[At the age of 26, Shi Kaitian, a young man from the demon clan, came to seek revenge and fight with you, but you showed the cultivation of the body of the third world and directly defeated him, but he said that you will be destroyed sooner or later.

[You don't believe in Shi Kaitian's words at all, you only believe in strength!]

[In order to improve your strength as soon as possible, you set your sights on Guan Feiyan and let him practice special exercises, becoming your peak furnace for improving your strength.

[But Guan Feiyan's strength is too weak, and it's still not strong enough, so you then find Yu Cangming, show him a good impression, easily get his heart, and gain strength through double cultivation.

[Yu Cangming thought it was love, but in fact, it was just that you needed to become stronger.

[At the age of 27, you began to refine the pill with countless demon bodies, which made your strength improve extremely quickly, combined with the Luo Tian Treasure Technique that you obtained through the awakening of the bloodline, you already have four divine bridges erected.

[At this time, you blatantly violated the agreement reached before, refined the black tiger into an elixir, and then fought with the demon clan, winning more and losing less, and you were in the limelight for a while. [

At the age of 28, the Taiqing Realm has been upgraded, even if you are in the middle stage of the immortal general, it will not have much effect at this time, and you will begin to feel anxious about your strength.

[Your mind is getting more and more ruthless, and you are desperate to improve your strength.

[You summoned the mandala and wanted to completely refine it and improve the power of the demon body, but she had the magic weapon left by her mother, and fled at the cost of cutting off half of her body. [

You directly refined half of the mandala's body into an elixir, and the effect was really good.

[But you're still just an immortal general, that's all.]

[At the age of 29, the power of the human race began to retreat one after another, and the immortal king of the demon race was too strong for you to be able to match at all, and you were very afraid that you would die because of this.

[At this moment, the two energies of demons and demons are hedged, making you become as cold-blooded as demons and as violent as demons.

[You began to use Su Qingran's idea to kill him when he was weak, refine it into an elixir, and make the demon body stronger. When

Zhao Hao saw this, he felt that the talent of "Devil's Tears" was a little cruel.

Sure enough, after strengthening it, Zhao Hao became a knife when he saw people, and he would definitely not be soft and distressed.

First knife Luo Bing'er, and then knife Su Qingran, it is estimated that Yu Cangming will also be stabbed by Zhao Hao next, which is indeed ruthless enough.

[At the age of 30, you are becoming less and less like a "person", more and more weird, under the distortion of demon and demon power, the past you no longer exist, and now all that is left is a demon. [

You don't know anything about it, you just want to improve your strength faster. [

Yu Cangming saw that you fell into madness, so he wanted to help you return to your original state, but you didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

[One day, you began to look for medicine primers in the outside world, but at this time, the Primal Immortal King appeared and defeated you with great strength, saying that he wanted to avenge the past.

[Just when you are desperate, Luo Yu's consciousness suddenly takes over your afterlife body, making it completely out of your control.

[Your body in this life also merges with your body in your previous life, and you completely become a demon.

[At this time, Yu Cangming came desperately to save you, sacrificed his luck, and took you away.

[You are seriously injured, but because you have lost your body in the afterlife, the original situation of confrontation between demons and demons has collapsed, but your own immortal yuan is insufficient, and the demon yuan is counterattacking, which causes your consciousness to collapse all of a sudden and become a madman.

[31 years old, the transcendent selfless talent is triggered, you don't know where you were taken by Yu Cangming, you only know that it's cold there, you turn into a demon body, and you've been flying in the sky, only then can you be calmer. When

Zhao Hao saw this, he said in his heart that he must solve the problem of the three worlds, the three worlds are one, and returning to the basics is the king.

Otherwise, there is really a possibility that there will be a picture of the simulator, and the demon body is snatched away by Luo Yu, and the demon body collides with the body of this life, causing him to become a madman.

However, what made Zhao Hao feel amazing was that he actually lived past 30 years old in this life.

This is not only the result of Yu Cangming sacrificing his life to save her, but also the performance of Zhao Hao's improved strength.

Sure enough, only the strong can survive.

[At 40 years old, you don't know how long you've been flying, but your consciousness is starting to re-establish, and you find that there is an even bigger golden-winged roc around you, and it is helping you re-establish your consciousness.

[At the age of 50, you forget everything in the past, and only remember that your name is Zhou Peng, and you are the young patriarch of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.

