The vast aura of the Eternal Tower was rippling, and countless disciples turned into divine rainbows, flew out of Jade God Mountain, and headed for other great domains.

These disciples were all in the Eternal Tower, accepted the mission, and went out to complete the mission.


Great Zhou Dynasty.

With the support of Bai Yujing, the Great Zhou Dynasty at that time was extremely powerful.

Up to now, twenty large domains have been annexed, and the territory is vast and boundless. The luck has turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, and the luck to be promoted to the holy dynasty is not far away.

And just the day before yesterday, an order to "attack the Ten Regions" was issued from the imperial capital, resounding in the minds of every marshal, legion commander, and general.

The marshals were shocked and mobilized their troops overnight to attack the surrounding areas.

Hundreds of troops are boiling!

They knew there was another chance to make a difference.

Compared with the morale of the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the morale was high.

The morale of some other dynasties and imperial armies was low, and they completely lost their fighting spirit.

The supporter behind the Great Zhou Dynasty is Bai Yujing, and it is no secret in the world of all spirits.

When Zhou Qingyun subdued the four supernatural forces in one fell swoop, most of the surrounding Qiyun dynasty and the supporting forces of the emperor's dynasty tactfully disconnected from him.

Therefore, some dynasties and dynasties also fell into despair.

When they received news of the Great Zhou Dynasty's attack, emotions of despair and fear hovered in everyone's hearts.

A small number of fortune lords chose to surrender after a night of ideological struggle.

Other lords, officials, and clans of fortune have long been accustomed to controlling power. It is more uncomfortable for them to choose to surrender and submit to others than to kill them.

Therefore, these fortune dynasties joined together to resist the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Of course, there are also forces behind the imperial dynasty that are supported by Immortal World giants, who have a complete method of fortune, and are extremely powerful!

Facing the attack of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he was not afraid at all!

The Great Ren Emperor Dynasty is such a fortune dynasty, which controls fifteen domains and has six affiliated Great Emperor Dynasties. Although it is not as powerful as the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is not much worse.

The Fengyu Dynasty is adjacent to the Great Zhou Dynasty and is a subordinate dynasty of the Great Zhou Dynasty.


Hundreds of warships suddenly flew out from the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, blooming with boundless power, and headed towards the Fengyu Dynasty and the Great Zhou Dynasty Gobi.



Following the order of the Great Zhou Dynasty, this place has already become a battlefield.




The roar resounded through the Gobi, and the killing intent was overwhelming.

Looking at it at a glance, the densely packed soldiers have already become red-eyed, like a swarm of ants, even if they die, they will go up and bite the enemy.

If you are too seriously injured and have lost the ability to fight, then you will rush into the enemy group and explode your body.

Either you die, or I die!

This is the main theme of all wars!

On the battlefield, cowardice cannot solve the problem.

Only madness and bloodthirsty can overcome fear! !

Only a madman can make meritorious deeds and add honor to his body.

The blood stained the flag, which fluttered in the killing waves.

There are corpses everywhere, and blood is floating.

Killing intent blocks the sun.


The sound of the terrifying drums made all the soldiers on the battlefield tense up.

Subconsciously glanced in the direction of the drum sound.

Hundreds of warships approached from the sky with terrifying power, and the flag of the Great Zhou was gradually enlarged in everyone's eyes.

"Is it my reinforcements?"

All the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty looked excited.

A family is happy and a family is sad.

Different from the excitement of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the soldiers of the Fengyu Dynasty showed despair.

"All the soldiers of the Fengyu Dynasty, put down their weapons, I will pardon you and not die!"

On the frontmost warship, Pan Xiong stepped out, looked at the soldiers of Emperor Fengyu's dynasty from a distance, and suddenly yelled.

Its voice was like thunder, directly covering the sound of Jin Ge's killing.

Some soldiers of Emperor Fengyu's dynasty hesitated.

Seeing this, the warlord general of the Fengyu Emperor's dynasty changed his face slightly, and shouted: "Behind us, there are you, my wife and children, and our beliefs. If we leave the house, our family will be ruined and the country will perish. Are you willing?"

"The Great Zhou Dynasty has reinforcements, and the Fengyu Dynasty also has reinforcements. All the generals will fight the enemy together and wait for the reinforcements!"

Following the words of the general who supervised the war, the soldiers of the Fengyu Dynasty had a booster, and their morale rose again.


Pan Xiong snorted coldly, with awe-inspiring murderous intent and agitated momentum, he drew his sword forward and said coldly and majesticly:

"Where are the generals? Follow me to enter Fengyu and destroy the Emperor Fengyu!!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

"Yes, Marshal!"


The soldiers on the hundred warships erupted with vigorous fighting spirit, their eyes full of fear, they rose into the sky and rushed into the battlefield.

Each battlefield can accommodate 30,000 soldiers, and one hundred ships equals three million soldiers.

Like a flood pouring from the sky, Shrouding the Heavens covered the sun, formed an army formation, erupted with splendid army souls, and stirred up mountains and rivers.

The morale is soaring, the waves are heavy, and the situation is unstoppable!

They are the real main force of Da Zhou.

Among these soldiers, the lowest Realm is Spirit Sea, and it is in its heyday, so it is not something the current Feng Yu soldiers can resist.

With the addition of the main force of 3 million Great Zhou, the situation is one-sided.

The pungent smell of blood rose into the sky, mixed with dust, making people sick.

Limbs and arms are broken, and the head is like grass.

Wails, cursing, golden swords... gathered together, and disappeared under the massacre of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty...

