Fantasy: Villain Investment Rebate, Little Brother 30 Million

Chapter 209 Soul Refining Chapter Martial Dao

"Can the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi stay in the body of a beast for a long time, continuously transforming into a physical body?"

"Is it possible to transform into a physical body as long as the Spiritual Qi stays in the body?"

"Then how to guide Spiritual Qi into the body?"

Dayi looked at the fierce beast with long horns, which looked like a tiger but not a tiger, and was as tall as him, but was firmly restrained, and fell into deep thought.

Endless ideas are born.

He imitated the beast swallowing Spiritual Qi, but it didn't work at all.

For three consecutive days, Dayi was studying how to guide Spiritual Qi into the body.

In the early morning of the second day, he found that there were mysterious fluctuations coming out of the beast's body, which could interfere with the Spiritual Qi of the heaven and the earth, as if throwing a stone into the lake, making the Spiritual Qi of the heaven and the earth active.

After stirring the Spiritual Qi to activate it, the beast guides the Spiritual Qi to reside in the body and strengthen the body.

This discovery made Dayi ecstatic.

He began to imitate the fierce beast, but he couldn't evolve that kind of mysterious fluctuation at all.

After he finished his morning exercise every day, he went to study how the fierce beast made that kind of fluctuation.

Time flies.

Dayi was twelve years old, and he still hadn't found a way to imitate fierce beasts and send out mysterious waves. However, in this year, he awakened an ability.

With this ability, Dayi closed his eyes and could still "see" things around him.

This ability also made his thinking extremely sharp.

Dayi asked for advice from the old patriarch of the Ancient Desolation Tribe and others, but none of the others had this ability.

Dayi was extremely shocked by this, and named this ability: Mental Energy.

With Mental Energy, Dayi, with the help of God, perfected the writing system of the ancient wasteland, recorded the history of the ancient wasteland tribes, as well as some skills and techniques.

He taught the text to the wise men of the ancient wild tribe, and let these wise men teach others.

The white horse is too late.

Dayi was fifteen years old, and his strength soared to one hundred thousand catties.

No one in the ancient wild tribe was his match, so he joined the hunting team as he wished.

Following the hunting team, he saw different beasts.

Every ferocious beast can send out mysterious fluctuations, shaking the Spiritual Qi of the world.

After continuous exploration and application of Mental Energy, he discovered that Mental Energy can actually imitate the mysterious waves emanating from the body of the beast.

This discovery made Dayi very excited. That night, he used Mental Energy to imitate a beast and guide Spiritual Qi into his body.

The Spiritual Qi in the midst of heaven and earth has no owner and is extremely violent.

Dayi carefully guided Spiritual Qi into his body.

But Spiritual Qi is a very advanced energy.

In addition, Dayi's Meridians have not undergone any warming and tempering.

The moment Spiritual Qi entered him, it tore his Meridians apart.

Dayi was terrified, his seven orifices bled, and he passed out.

His screams attracted Shi Chen's attention.

Seeing Dayi's miserable state, Shi Chen hurriedly sent him to Wu Ji for treatment.

But it was also the first time for Wu Ji to encounter such a situation, and he was at a loss what to do.

Dayi could only be given some mild medicine.

Dayi woke up after three days.

But he was too injured to function normally.

Dayi seemed unable to accept the reality and became decadent.

Everyone in the Ancient Desolate Tribe felt sorry for Dayi.


【Ding! Trigger the investment, invest in a rejuvenation pill to the mythical son of destiny Dayi, and you can get the eighth-rank holy purple panacea*2, and the holy grade Cultivation Technique*1.]

Zhou Qingyun, who was silently observing all this, was slightly taken aback when he heard the system's prompt, and then shook his head.

Naturally, he would not invest, and he was counting on Dayi to deduce the mythical Martial Dao.

And these things are completely useless to him now.

"Let's study the mythical Martial Dao honestly. There are already too many ways to use the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, and the Eternal Realm doesn't need it!"

"I want a hundred flowers to bloom!"

Zhou Qingyun smiled.

He is very curious about the mythical Martial Dao.

He has a feeling that this myth, Martial Dao, also has a great effect on him.

In the past few years in the Eternal Realm, Zhou Qingyun also tried to find the so-called myth particles in his body and deduce the myth Martial Dao.

But it's useless at all.

He guessed that Dayi's ability to discover mythical particles should be due to the blessing of miracles.