[At the age of 51, you feel that someone is waiting for you, but you can't remember it.

[59 years old, when you went out to practice, you suddenly met a demon boy named Shi Kaitian, he said that he finally found an opportunity to kill you, you don't know why, he shouted "Zhao Hao is killed"!]

[At that moment, you suddenly remembered everything and knew the past experience, it turned out that your name was not Zhou Peng, but Zhao Hao, you suddenly began to regret it, you want to know where Yu Cangming went. [

The powerful Peng clan arrives to relieve you from the siege, and you begin to sort out everything in the past and know what mistakes were made in the original practice, but it has accumulated a lot of difficulties and can never go back. Because you have realized everything in the past and experienced a lot of things, your understanding increases by 60 points.

[If the strength of your body is strong enough, and you erase the back hand in the essence and blood of Luo's throat, then the demon body will not affect the body, and if you ......]

[Now that your demon body in your previous life has merged with the body, you even know all of Zhou Peng's memories, in a sense, you are Zhou Peng. [

The Taiqing Realm is now all the territory of the demon clan, you don't have the face to go back, so stay in the Peng clan and continue to practice.

[At the age of 60, you went out to train under the escort of your clansmen, but you were attacked at this time, and finally you were snatched by a mandala. [

The mandala calls you master, and tortures you in the most cruel way, and kills you to death. In

addition to the threshold of 30 years old, Zhao Hao now sees another threshold, he can only live one Jiazi, and he needs to break through in strength to avoid killing.

This is not a difficult matter, Zhao Hao doesn't have to worry about it for the time being, after all, he is still far from being 60 years old, and he has to think about the problem of 30 years old first.

Although the process of simulation was not too friendly, in the end, Zhao Hao realized his past mistakes, and his understanding still increased.

As long as Zhao Hao extracts the experience of this life, he will be able to take the understanding in his hands.

That's a full 60 points, and you get rich overnight

!【This simulation is over!


Evaluation:In this simulation, you have experienced an extraordinary life, and at the same time you know a big mistake in your practice, maybe you can avoid all this in the next practice. 【

S+ level rating, you can choose four of the following six rewards:】【

1.Select a talent to use, and it will be repeated in the next talent selection.】

[2. Obtain a part of the cultivation in this life and directly improve the realm.

[3. Gain some of the spiritual experience in this life, and the same realm will be stronger. [

4. Get the Pink Talent Card - Song of the Flutter.]

【5.Get Pink Blind Box*3

!】【6.Get Twenty Draw Surprise Cards*1

】【Please choose four of them!】

Zhao Hao looked at the final reward and began to make a choice.

The Song of Fluttering is a fan card for Zhou Tian's treasure technique, and Zhao Hao doesn't attach much importance to it, because it has no effect.

If you want a pink card, isn't it good to choose the 5 option directly, give 3 blind boxes.

Zhao Hao was sure that it was 1235, and then a huge wave of energy poured into his body.

The second divine bridge in his body continued to move forward, and the sword light pierced the wind of the bitter sea, destroying even the invisible barriers in the air one by one.

In this simulation, Zhao Hao's final cultivation was very high, so the cultivation he extracted was also the most.

After the rapid condensation of the second divine bridge, Zhao Hao was ready to build the third divine bridge, which was to take the Mandate of Heaven as the element.

I only saw a large seal generated from the sky, moving forward forward, using the seal as a bridge.

Under the big seal, there is a huge traditional character "kill" engraved with the word "kill", which constantly descends from heaven and flattens the wind and waves of the bitter sea.

When the energy was exhausted this time, the Great Seal also arrived on the other side to help Zhao Hao cross the sea of suffering.

If it is an ordinary monk, this step is the end, and you can try to break through to the realm of the Immortal King.

Because from the third divine bridge onwards, the wind of the bitter sea is extremely violent, the construction is extremely difficult, the treasure art is not strong enough, and the energy is insufficient, which will lead to failure.

Zhao Hao couldn't easily use the Luo Tian Treasure Technique of the Demon Clan or the Demon Clan, which would cause the body to be not strong enough and be affected by the previous life and the next life.

The road to seeking the Tao is not so easy.

However, the advantage is that Zhao Hao's comprehension has increased by 60 points, and he can encounter useful Luo Tianbao techniques in the simulation in the future, and he can learn them, so as to build a divine bridge.

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