Ye Tian is the kind of person who is selfish, and his words are just a joke.

Only people like Ye Mingyan, who have lived with Ye Tian for a long time and have a love brain, will believe it.

Ye Mingyan was stunned and stopped talking, and couldn't help but have some doubts about Ye Tian.

But she was very worried that Ye Tianzhen was handed over by Zhao Haoyin, after all, there were many years of relationship.

The hint of the simulator arrives.

[Ye Mingyan's opinion of Ye Tian has changed, his favorability towards Ye Tian has decreased, Ye Tian's luck has decreased by 2 points, and you get 2 points. Ye

Tian only has 4 points of luck left so far.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a son of luck, unlike ordinary people, he wouldn't have been able to play anymore.

Zhao Hao not only needed to think about how to clean up Ye Tian, but also thought that after killing Ye Tian and Qin Li, he would be able to rest for a long time.

Isn't it good to fight and kill or something, and isn't it good to enjoy happiness with your wife and concubine?

That kind of cultivation speed is not slow.

As long as he gets the Wentian Ding and further improves his luck and qualifications, then Zhao Hao will be able to reach the realm of human immortals early.

That mysterious love brain fairy can't do anything with him.


"My Langjun

, you're finally here!" "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment?" "I'm

so afraid of losing you, I just want to be with you forever......"

Red makeup, phoenix crowns, grand chariots, and countless immortals came to the court, decorating this vast fairy palace.

Xianle has not stopped since the wedding, and the beautiful fairy Chu Yunlan gently lifted her hijab, looked at the red around her, and her red lips opened slightly, full of smiles.

After a while, when the fairy music was at its grandest, the man she loved the most also entered the most beautiful part of the fairy palace.

I thought that the man would gently help her take off her hijab, exchange a glass of wine with her, and finally make a gift to Zhou Gong.

But what came was a painful sword.

The hijab was lifted, Chu Yunlan's beautiful eyes were distorted and widened, bloodshot, and he looked at the beloved man in front of him at a loss.

"Emperor Haotian, ...... you"

Chu Yunlan didn't expect that she had waited for tens of thousands of years to give countless love to the man in front of her, but what she was waiting for was only a sword piercing her heart.

Such ruthless eyes and soaring momentum made Zhao Hao, who had already become an immortal emperor, go to the next level.

"Too forgetful, it's for the supreme avenue!" "

Kill your wife to preach." "

You're just one of them, no different from the women who came before you.

Zhao Hao said lightly.

The skyrocketing momentum allowed him to transcend this world, and it only took one thought to break the seal of the fairy world.

Chu Yunlan was getting weaker and weaker, and she could feel that she was powerless to return to the sky.

Death didn't make her feel fear, or even nothing.

In the past tens of thousands of years, she has faced death many times for the people she loves in front of her.

This beloved seemed to be moved by her dedication, knowing that she was the only one, so he personally killed his wife, concubine, and maid in the nether world one by one.

Xu Fanlian, Qin Shuang, Ye Mingyan ......

The images of the women who died appeared before her eyes, and now she was one of them.

Chu Yunlan only realized at this time that Zhao Hao had never loved her.

Everything that was revealed was nothing more than hypocrisy after cultivating "Taishang Forgetful Dao".

Pity her until the last moment, and still love Zhao Hao deeply.

This negative man, he deserves to die, only has a heart like stone.

She remembered that the first time she met Zhao Hao was in a middle world.

It was a world that several great immortal clans were fighting for, and there were countless mineral deposits in it.

As the son of Emperor Qingming, Zhao Hao should be respected by everyone, but everyone is full of disdain for him.

The reason is very simple, when Emperor Qingming was still an immortal, he went to the Nether to experience a love tribulation, and finally fell in love with a mortal, and gave birth to a daughter and a son.

Because of his father's low status, this daughter and one son will naturally be despised by other immortal clans.

But the daughter of it, Zhao Wushuang, has the supreme bone, and her qualifications are placed in the entire immortal world, and she is a top-level existence.

Zhao Wushuang will definitely achieve the position of Immortal Emperor, and it is very likely that he will break through the seal of the Immortal Realm again and soar to the Upper Realm again.

