The person in front of me is probably a Late Stage master!

Thinking of this, the strong man shivered for no reason.

Whose young master is so strong at such a young age?

Who is behind him?

Could it be that this is a descendant of Venerable.

Only Venerable can breed such a pervert.

Of course, a strong man can't tell that this is actually a sign of strong magic.

Lin Yuan's grab just now was equivalent to four strong men of the same realm taking action together.

That's why it's misunderstood.

At this time, Bai Ze and the Empress also walked out.

"Haha, it's your honor to serve Lin Yuan, half-transformed state!"

Bai Ze grinned.

The empress on the side snorted coldly.

"Lin Yuan, what's the use of half a step? It's better to catch some real transformation masters. Otherwise, they're not as strong as you. How about grabbing the rushers?"

After the two of them finished talking, Huangsha Ancestor also came over with a smile.

"Haha, the young master is extremely talented, and half of the paintings are indeed not enough, so it is an honor for us to be able to serve the young master!"

This scene was seen by the strong man.

It made his heart pound!

Holy shit!

What the hell?

Three half-transformations?

One of them is the old ghost Huangsha!

Even he surrendered, what is the background of this young man?

Could it be possible that he is truly a direct descendant of Venerable!

"Jin Da Dao, I have met His Highness the Young Master!"

The strong man knelt down on the spot.

He has completely concluded that this young man definitely has a Venerable father.

Otherwise, why would so many strong men be willing to surrender?

He didn't believe that this young man had amazing talent.

Whose talent can make people level up so quickly!

Did you start practicing cultivation right from your mother’s womb?

Therefore, he also felt that it was not a loss for him to follow Lin Yuan!

In the future, if you want to make you happy, you can give me some benefits.

Maybe he can break through in cultivation!

Therefore, Jin Dadao behaved extremely respectfully.

"Young Master, do you want to continue? I will lead the way!"

As soon as these words came out, Huangsha Ancestor was immediately in crisis.

No, I am the leader around the young master.

Is this guy going to take my place as soon as he comes?

Ancestor Huangsha snorted.

"Hmph! Jin Dadao, you are an old guy. You usually don't go out of the front door or the second door. You don't know more than me. It's better for me to lead the way!"

Jin Dadao took a look and realized that he was trying to win favor.

But that's right, if you follow this second-generation ancestor, your strength doesn't matter, and you'll definitely be flattered!

So he also snorted coldly.

"Hmph! Old Ghost Huang, how can the young master be so noble as to be accompanied by an old man like you? He should be as strong and handsome as me, and can give the young master an unparalleled sense of security!"

"Handsome? You are so thick-skinned!"

Ancestor Huangsha rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight.

Seeing that the two almost started fighting, Lin Yuan was speechless.

"Shut up and be honest. I don't need your protection because of my strength. You just need to be my subordinates and help me kill people!"

As he spoke, Lin Yuan's body was filled with evil energy.

An emperor-like coercion shocked everyone.

Seeing this, Jin Dadao took a deep breath.

Thinking about it, this second generation ancestor has killed people?

Such people are not easy to get along with!

The two stopped talking nonsense and soon became honest.

"Young Master, there are a total of twelve sects on the edge of the wilderness. Excluding us, there are still nine. Among them, there is one that is the most difficult to provoke, Myriad Demons Cave!"

Myriad Demons Cave.

The ground here is covered with red earth and is scorched black.

The air was filled with a rancid smell.

Crows circled in the air.

Below is a building carved from ferocious bones.

Looking around, it is densely packed.

An apocalyptic scene.

This is the edge of the wilderness, Myriad Demons Cave.

In the Myriad Demons Cave, there is a palace carved from huge animal bones, and the place is full of blood.

In the palace, a young man with pale skin, wearing a blue gown and looking gentle and elegant was holding a folding fan and pacing back and forth in the palace. After a while, he was afraid to speak.

"You mean, it seems that a strong man has arrived recently, conquered various sects, and is now heading straight for Myriad Demons Cave?"

Immediately below, a man in black appeared out of thin air and nodded respectfully.

"Master, according to the intelligence, they are approaching. According to this, they are only three hundred miles away. What should we do?"

The young man is none other than Wan Mozi, the leader of Myriad Demons Cave.

Take a deep breath now.

"Haha, if we can go all the way, no one can stop us, at least the masters of chemical competition. We will definitely be defeated, but if we are conquered just like that, we will not be reconciled!"

"Come here, use the Ten Thousand Demons Formation. Even if you die, don't surrender!"

After giving the order, the man in black turned pale.

His voice trembled.

"Master, once that formation is activated, the land will be thousands of miles away, and there will be almost no disciples left in the sect. Do you really want to do this?"

Wan Mozi snorted coldly.

"What? You knew you were going to die, so you didn't take my words seriously, did you?"

The man in black trembled.

"Don't dare!"

Obviously, in his eyes, this young man was more terrifying than death.

After a while, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect's formation was launched.

Bursts of black aura escaped from the earth.

It reaches the sky, like some kind of pollution.

The sky was dyed pitch black and lifeless!

From a distance, it looks like black ribbons rising from the ground, covering the sky.

An evil aura is awakening!

"Holy shit, what the hell is this? It feels so evil!"

On the spaceship, Bai Ze opened his eyes wide and looked at everything.

Lin Yuan also frowned.

"It is indeed the most difficult one to deal with. It looks like this is a broken pot. Is it going to be a dead end?"

At this time, six people were already following behind Lin Yuan.

Except for the yellow sand and the golden sword.

The remaining four people were collected on Lin Yuan Road.

Without exception, their cultivation levels are all in the half-transformation realm.

The strongest among them is the golden sword.

The distance to the realm is only one foot.

At this time, he stepped forward with a solemn expression.

"Young Master, Myriad Demons Cave is rumored to be related to the Myriad Monsters Cave of the superior sect. It is a demon Dao Sect sect that kills a lot and is best at fighting!"

"This formation must be the Ten Thousand Demons Array. It can collect blood from all directions, regenerate souls, turn them into combat power, and compress them into one person!"

"You can forcibly improve your cultivation!"

Lin Yuan's pupils flickered.

"How do you know such details?"

Jin Dadao smiled sheepishly.

"Back then, I thought I was the strongest, so I challenged Wan Mozi to a duel. Unexpectedly, he launched a large formation and slapped me half to death..."

"Half dead? A slap!"

Lin Yuan was shocked.

You know, if he can hit a golden sword, it will only be at this level.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the golden sword was weaker back then.

But no matter what, these ten thousand demons are not easy to move!

However, Lin Yuan likes to challenge the strong.

"Haha, collect everything and return it to your own use. It seems that you don't need to take action in this sect. There is only Wan Mozi. I will deal with him!"

Lin Yuan smiled heartily and disappeared instantly.

When it emerges, it is already above the Myriad Demons Cave.

"Wan Mozi, listen, your grandfather is here to find you, come out and challenge him quickly!"

Everyone gasped!

"Let's go, this Lin Yuan is so fierce. Is he really the second generation ancestor? Shouldn't he spend all day drinking and drinking? How can he be more powerful than me?"

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