The early stage of transformation, the initial stage of perfection, the half-step to the middle stage!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lin Yuan entered the mid-term stage with one foot and almost succeeded in advancing.

As for Wanfa Jue, it was successfully promoted and became a mid-stage transformation technique, with a higher upper limit!

This made Lin Yuan happy, but then he became confused.

It stands to reason that basic skills have supporting spells, such as Water-Breaking Sword and Wild Wind Art.

However, my technique is obviously higher than High Level, but why has there never been a matching spell?

Could it be that I haven't fully realized it yet?

While he was thinking about it, Lin Yuan's mind suddenly became hot, and a set of exercises gradually reappeared.

"The Wan Dharma Seal can turn all the skills into a big hand and suppress everything?"

Lin Yuan suddenly realized.

It turned out that it was not that he had not unlocked it, but that he had it from the beginning, but the release conditions were too harsh.

He actually wanted to fuse various techniques together to form a giant hand that could be punched out and have the effects of all techniques.

This means that the more skills Lin Yuan masters, the more powerful the giant hand formed after fusion!

But now, Lin Yuan has mastered four types, counting only the transformation techniques!

This made Lin Yuan look forward to it. How powerful is this technique?

He suddenly stood up and went straight to the sect's martial arts performance venue alone. He arrived quickly and found a special single room.

Here you can test the power of spells alone without being disturbed by outsiders.

Looking at the human-shaped target made of special materials in front of him, Lin Yuan took a deep breath and immediately used Ten Thousand Magic Techniques!


A pair of giant golden hands transformed, measuring a hundred feet long, surrounded by four kinds of light, like four attributes!

They are strong wind, water flow, dust, and animal nature!

The four rays of light just filled the four fingers of the palm.

It makes these four fingers more solid, as if they are real.

After reappearing, he was controlled by Lin Yuan and grabbed him downwards!

Just like a giant mountain descending, the human-shaped target was immediately held by big hands, and there was a burst of shattering sounds.

Some parts have been shattered. You must know that this kind of material will not be easily shattered unless a master of the transformation realm takes full action.

It is similar to a certain kind of rubber. Normally, it remains intact despite being tested by the disciples.

But now it’s broken!

This is not over yet. After holding it, a strong wind howled immediately above the giant hand.

Immediately afterwards, streams of water condensed into blade-like blades, cutting quickly.

In the end, the dust exploded, and the beast kept roaring, shocking all directions!

In less than a second, four techniques and four attributes exploded one after another, as if four people took action at the same time!

The target instantly shattered and turned into ashes!

"Holy shit, so awesome? It's equivalent to taking action from the four realms of transformation!"

Lin Yuan opened his mouth wide. He was a spell caster and felt deeper.

He understood that the blow just now was equivalent to four of him taking action at the same time.

And if you face the enemy, I'm afraid it will allow you to fight beyond the level. It will not be difficult to defeat the middle stage of transformation!

It's heaven-defying, this is definitely a heaven-defying technique.

Moreover, these are only four attributes. If you master more skills in the future, will you be stronger?

After finding these, Lin Yuan couldn't help but get excited, as if he could kill a strong man in the ancestral realm with a wave of his hand in the future.

"Hey, invincibility means loneliness. The most urgent thing is to consolidate your cultivation!"

Lin Yuan chuckled, turned and left.

At the same time, outside, Huang Shazong.

As a sect equal to Changhe Sect, Huangsha Sect covers a large area and is located in the center of Desert Town, on several raised cliffs.

It seems barren, but it is also rich in spiritual energy.

At this moment, outside the Huangsha Sect, in the sky full of yellow sand, a young man broke free from his seriously injured body and walked step by step!

"Damn it, Lin Yuan, took away my opportunity. This hatred is irreconcilable!"

The young man is none other than Bai Xiaofan.

After escaping from the trial site, he has been wandering around the desert. During this period, he was attacked by Monster and almost died.

But the protagonist's halo is so powerful that he is not dead.

By mistake, he has recovered his cultivation level and is about to enter the Foundation Building Stage.

At this moment, the yellow sand suddenly shook in front of him, and an old man in a yellow robe looked at Bai Xiaofan blankly, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Are you? A disciple of Changhe? What a pity for such a talent!"

The old man in yellow robe was obviously the leader of Huangsha Sect. He looked at Bai Xiaofan with regret on his face.

"Senior! Senior is the ancestor of Huangsha. I am willing to become my disciple and follow you!"

Seeing that he was a master, Bai Xiaofan immediately fell to his knees.

At this time, he has lost his grandfather and his sect, so he can only take refuge in Huangsha, otherwise he will not be able to survive at all.

As for loyalty to the sect, he has none.

At this moment, the only thing left in my heart is revenge. After becoming stronger, I will kill Lin Yuan!

Ancestor Huangsha was stunned. He originally thought that this man was a disciple of the Changhe Sect, with such an amazing talent, that he walked through the desert alone.

I wanted to kill the other party to avoid future troubles.

That's why it's a pity, but I didn't expect that the other party would actually take refuge in me?

Doesn't it mean that there will be another talent in the door, who may be able to pass on his legacy?

"Okay! Very good! Ancestor Huangsha, I will accept you as my disciple. Come with me!"

Ancestor Huang Sha was ecstatic, thinking he had picked up a treasure, so he grabbed Bai Xiaofan and returned to the sect!

At Changhe Gate, Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the system's voice echoed in his mind.

"Ding! It is detected that the protagonist is about to become stronger. Please intervene immediately. If the intervention is successful, you will be rewarded!"

Become stronger?

Is there any mistake, so fast?

Lin Yuan was stunned.

He didn't expect that Bai Xiaofan was so perverted, how long had he been suppressed for this?

The old man is gone, the first opportunity is gone, how can he still become stronger?

Is the aura of the protagonist this time so awesome?

Lin Yuan wanted to think about it, but he got up immediately. He knew that he could not let the protagonist develop.

As long as he develops, the protagonist's aura will be stronger, and by then, there will be nothing he can do against him.

So, he immediately summoned Bai Ze and the Empress.

"What's wrong? You're in a hurry." Bai Ze was speechless and disliked Lin Yuan for disturbing him.

The empress was calm and saw that something was wrong with Lin Yuan, so she spoke.

"Tell me, what's the matter, are you in trouble?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"I have a hunch about Bai Xiaofan last time. He is waiting for an opportunity to take revenge. I must kill him!"

The empress frowned and then said.

"Do you know where he is?"

Lin Yuan shook his head, "I don't know yet, but I can use the sect's power to find it."

Just when Lin Yuan was hesitating, an idea suddenly flashed.

In this world, the person closest to Bai Xiaofan is Bai Wuchen, right?

So, Lin Yuan waved his hand, released Bai Wuchen, and spoke coldly.

"Old man, where is Bai Xiaofan? Take us to find him!"

Bai Wuchen was stunned at first, and then hesitated for a while.

It seems that he is considering whether he should help his cheating junior again.

But thinking about it carefully, Bai Xiaofan had no conscience and there was no point in saving him, so he spoke directly.

"I know, we have blood connections, just follow me!"

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