So, relying on his qualifications, Zhao Wushuang forcibly reversed everyone's views and became the next generation of the head of the Qingming Immortal Clan.

And Zhao Hao is the other extreme.

He was born with the qualifications of an ordinary person, and he could achieve the True Immortal Fruit Rank at most.

And there are also rumors that Zhao Hao once stripped off the supreme bone on his sister's body, which made his sister extremely painful, and released a word, and when Zhao Hao flew to the immortal realm, he would kill him.

This made everyone look down on Zhao Hao even more.

Although he won't say it on the surface, after all, Zhao Hao is deeply favored by Emperor Qingming, and if he angers Zhao Hao, he is looking for death.

But in private, as well as in some intentional and unintentional places, it will always be reflected.

Chu Yunlan didn't look down on Zhao Hao either, but when she found Zhao Hao standing proudly in the snow, in a black black robe, holding a long sword, she was unwilling in her heart.

Just in an instant, Chu Yunlan felt that such a young man was like a beautiful jade gem, and wanted to put it in the box.

She took the initiative to approach Zhao Hao, Zhao Hao invited her to play chess, and her eyes were always looking at Zhao Hao's face.

After that, she directly had a big fight with her father, not only ruining the marriage that had been set in private, but also trying her best to help Zhao Hao.

Invoke the resources of the Wuji Immortal Dynasty to help Zhao Hao optimize the Supreme Bone and modify the qualifications of the waste material.

Later, he helped Zhao Hao eliminate dissidents, sweep away the enemies within the immortal clan, and improve the status of Zhao Hao's clan.

He even expelled his sister Zhao Wushuang from the Immortal Clan, and it was not until he achieved the position of Immortal Emperor that he came back, but he was still suppressed by Chu Yunlan and Zhao Hao.

In order to express his love for Chu Yunlan, Zhao Hao killed his daughter, concubine, and original wife in different periods.

Chu Yunlan was stupid at the beginning, thinking that these people deserved to die.

Her identity is the eldest princess of the Immortal Dynasty, and these people are just lowly Nether Ascendants, who die when they die.

But before she died, she realized that it was when Zhao Hao's cultivation was too forgetful and he needed to break through his cultivation, and he deliberately killed the person he loved.

Chu Yunlan felt that her consciousness was becoming more and more blurred, and she was unwilling.

Pity the women who were toyed with and killed in the end.

"Yes, how can I trust a person who digs up the supreme bones of his own sister and kills the wife of the chaff?"

"If God gives me a chance to do it again, I will kill Zhao Hao with my own hands.

"I will never make the mistakes of this life again!" Chu

Yunlan shed two lines of tears, and endless sadness welled up in his heart.

But when her consciousness completely fell into darkness, the voice of Ah Qiao, who was close to her daughter, sounded in her ears:

"Your Royal Highness the eldest princess, the emperor has summoned you and the other princes to the main hall.

Chu Yunlan was stunned, her pretty eyes widened, and she looked at everything in front of her incredulously.

She didn't expect that, as she wished, she would really live again.

Everything around her is so real, Aqiao didn't die because of her, this fairy palace is still her boudoir.

And her strength has also regressed to the realm of supernatural powers.

The descendants of the immortals in the upper realm were born with supernatural powers and were born with visions.

Before reaching adulthood, what the descendants of immortals need to do is not to cultivate, but to stabilize their cultivation and master their innate supernatural powers.

Innate supernatural powers are the foundation of immortals and the source of their strength.

After a while, Chu Yunlan would display her supernatural powers under the gaze of Emperor Wu and many immortals, announcing to the world that she had reached adulthood and praying to the Heavenly Dao for protection.

Chu Yunlan's eyes became excited, and there was an endless desire for revenge in them.

At the coming-of-age ceremony, Emperor Wu appointed a family affair to Chu Yunlan, and then Chu Yunlan would go to the noon world where he met Zhao Hao.

"Zhao Hao......"

Chu Yunlan groomed in the mirror and couldn't help but clench Zhu Hai.

There is both hatred and love in the eyes.

She still couldn't let go, couldn't forgive, and wanted to take revenge in person, pierced the sword through Zhao Hao's body, and asked Zhao Hao if it hurt.

Still, she endured.

In this life, she wants Zhao Hao to taste the taste of the ruthless sword!

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