He looked at the interaction between Lin Yuan and Leng Ningyue, and his eyes almost popped out.

If Grandpa Ring hadn't stopped him, he might have already fought with Lin Yuan!

"Okay, don't wait any longer. The trial begins. Disciples from both sides hurry down. The rule is that in the battle royale mode, whoever can get more resources and come out alive is the winner!"

At this time, the man in black announced loudly.

After saying that, disciples from the two major sects were thrown into the mountains below with the help of the elders.

The rules of the game are like this, jump down, fight the enemy disciples in the mountains, and survive is the success of the trial.

Lin Yuan knew this a long time ago, so he jumped down with Leng Ningyue.

As for Bai Xiaofan, out of sight and out of mind, he had already jumped off the spaceship and flew towards a remote place.

The place of trial is a black mountain range with many mountains, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, with no end in sight.

The vegetation here is lush and small Monsters are rampant. It seems to be isolated from the outside desert.

At this time, Lin Yuan and Leng Ningyue landed.

The first thing Lin Yuan did was to ask.

"Yue'er, I usually stay in the sect and don't go out much. Can you tell me the division of power in our area?"

Lin Yuan approached Leng Ning Yueyi because she was the heroine, and she would be rewarded for poaching her.

The second is that the other party has a good status and may be able to act as a guide.

Leng Ningyue was very naive and explained directly without any doubts.

"It's probably like this..."

Gradually, Lin Yuan also understood the general situation here.

First of all, this place is on the edge of the great wilderness, similar to the desolate and barren north, with few strong people.

On the entire map, it is a leftover.

There are not many sects, except for Dahe Sect, there is only one other equal sect, Huangsha Sect.

Then there is the Leng family, which is not a sect, but its strength is similar to that of Dahe, so Huangsha will be afraid of it.

After learning this, Lin Yuan continued to ask.

"I don't know, what is the upper limit of cultivation here?"

Leng Ningyue still answered directly.

"It is the half-step transformation state, which is the cultivation level of the ancestors of our two sects and one clan. It is the strongest."

"However, according to rumors, going inland, above the Transformation Realm, there is also the Ancestral Realm and the mysterious Venerable Realm."

"Why do you ask all this?"

Lin Yuan touched his nose and concealed:

"Don't I want to know the upper limit of our cultivation level after we advance to the inner sect?"

What Lin Yuan didn't say was that he could kill with confidence now.

It turns out that this place is really a corner, and his cultivation level is already comparable to that of the ancestors of various sects?

So what are you afraid of? In this trial, just kill them randomly.

Then collect Law Treasures and information, and then stabilize the protagonist, everything is easy to handle!

While he was thinking wildly, suddenly a sound of breaking through the air came from the rear left!

Before Leng Ningyue could react, Lin Yuan had already punched him!


I saw a shadow of Daoist flying backwards, and was beaten directly by Lin Yuan to the point of paralysis!

"This is Huangsha's Earth Escape, trying to sneak up on you!" Queen Leng Ningyue realized.

Lin Yuan was much calmer. He took a few steps forward and mentioned the figure, "Unlucky, you really dare to attack me?"

Lin Yuan found it a bit funny. Lin Yuan didn't take the quarrel seriously at all and would not care about it with a group of children.

But now these kids take it seriously!

This made Lin Yuan's murderous intention reappear.

"Very good, Yue'er comes with me, and I will lead you to win the championship!" Lin Yuan sneered.

He took away someone's storage bag and headed straight for Leng Ningyue in another direction.

Just now, he had already unfolded his spiritual consciousness and swept across all directions to know where the prey was!

Sure enough, not long after Lin Yuan walked out, he saw a group of Huangsha disciples clumsily ambushing Lin Yuan.

After the two of them got closer, this group of people made a high-profile appearance.

"Haha, second generation ancestor, when you screamed just now, did you think about the scene now!"

A disciple with sinister eyebrows laughed wildly.

Beside him, the remaining people also had sarcastic faces.

"You still have a girl from the Leng family with you. Do you think we won't dare to beat you?"

As he said that, several people took a few steps forward, with expressions of concern on Lin Yuan's face.

Leng Ningyue looked pale and took a few steps forward to block Lin Yuan.

"Don't be afraid, young master, I will protect you!"

As he said this, he showed off his cultivation level, which was probably considered high among the disciples in the early days of Foundation Building.

However, there are many people on the opposite side, and there are also a few in the early stage of Foundation Building, so the strength is not proportional at all.

"Haha, don't worry Yue'er, in this case, I should be the one protecting you!"

Lin Yuan was very handsome at this time. He pulled Condensate behind him and faced everyone with a proud look on his face.

This scene made Leng Ningyue a little overwhelmed, and many Huangsha Sect disciples were also in disbelief.

Then, the leader laughed.

"You are looking for death!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Lin Yuan directly.

The remaining few people also surrounded him, seemingly trying to block Lin Yuan's retreat!

However, seeing the danger approaching, Lin Yuan did not panic at all, raised his hand and used the Water-Breaking Sword!

In an instant, hundreds of high-pressure water streams intertwined and transformed into countless blades in mid-air, scattering in all directions!

Wherever it passed, everything that collided, whether it was the Law Treasure or the body, was accurately cut into two!

The disciples who rushed towards him were hit head-on, unable to dodge at all.

The one who scolded him the most was hit head-on and split in two.

Their Law Treasure spell is like an egg hitting a stone in the face of absolute strength, destroying everything!

In other words, a few people can't breathe.

The few people who were still arrogant all fell to the ground, half were disabled, and the other half simply died.

And those who were crippled but not dead stared with frightened eyes, looking at Lin Yuan, their breathing seemed to be stagnant!

There was only one sentence left in their minds at this time.

Hit the iron plate!

"Spare your life! Spare your life!"

Huangsha Sect disciples kept begging for mercy.

The arrogance he had just now was gone.

"Haha, in the place of trial, life and death are determined by fate. You asked for this, don't blame me!"

Lin Yuan's eyes were cold.

He waved his hand and summoned the Broken Water Sword again to send a few people on their way!

"Young Master Liu, what are you doing!" Leng Ningyue was frightened.

In my impression, isn't Young Master Liu a waste?

Even the son of the head of the family, with all kinds of resources piled up, is still an Adou who cannot stand up to the wall.

But now, he seems to have changed into a different person, killing decisively and with clever spells, even stronger than himself!

Leng Ningyue couldn't help being shocked, but at the same time she felt that Lin Yuan was very reliable.

Unknowingly, my favorability increased again!

"Hey, kid, don't worry. Once I take action now, the Foundation Building will be complete. It will be very easy to help you kill some babies."

"Now, your most important task is to find the treasure here and help you improve your bloodline talent!"

A corner of the place of trial.

Bai Xiaofan was holding the ring in his hand, his face full of excitement.

"Grandpa, are you serious? This place of lost love was created by an Immortal Weapon back then, and there is an Immortal Weapon Law Treasure hidden inside!"

Bai Wuchen nodded.

"That's right, only a few people knew about this back then. If I hadn't broken through the transformation realm back then, it would have been difficult for me to know about this place."

"Right now, the people in the outside world don't know. They only think this place is a place of trial, and they don't understand the gold content here at all!"

"You have to take the treasure before they find out, and then you can kill Liu Wushen by yourself!"

Bai Xiaofan shook his head.

"No! Grandpa Zu, I want to kill that brat first!"

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