Fantasy: Unlimited Investment, The Heroine Becomes The Villain

Chapter 280 The Disharmonious Father-Daughter Relationship

The palace maid kept chasing the person who suddenly broke in and left the palace.

As a result, the dirty man not only did not stop, but walked towards the bathhouse.

"Go get some water. I need to take a shower and change clothes."

The people who were still chasing behind him were stunned when they heard the familiar voice. After a closer look, they finally saw some familiar outlines on the gray-faced man.

"Her Royal Highness is back!"

"Her Royal Highness is back!"

Several palace maids passed this word on, and for a while the entire palace knew about Yuffie's return. However, compared to the joy of knowing that Yuffie was back, everyone immediately threw themselves into their busy work.

Changing clothes and bathing, the eunuchs and maids were all so busy that they didn't even notice that two new faces had wandered into the palace.

Maybe someone noticed it, but when they saw the gorgeous silk and satin clothes on Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan, they thought they were some lord's young masters, or their daughters, so even if someone saw them, they didn't dare to say anything.

They are just servants. If they offend these young masters, even the princess may not be able to save their lives.

Since Yuffie was in a hurry to see her father, all the procedures were done in a hurry. Even when she finally got dressed and came out to meet Lin Yuan, there were still a few drops of crystal drops hanging on the ends of her hair. water droplets.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Lin Yuan glanced at Youfei intently.

As expected, a man relies on his clothes and his horse relies on his saddle. Although Yuffie's face looked gray before, her extraordinary appearance can still be seen from her facial features.

Unexpectedly, after being washed and dressed in gorgeous clothes, he completely lost his previous appearance and even retained the majesty of a superior.

Lin Yuan sighed silently in his heart.

As expected of a daughter raised by the royal family, there is oppression in every move she makes, perhaps revealed inadvertently.

"It's okay. Do you want to wait a little longer? You are really in a state of chaos..."

"It's okay. I'll sort it out on the way. There's no need to waste time now."

Lin Yuan glanced at the palace maids behind Youfei who were still busy, and once again sighed with emotion at this strange woman, Youfei.

After all, looking at the postures of the palace maids, it is obvious that this is not the first time that the palace master has behaved like this.

Because of this, Lin Yuan's expression quietly changed when he looked at Youfei.

"Okay, let's go."

The news of Yuffie's return spread in the palace instantly like a spring breeze.

Lin Yuan could clearly feel that when they just came out of the palace, everyone's eyes seemed to be on Yuffie, but there seemed to be something unspeakable in these eyes.

Isn't Yuffie unpopular in the palace?

Lin Yuan just felt that the atmosphere in the palace was a little different, very subtle.

Yuffie ignored the others and led a group of people toward the main hall.

Before arriving at the main hall, Lin Yuan saw that the door was heavily guarded. Even if Youfei came to the door, he would have to wait for a while. After the eunuch inside made the announcement, Youfei led Lin Yuan in.

"My son, I would like to send my regards to my father."

Yuffie walked in and bowed first through the curtain.

Lin Yuan looked up and could see a figure moving vaguely inside through the curtain. After hearing Yuffie's voice, he paused in his movements and then put down the brush in his hand, as if sighing softly.

"come in."


After getting Zang Anya's permission, Yuffie got up and went in.

Zang Anya felt a pain in her heart when she saw Yuffie walking in from behind the curtain.

"You...Gudu said you don't have to act like this..."

Youfei responded to Zang Anya's words in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

"Father, I am here today for the cannibals."

Zang Anya's raised hand stayed in the air for a moment, then put it down in frustration, cleared her throat and said seriously.

"Tell me, you have been out for so long, do you have any solution?"


Yuffie recounted everything that happened on her way.

"My son has figured out the general plan of the cannibals and knows where their dens are. When the time comes, my son will draw a map for my father. You only need to arrange your manpower according to the layout on the map. We can catch them all in one fell swoop.”

Zang Anya touched his beard and looked a little grim.

"Did you know that the real trouble for the cannibals is not these minions, but the new wizards who have recently arrived?"

"Of course I know that this time I went out and found two capable helpers for my father." Youfei took this opportunity to introduce Lin Yuan and Luo Qinghan to Zang Anya, "This is the palace of Luoshen Palace. The master - Luo Qinghan, and this is the young master of the Huanggu Lin family - Lin Yuan."

Zang Anya was startled when he heard their names. Apparently he had some impression of their names.

"I didn't expect that the two of them actually came here."

With his previous experience, Lin Yuan readily agreed and nodded to Zang Anya, which could be regarded as respect.

"If I can get your help, a mere cannibal will definitely not be your opponent."

Lin Yuan smiled and emphasized his position.

"Your Majesty, it's good that we are here to help you, but we are only responsible for dealing with the wizard you are talking about. As for the others, that is your domestic matter in Northern Xinjiang."


Zang Anya thought that if Youfei brought Lin Yuan and the two of them, they could settle things once and for all, but she never thought that such a thing would happen.

He cast doubtful eyes on Yuffie, but Yuffie seemed not to see the hidden meaning in his eyes, and instead stood on a united front with Lin Yuan to emphasize.

"Father, this is the prerequisite for Palace Master Luo and Young Master Lin to agree to help us. If Father feels that something is wrong, we can do it ourselves."

When Zang Anya heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched, but thinking that Lin Yuan was still here, he calmed down his expression and forced a smile.

"This... this is what we should do. We are naturally grateful that you two can help us. How dare we ask for too much." Zang Anya hesitated, "Then..."


Yuffie saw Zang Anya's idea and quickly interrupted him.

"I will hand over the specific matters to the Minister. When the time comes, the Minister will submit the documents to you for your review. What do you think, Father?"

Zang Anya suddenly choked up, and finally waved his sleeves helplessly.

"Then do as you say."

"Yes, I take your orders." Youfei saluted Zang Anya again, "Father, if nothing is wrong, I will leave first."

Zang Anya's eyes moved slightly and she said, "Is it okay for you to live alone outside during this period?"

"My dear father, I am thinking of you. Everything is fine with you and my ministers."

"That's good……"

Yuffie turned around and left, but the moment she turned her back, the light in her eyes suddenly dimmed.

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