After hearing what the emperor meant, many of the ministers in the hall changed their colors slightly.

Introducing creatures from the Demon God World, Demon World and other big worlds is like inviting wolves into the house for the Hundred Thousand Realm!

The Great World of Demon Gods and the Great World of Demons have always coveted the Hundred Thousand Realms.

Demon gods, monsters and other alien creatures are actually like the ancient gods, and they all regard human beings as food.

The only difference is that they are not as powerful as the Ancient God Clan!

If the borders are opened and other big worlds such as the Demon God World, the Demon World and the other big worlds are allowed to enter the Hundred Thousand Realm, it will definitely be another catastrophe for the human race that will destroy all lives!

At that time, the mortal beings in all realms will probably be even more miserable than the ancient gods.

Because the ancient gods are at least somewhat rational, they generally don't do anything to mortal beings.

Because they know that although mortal beings are weak, they are the foundation for building this world.

They enslave the strong men of the human race, but they will not interfere with the mortal world.

But demons and demons are different. Demons, demons and other alien creatures are cruel and bloodthirsty by nature, and they kill and torture for fun.

If demons, gods, monsters and other alien races enter the world, the mortal world and even some small sects will suffer....

By then, the Hundred Thousand Realm will probably be littered with corpses....

Although everyone in the hall is the emperor's ministers, they are loyal to the emperor.

But after all, they are also part of the human race, and they are still worried about introducing other big worlds....

But they understand the emperor's temper even more!

Although this heroic emperor with great talent and strategy had clear rewards and punishments, he was most afraid of anyone disobeying his orders.

Although they were all highly trusted by the emperor, they also made great contributions to the reconstruction of the imperial court.

But they dare not disobey the emperor's will...

After all, the emperor was able to kill even his nine living and dead brothers just because of a suspicion in his heart.

Now who dares to say no?

Although everyone's hearts were palpitating, there were expressions of awe and respect on their faces, and they all worshiped:"Your Majesty is wise!"


The Emperor, who is sitting high on the throne, looks as usual and calm, but there is a trace of sarcasm in his eyes.

These ministers probably think that he is a tyrant in their hearts....

But it doesn’t matter.

The Emperor stood up slowly and walked outside the main hall. He raised his head and looked at the Immortal Gate that was about to come, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

He abandoned his blood descendants and killed his brothers, both living and dead.

He cut off all his emotions, including family, friendship, love and all other emotions.

The purpose is to fight for ugliness and climb the path to immortality!

As long as he can win the Immortal Sect and prove to be an Immortal in one fell swoop, it won't matter if everyone in the world despises him.?.......

Deep in the Demon God's Great World, the infinitely majestic Bone Palace stands in the void.

And deep in the void, an ancient demon god slowly opened his eyes.

His aura is extremely powerful, heart-stopping, ancient and full of bloodthirsty and violent aura.

"The Emperor invites us to fight for the Immortal Sect together?"

A middle-aged scribe with a simple face looked calm and nodded slowly:"Your Majesty will secretly release the border formation. Whether it comes or not depends entirely on the choice of the Demon God World."

After that, the middle-aged scribe turned and left, crossing the void with one step. Obviously he didn't want to stay here any longer.

In the palace of bones, a demon god appeared, filled with deep demonic energy and extremely bloody.

The voice of a demon god Husky:"Would the Emperor be so kind as to let my Demon World invade the Hundred Thousand Realm?"

For countless years, the Demon God World has always coveted the Hundred Thousand Realm.

But between the Hundred Thousand Realms and the Demon God World, there is an extremely powerful formation. The strong humans rely on this formation. , so that the Great Demon God World can only look back and sigh in despair for countless epochs.

Now that the human race is weakening, the Emperor has let go of the great formation. It is a God-given opportunity for the Great Demon God World!

The ancient Demon God in the void said calmly:"The Emperor just wants to The water is muddy, dragging my world of demons into the battle between the immortal sects....."

A demon god said in a deep voice:"Then my world of demon gods, do you want to participate in this battle between the immortal gates?"

The ancient demon god's voice was calm, which was completely different from the hoarse madness of the other demon gods. He said softly:"Why don't you fight?

The immortal gate is coming, This is a rare opportunity. Although the Chu Clan is strong, the emperor will definitely contact the other big worlds.

When the time comes, there will be a mixture of dragons and fish, and it will be a muddy water. It is still unclear who will win...."

In the void, a young man with blood-eyed eyes slowly walked out. His appearance was pale and delicate, but he gave people an extremely threatening feeling!

A smile appeared on his face:"Even if we can't win the Immortal Sect, our Demon God World can still take this opportunity to get involved in the Hundred Thousand Realms....

Everyone, have you forgotten the delicious food of the human race?...."

When many demon gods heard this, their eyes suddenly burst into bloody and terrifying red light!.........

Not only the Great World of Demon Gods, the Great World of Demons, the Great World of Shura and many other foreign worlds, they all welcomed the Emperor's envoys at this moment.

Without any hesitation, many alien worlds agreed to the emperor's plan.

I am willing to join forces with the Emperor to fight for this Immortal Sect!

Of course, the price is all the sentient beings in the Hundred Thousand Realms!........, on the border of the Hundred Thousand Realms, those majestic formations that have been operating for countless epochs have terrifying auras, responding to the distant heavens.

These formations were defensive formations built by all the great masters in the era of the rise of the human race.

It is the symbol of the times for the human race and the strongest guardian of the Hundred Thousand Realms.

For countless years, it is these great formations that have protected hundreds of millions of creatures in the Hundred Thousand Realms from the intrusion of alien races....

But now, although the formation is still operating, there is no strong person guarding it.

All major systems suffered heavy losses, and allAfter all the remaining masters were transferred back to the mountain gate, there were not many strong men left to guard the formation....

Approaching the defensive formation of the Demon World, a being with a terrifying aura appeared.

The leader is none other than Fu Qingxuan!

Fu Qingxuan stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the defensive formation in front of him. He thought for a long time, and finally took a deep breath and said softly:"Open it."

His eyes were dark and he murmured in a low voice:"We will be the human race the eternal legend....

Or a sinner through the ages!"_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel APP16!

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