and didn't seem to find anything wrong. She glanced at Lin Yuan suspiciously.

"Isn't it because you were too nervous and made a mistake?"

Lin Yuan knew that Bai Ze had been only thinking about himself and had not noticed the difference in the surrounding environment at all. He also did not notice that the villagers had wolf-like ferocious looks in their eyes, as if he wanted to eat them all. The shape of the belly.

"Have you ever heard that there is a place in northern Xinjiang where people enjoy eating human flesh."

Luo Qinghan frowned and heard the implication behind Lin Yuan's words.

"You want to say that this village is a cannibal village?"

"It's hard to say, maybe it's not the place in the rumors, but the people here are more or less related to the cannibals." Lin Yuan said seriously: "I would rather believe that they are there than that they are not. Then Let's all be careful when we get down, because with the look of that man, he might point the tip of the knife at us at some point."

"Why do you say that?"

There was a hint of coolness in Lin Yuan's eyes.

"Didn't you notice how he brought us in just now?"

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