The ancestors of the Ji family once predicted that the Ji family would perish at the hands of people surnamed Ji who killed the same clan and used the same clan as blood food.

The Ji family is very strict in the management of the clan, strictly prohibiting cannibalism within the clan, distributing cultivation resources more fairly, and trying to let each clan find their own place.

Therefore, the Ji family no longer has the prestige of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty in the past, but it still has an immortal emperor and a lot of power in the immortal world.

However, even so, in the history of the Ji family, there are still outliers.

These aliens killed their fellow clansmen, and every time they brought a big crisis to the Ji family, they almost wiped out the clan several times.

Fortunately, generation after generation of the Ji family stood up and strangled the scum to save the entire family.

Now Ji ignores the killing of the same clan, and devours the same clan, and the matter of enhancing his strength with his flesh and blood has been discovered by everyone in the Ji family, and Ji Cangye has to deal with Ji Ignorance personally.

Ji ignores that although he has the blood of the Ji family, he is the one his father brought back outside.

In the past, Ji Cangye's father was so motivated, and his desire to seek the Tao was extremely strong, but after disappearing for a while and bringing Ji Ignorance to him, he sank.

Not only is his cultivation reduced, but he doesn't have any Dao heart, and he doesn't even bother to take care of the Cloud Heaven Realm.

Despite this, Ji Cangye only thinks that his father is just too sad, and when he encounters setbacks, he treats his younger brother Ji without hesitation, and he still treats each other as a family.

But ever since Ji ignored and entered the Cloud Heaven Sect, strange things have often happened, and monks have often died.

At first, Ji Cangye didn't suspect Ji Ignorance, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with this demonic-looking young man, and it had nothing to do with the man-eating beast.

But recently, there have been rumors that Ji Ignorance is the murderer behind the scenes, and many people have seen long hair grow on his body.

Ji Cangye still didn't care about this, thinking that it was just a rumor, after all, everyone didn't like Ji ignoring such an anomaly.

But when Ji ignored and secretly devoured his relatives during this experience, Ji Cangye couldn't believe his eyes at all, and he didn't expect that the legend was true, and his younger brother was really a beast.

He immediately shed blood and tears, ignoring Ji, and absolutely could not let this monster live.

But what Ji Cangye didn't expect was that Ji Ignorance was much stronger than he imagined, even if his strength was stronger, he could only have a little upper hand.

It wasn't until a teammate stepped forward that he suppressed Ji Ignorance and chased all the way to the Taiqing Realm.

"If he hadn't been killed, disaster would have befallen him.

Ji Cang said ambitiously.

Although his father is now very decadent, he protects this younger brother more than anyone else, and bluntly says that this is "her gift to me, I must protect it", like a demon.

Now it seems that my father became like this because he was fascinated by a monster.

Sooner or later, one day, Ji Cangye will find the youkai and kill it with his own hands.

Running all the way, turning around in this Taiqing realm, although the teammates behind him were exhausted, Ji Cangye was still chasing.

Although he is in a bad state, the state in which Ji ignores will only get worse.

This opportunity must not be missed, otherwise it will be a misstep and a thousand hatreds.

Just as Ji Ignorance's figure was getting closer and closer, suddenly Ji Cangye felt an extremely powerful momentum coming.

Not far away was a handsome, sturdy young man who was watching what was happening in the distance, and was approaching, clearly wanting to intervene.

In this Taiqing realm, there are not many people with such strength, and Ji Cangye recognized at a glance that this was Zhao Hao, the son of the Qingming Immortal Emperor.

"That senior, I saw with my own eyes that the man behind me killed his fellow clan, but he wanted to blame

me, come and save me!" "I am the son of the sect master of the Yuntian Sect, as long as you save me, I will inherit the position of the sect master in the future, and I will thank you very much!" "

Senior, if you sit idly by, you will only miss the opportunity!" Ji

ignored and shouted, his eyes full of anxiety.

If Zhao Hao didn't save him, then he really didn't have any hope of living.

Zhao Hao looked at him with a smile on his face, like a good person, not a bad person.

He waved his hand and said, "Come here, I have a magic weapon here that can protect you from the enemy!" "

As for the person in the distance, I will deal with it."

"How can I, Zhao Hao, see death in my own territory and not save me?"

One side was specially built, and the countless imprisoned dao patterns engraved in it appeared in front of Ji Ignorance's eyes, once Ji Ignorance entered, there was no chance to escape.

Zhao Hao has already hidden the Dao pattern, and it will only appear when the cage exerts its power.

Ji ignored this scene and refused very much in his heart, he didn't want to stay in the cage, that would lose his freedom.

But Ji Cangye behind him was in hot pursuit, making it really difficult for him to do.

If he runs any further, his immortal yuan will be exhausted, and it will only be a dead end.

"Okay, I'll go in!" Ji

ignored and jumped into the cage at once, and the cage door closed in an instant.

Zhao Hao laughed in his heart: "Haha, I have caught the prey!" He

originally thought that it would take a lot of effort to get Ji Ignorance, after all, the potential of this goblin is actually very high, and the demon power is extraordinary.

If death is really imminent, even if Ji ignores that it has reached the limit, he will resist fiercely.

Zhao Hao doesn't spend some means, it is difficult to succeed.

"Emperor Haotian, please hand over Ji Ignore to me, he is a member of our Ji family, but he betrayed the family and brutalized his fellow clan, I want to correct him.

Ji Cangye, who had reached the limit, bowed to Zhao Hao.

He looked at the person in front of him, and the legendary scrap didn't seem to be so useless, but it wasn't so perfect compared to his near-perfect sister.

Because her sister's light was too strong, it made Zhao Hao look dim.

Zhao Hao smiled: "It's impossible for me to hand over Ji Ignore to you, he entered my cage, and that is my person."

"His life will also be at my disposal, and it will not be your turn to worry about it.

"This is not the Cloud Heaven Realm, but the Taiqing Realm, but my territory, my territory, I am in charge. "

It's a joke to let Ji ignore it and go back, it's impossible.

Ji Ignore is a person of hidden luck, and will run to the side of the protagonist group in the future to help the protagonist group deal with Zhao Hao.

If he deals with the Ji family, it may lead to the destruction of the Ji family, which has little to do with Zhao Hao.

But when he dealt with himself in the simulation, Zhao Hao would not be polite.

You always have to go to the alchemy furnace to prove to the world that you are not in vain and that you are still valuable.

"Your Highness Haotian, if you hand over this person to me, it is difficult for me to guarantee that if the Taiqing Realm is in trouble in the future, the Yuntian Realm will definitely help.

Ji Cangye continued to increase his size and looked at Zhao Hao pleadingly.

For the Ji family, a Cloud Heaven Realm is nothing, like this kind of small world, there are a few more in the Ji family.

Losing one will make them hurt at best, but it won't hurt the roots.

If you don't get rid of Ji Ignorance, it will bring about fundamental destruction.

Which is more important, Ji Cangye can tell the difference.

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