In the military camp of Emperor Fengyu, Commander Fengyu looked sad about all this, then turned his head to look at a young Daoist, frowned and asked: "Messenger, now that Da Zhou has taken the bait, can Fengyu soldiers retreat?"

The young Daoist glanced at the coach expressionlessly, and said coldly: "This seat is doing things, why do you have to tell me what to do!"

The majesty of the turbulent waves pressed down on the coach.


The coach fell to the ground, sweating profusely, and remained silent.

The young Daoist flicked his robes and disappeared in place.

"Is it worth it? Is it really worth it for Fengyu soldiers to fight for this group of indifferent people?"

"This is a million soldiers!"

As for the coach who was sitting paralyzed on the ground, he turned his head to look at the battlefield, looked at the fallen soldiers one after another, let out a miserable laugh, then rushed to the war drum, beat the war drum himself, and said frantically: "Fengyu has no cowards, fight to the death with Da Zhou, Fight to the last drop of blood! Fengyu Wanmin will always remember you!"


Three drums sounded, and the coach rushed to the battlefield with a spear in his hand.

Gobi battlefield on the other side.

In the void.

The sudden appearance of the young Daoist.

He looked at the generals of the Great Zhou with a look of contempt.

The vast Dao aggregates flowed from his body, forming a white divine light that surged in all directions. "Array!"

The sky was torn apart suddenly, and a large formation covering the sky suddenly covered the battlefield.

The situation changed suddenly.

A terrible pressure appeared, as heavy as Mount Tai.


Regardless of whether it was the soldiers of Dazhou or Fengyu, as long as they did not form an army formation, those with a low cultivation base were all crushed into meat.

"Ninth Rank Killing Formation?!"

"So ruthless, to use millions of soldiers as bait!"

Pan Xiong's face changed wildly, Yazi was about to burst, he quickly mobilized those whose Cultivation Base was higher than Shenqiao, and attacked the young Daoist in the air.

He tried to use this method to break the killing formation.

But the young Daoist, as a ninth-grade spiritual master, has a strong Cultivation Base. He also has a Quasi Emperor's Cultivation Base.

Except for Pan Xiong who can pose a certain threat to him, the others are not to be feared at all.

As time passed, more and more soldiers died.

Some soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty knew that they could not escape, so they blew themselves up, trying to forcibly break the killing formation.

But it's useless at all.

"What is the messenger doing?"


Daoist of Fengyu soldiers couldn't believe it, and roared and questioned.

Feng Yu's coach was full of pain on his face, and he glanced in the direction of Emperor Feng Yu.

It seems to see Fengyu soldiers, the longing of his wife, the reluctance of the elderly, the hope of children, the farewell of close friends...

He glanced at all the struggling soldiers of Emperor Fengyu on the battlefield, and said with a wry smile: "Fengyu sons, you are sorry for everyone in Fengyu and Daren, but all the people of Emperor Daren and Emperor Fengyu are sorry. You, they owe you all!"

"I'm sorry for you too!"

"If there is an afterlife, I will personally atone for you!"

After finishing speaking, he resolutely rushed to Pan Xiong's direction and blew himself up.


Pan Xiong's face changed wildly.

Crazy, all crazy!

Pan Xiong looked terrified.

A Supreme blew itself up, coupled with the pressure of killing the formation.

I am afraid that the three million Zhou soldiers will all be accounted for here.

The vast energy erupted, the sky and the earth trembled, and the terrifying aftermath spread to all directions.

Pan Xiong resisted the pressure, and the way flowed, forming a big net, trying to prevent the spread of the aftermath.

But with the influence of the killing array, his strength was greatly reduced, and he couldn't melt the aftermath of the self-destruction.

Pan Xiong showed determination, and was about to burn his life and longevity, and sublimate to the limit.

Just at this moment, the space trembled and the sea of ​​clouds churned.

A terrifying Sword intent suddenly descended from the sky, cutting the killing formation to pieces.

The immeasurable divine light shrouded the terrifying aftermath of self-destruction and forcibly suppressed it.

At this time, a graceful and graceful woman appeared out of thin air.

This strength...

The young Daoist's complexion changed wildly, and he asked slightly apprehensively:

"Who are you? Why stop me?"

The woman's expression was expressionless, and she didn't answer, she just stretched out her white jade hand and squeezed it from the air.


In an instant, the strength of the young Daoist was suppressed, and his fleshy body was directly crushed, screaming out.

At this time, the cold voice of the woman also sounded faintly.

"Bai Yujing, Li Qingyue!"

"In your next life, don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

Bai Yujing? !

The young body was obliterated, leaving only the soul floating between the heaven and the earth. He looked at Li Qingyue in horror.

"Excuse me, Venerable, I am willing to tell Venerable any information about Emperor Daren's dynasty! I can make Emperor Fengyu surrender to Bai Yujing and merge into the territory of Emperor Zhou..."

He was still so young, with a bright future, how could he die so aggrieved?

He is not reconciled!

But Li Qingyue did not continue to give him the chance to speak, the vast Divine Sense appeared, and directly searched the soul of the young Daoist.

All the information about Emperor Daren's dynasty was obtained by Li Qingyue.

"Aged in Jiazi, is the world auspicious?"

"Immortal World? General Tiangong?!"

When reading the depths of young Daoist's memory, two memories suddenly appeared.

But at this moment.

As if a great terror had descended, infinite malice emerged from the depths of the young Daoist's soul.

Li Qingyue raised a warning sign and quickly threw the young Daoist out of the sky.


With indescribable malice, devouring the young Daoist.

The surviving soldiers of Fengyu lost their fighting spirit and put down their weapons one after another.

The Zhou soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay.

All of a sudden, the world was silent!

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