The ancestor of the Huangsha Sect was a little unbelievable.

He is indeed a wallflower and loves to flatter, but these are all for his freedom.

As the leader of a sect, he is used to being undisciplined, and he is above ten thousand people.

Now he suddenly has multiple masters, and he will definitely not adapt to it.

So I subconsciously wanted to refuse.

However, Bai Ze beside him smiled at this moment.

"If you don't know what's good and what's good, if you follow Lin Yuan and drink spicy food, you may be able to advance to the transformation state in the future."

"It's good for you, but you still dislike it?"

Even the empress who usually doesn't speak much spoke up.

"Yes, Myriad Beast Sect knows that their people were killed by Lin Yuan, and they will definitely take revenge soon."

"When the time comes, if you don't follow Lin Yuan and the Changhe Sect is gone, do you think you can still be alive?"

Compared to Bai Ze's persuasion, the empress was a complete threat.

But it's also true.

Revenge of the strong does not care who you are or whether you recognize it or not.

As long as you are from the same place, you are guilty of the same crime.

This is the arrogance of the strong.

In the fantasy world, this is an iron rule.

As the veteran head of Huangsha Sect, he naturally knows.

At this moment, his complexion also changed, and he was having a fierce psychological battle.

But soon, he sighed and lowered his head.

"Yes, if you don't obey now, you will definitely die without a burial place in the future."

"I, Patriarch Huangsha, have met the Young Master!"

As he spoke, he reached out, took out a drop of blood from his eyebrows, and threw it to Lin Yuan.

This scene seems decisive.

It seems that the leader of a sect surrendered in front of a young man so easily.

This seems unreasonable.

But in fact, as a human being, Huangsha Ancestor naturally has his own ideas.

Since the other party is so strong and so young, maybe there is a way to become stronger.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the white giant beast and the woman to follow him.

He had looked at these two people just now, and they were also in the half-transformation state.

In terms of strength, they were almost the same as me, so they all followed her, even if they were less than me.

In addition, he was also afraid that the Myriad Beast Sect would implicate him, so instead of being so entangled, it was better to obey as soon as possible.

This is a smart person.

Lin Yuan smiled.

"Very good! Next I will gather the four directions and take all the sects nearby into my own."

"This way, we can all unite against the Myriad Beast Sect!"

Lin Yuan smiled, but he didn't say anything in his heart.

That means that by doing this, he is also strengthening his own power.

He knows that many things become easier when he has teammates.

For example, this time dealing with the Myriad Beast Sect crisis.

If it was just him, he would need to surpass the Late Stage in a year and a half.

It's hard, almost impossible.

But if he gathers all the sects from all directions and uses them for his own use.

So all the ancestors of these dozen small sects have a lot of fighting power.

It is not impossible to join forces and form a formation to hold back the Late Stage masters.

Plus he also has selfish motives.

As long as these people surrender, he can use their skills to take a look.

When the time comes, the Devouring Technique can continue to improve.

Maybe even Bai Ze and the Empress can advance by leaps and bounds.

But he didn't say these words.

The Huangsha ancestor below nodded.

"Young Master Yingming, this is a map I collected back then. It contains the division of power among nearby sects."

With that said, he threw out a jade pendant and handed it to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan checked it and found that it was a map copied with consciousness.

The markings on it are obvious. There are a total of twelve small sects nearby.

This is consistent with what he learned from the Changhe Sect.

This place is located on the edge of the wilderness. It is said to be the edge, but it is actually a continent.

Separated from the main continent in the center of the wilderness.

In the middle is a vast ocean, which is very far away. Only masters can cross it, otherwise it will take months.

The so-called interior is actually the wilderness interior.

And strong ones like Myriad Beast Sect survive inland.

Their place is a borderland at best.

Although it is a border area, there are many sects, twelve in total.

There are twelve representatives, at least half of the ancestors of the Transformation Realm.

They check and balance each other.

But because there are not many strong people, and the land on the edge of the wilderness is vast, generally speaking, there are only two or three families next to each other.

Therefore, the competition for resources is not fierce. There were no large-scale fights.

There has never been any unification.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, maybe we are making history, unifying the whole sect, and counterattacking the Myriad Beast Sect!"

Lin Yuan laughed and led everyone straight to the next sect!

Wilderness inland.

Compared to the Great Wilderness border, which is full of uninhabited barren mountains, as the core training area of ​​the Great Wilderness, this place is extremely prosperous.

There are many sects, and even in the wild, there are mortal kingdoms everywhere.

Even in the sky, you can see cultivators coming and going from time to time, a prosperous scene.

At this time, somewhere inland, deep in a mountain range, there were circular buildings standing here.

Between the buildings, a Spirit Beast hovers back and forth, including beasts, birds, and monsters in the sea.

Without exception, they all have strong cultivations, and they have seen several of them in the half-transformation realm.

And this place is Myriad Beast Sect. At this moment, inside the core mountain gate of Myriad Beast Sect, in a hall.

An old man with white hair, accompanied by a White Tiger, is sitting cross-legged in meditation, practicing Nurturing Spirit.

Suddenly, the storage bag on his waist shook. The old man grabbed it and took a look, and found three jade pendants of life inside, which were quickly shattering! This made him open his eyes suddenly, and the depths of his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Whoever dares to attack my disciple is really looking for death."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to make the secret, and an illusory picture emerged.

In the picture, it was the sword that Lin Yuan finally struck!

"Hmph! Changhe Sect, you are so brave!"

The old man was extremely angry. He stood up slowly and patted the White Tiger beside him. The White Tiger immediately roared up to the sky and turned into a human form.

It was also an old man, with the same appearance, as if he was a clone. The two looked at each other, and the old man with a white beard took a step forward and disappeared.

"After destroying two sects, I came to see you."

Before leaving, the old man's voice came slowly, and it was clear that he was going to destroy the entire Changhe Sect.

At the same time, somewhere in an unknown area, there was a continuous volcano that stretched thousands of miles away.

The air was filled with scalding heat waves.

Somewhere between the volcanoes, there was a giant black tree growing. On top of the giant tree, a fiery red phoenix was perched.

At this moment, Phoenix opened his eyes suddenly, exuding extremely terrifying pressure.

Its pressure far exceeds the realm of transformation, far exceeds the ancestral mirror, and even far exceeds the Venerable mirror!

After Phoenix opened his eyes, a thought slowly came out.

"Who is it? He stole the genius I admired and is seeking death!"

Then the phoenix flapped its wings, and a piece of feather flew out, turning into a woman in red in mid-air.

This woman was beautiful in appearance, carrying divine majesty. She turned her head and stepped into the void, disappearing from where she was.

"Don't take action directly. The identity of the person who can steal my mark must be extraordinary. Let's investigate. If it is someone from the ancient sect, then give up the action. We can't afford to offend him for the time being."

Before leaving, the will of the Phoenix came out, with a bit of fear.

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