After two years.

After Dayi was injured, he was devastated.

Although he had been conditioned by medicine, Dayi could only barely move on the ground.

He seems to have lost his interest in Life and is depressed all day long.

Seeing this, Shi Chen was heartbroken and entered the Shiwan Dashan alone, trying to find a spiritual object for Dayi and heal his injury.

Spiritual objects are actually Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

As if by God's help, he found a Lingzhi Mushrooms in less than three days.

Beside him was guarded by ferocious beasts. Although Shi Chen got Lingzhi Mushrooms, he was also seriously injured.

Shi Chen was covered in blood, and with strong faith, he returned to the ancient tribe and handed over Lingzhi Mushrooms to Dayi.

"Yi' should be a real dragon in the sky, full of shouldn't be depressed all day long...this is a spiritual plant...for my father, I hope to help you recover from your injuries, and lead Guhuang out of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains..."

Before finishing speaking, Shi Chen died.


Hugging Shichen, Dayi was in extreme grief, as if he had fallen into the river, surrounded by a terrifying suffocation.

He couldn't accept the scene in front of him.

Dayi was in a daze, and with the help of other clansmen, he buried Shi Chen.

He fell into endless self-blame, but the son of stone gave him a great stimulus.

In order to complete Shi Chen's confession, Dayi regained his strength.

He vowed to find a way to become stronger, so that the ancient wild tribe could walk out of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Dayi did not immediately use the spiritual object brought back by Shichen, but studied the body of the beast again.

"Since it is impossible to extradite Spiritual Qi into the body, then find a way to become stronger from the physical body!"

He sat under a dead tree and leaned out of Mental Energy to study the body of the beast.

From time to time, he would experiment with his own body.

In the eyes of the ancient wild people, Dayi seemed to be crazy.

His mother was heartbroken and could only counsel Dayi every day.

the second year.

Dayi felt that the physical potential of the human race was infinite, and it contained infinite mysterious power.

After struggling again and again, Dayi still decided to use his own body as an experimental object to stimulate the power in the body.

He smashed the spiritual things and boiled them into potions to stimulate the physical body.

Just like the life script deduced by Zhou Qingyun, although there are twists and turns, the myth particle is finally found.

Dayi's body recovered as before, and his strength reached 200,000 jin.

Everyone in the Ancient Desolate Tribe was shocked.

Dayi was also delighted, and went to worship Shichen.

After staying in the place where Shichen was buried for a long time, Dayi returned to the stone house, and after spending a day with his mother, Dayi went to the Hundred Thousand Mountains where he slaughtered several fierce beasts.

Five days later, Dayi returned to the ancient wasteland with the beast on his back.

Later, Dayi continued to study the myth particles in his body, trying to help others awaken.

He can awaken because he has Mental Energy and a certain amount of luck.

After half a year, Dayi found a way to stably help others to awaken the myth particles.

He named this method - Body Tempering method, and recorded it.

According to the Body Tempering method, Dayi helped the ancient people of the wilderness to awaken the mythical particles.


At the moment when Dayi deduced the Body Tempering method, wonderful changes took place in the Eternal Realm. The rules of heaven and earth seemed to be improved a bit, and the transformation speed of the chaotic energy was faster.

Zhou Qingyun, as the master of the Eternal Realm, also obtained the Body Tempering method, looking at the Body Tempering method, his eyes were shining brightly.

"The physical body of a living being is composed of extremely tiny and unconscious living beings. These living beings are like worlds, exquisite and extraordinary, and there are mythical particles deep in their bodies. Using the body as the seed, the spiritual blood as the guide, connects the soul..."

After watching the Body Tempering method, Zhou Qingyun sighed slightly, "This Dayi was really favored by miracles. With a superficial Divine Sense, he was able to discover the cells and the mythical particles hidden in the cells! He also found out the mythical particles and awakened them." Zhifa is really a talent."

Shaking his head, he casually took a few Heavenly and Mortal Treasures and the beast Blood Essence from the Eternal Realm, and began to awaken the mythical particles according to the Body Tempering method.

He used Divine Sense to imitate specific mystical fluctuations, connect with cells with the same fluctuation frequency, guide the spiritual blood, and stimulate these cells.

These cells glow faintly and emit mysterious fluctuations.

Several hours passed.


A humming sound suddenly came from Zhou Qingyun's body.

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