[Please choose three talents from the ten talents to start the simulation!

] ["Forever Dripping God", "Taking Pain as Nutrients", "Demon Dao Tianjiao", "Guardian Member", "Special Hobbies", "Entering the Tao with Demons", "Chonggu Monk", "The Pain of Middle-aged People", "Left Dao Genius", "Amnesia"]

Zhao Hao directly put "Demon Dao Tianjiao" and "Demon Dao Dao" Selected, these two talents are enough for him to gain a lot of cultivation and experience at the end of the simulation.

The rest of the options are much simpler, just look at the red and purple talents.

There is a red talent called "Pain as Nutrients".

[Take pain as nutrients: consume 200 points of happiness, increase 20 points of qualification, 20 points of understanding, 20 points of family background, and 100 points of luck. If

Zhao Hao's happiness value reaches the standard, he can really choose that talent to improve the data except happiness and enhance the results of the simulation.

But Zhao Hao's happiness is not up to standard, and he has no chance with this talent.

The rest can only be chosen from a few purple talents.

[Forever Dripping God: You will gain a talent that will allow you to become a god-like character in the way of play. 【

Vindicator Member: You will have a special experience to join the mysterious Vindicator organization and slay demons with the Vindicators. [

Special hobby: You will have an extremely special hobby, which may bring you good luck or disaster!]

[Left Path Genius: You will practice the exercises of the left path of the side door, and it is easy to understand its principle, but the left path exercises of the side door are incomplete, and it is easy for you to get stuck in the bottleneck because of the wrong exercises.

[Amnesia: You will lose your memory, start another interesting experience, and finally recover your memory. These

five talents will all determine the direction of future simulation, if there are already two talent slots occupied, Zhao Hao can indeed choose two of them to start the simulation.

Each of these talents would allow Zhao Hao to get unexpected gains, thus extracting unique experiences that would be helpful to his cultivation and combat.

However, in the end, he chose the talent of "vindication member".

He had been killed by the Vindicators several times in the simulation, and he had a certain psychological shadow on this organization, and he was afraid of this organization.

If a group of monks rushed towards the crowd like terrorists with bombs strapped to their bodies, it would be impossible not to be afraid!

Those who entered the Guardians often had strong cultivators who were not afraid of death.

Zhao Haoxian's strength is not strong enough, and he still cultivates the Demon Dao, if he is discovered by the Daoist Guardian, there will definitely be trouble.

But if he joins the organization of the vindicators, knows the logic of its operation, and finds its flaws, then he can easily deal with it and there will be no trouble.

The reason for the fear of one thing comes from the unknown, and if the other party becomes one's own knowledge, then there will be no fear.

Zhao Hao determined the choice, and then began to simulate

!【You have chosen the talent!】【

At the age of 21, the talent of the Demon Dao Tianjiao was triggered, Li Yu cared more and more about you, and through her guidance, you learned more and more about the wisdom of Buddhism.

[As you absorb the blood of the Luo Throat Demon and rely on your amazing talent and understanding, your cultivation becomes stronger and stronger. [

Finally, in this year's competition, except for Li Yu's course score, you are the first to last grade. [

At the age of 22, the talent of the vindication member is triggered, you return to Feiyun City, marry and double cultivate with your fiancée, and most ask your fiancée to stay for a few more days to grow her cultivation.

[When Xu Fanxi left, her sister looked at you hatefully and said that you can really toss, you know that the two of them have the same feelings, Xu Fanxi will be affected by you, and you must suppress your desires.

[Your cultivation has skyrocketed, when you return to the Taiqing School Palace, you are still as bad as before, and you often go to the outside of the School Palace to spend all day drinking, but after entering a shop by chance, you are suddenly locked by the breath of the strong.

[That strong man doesn't hurt you, but just reports your identity as a student of the Taiqing Academy, knowing that your Buddhist cultivation is profound, and has a strong restraint effect on demon cultivation, so he wants to pull you into the Guardian Organization.

[You are threatened by the other party, and under your own interest, you join the Guardian Organization and become a subordinate member, and you usually need to obey the command of the superior monk "Vajra".

[If you betray the Guardian Organization, then the Guardian will hunt you down like a demon cultivator, and you will not die, and at the same time, you will also have to practice a book of exercises called the "Guardian Sutra", and the superior "King Kong" will regularly check the results of the practice.

[After that, you returned to the Taiqing School Palace, used your amazing understanding, and the invincible heavy pupil, to check the "Wei Tao Sutra", and found that this was a "magic book" under the banner of "Buddhism", and it had the effect of brainwashing!] [Although you practiced the "Wei Tao Sutra", you

were not confused and controlled by it, but comprehended many essences. [

Chu Yunlan entered the Taiqing School Palace and claimed to be your fiancée, and everyone was shocked, especially Xiao Qiye was extremely jealous. [

Xiao Qiye doesn't understand, why does Li Yu, who has dragon blood, like you, even a noble existence like Chu Yunlan is also your fiancée?Jealousy makes Xiao Qiye distort, and he goes farther and farther on the road of character collapse. [Chu

Yunlan is more clingy, even if you go to Li Yu's class, she has to follow, you ask her to come less and go farther, Chu Yunlan was furious and pointed a sword at you, but in the end she was not too clingy to you.

"I'll just say how can those defenders be so crazy, the last time they simulated against me, they actually "blew themselves up" desperately, it's really ruthless!"

"Now it seems that it's still the "brainwashing" set, but compared with the ordinary "brainwashing", the methods of the defenders are more subtle and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. "

The Book of Guardians is an emperor martial arts, which can make people become immortal emperors, and ordinary people can't see its brainwashing effect, and they will only practice frantically, hoping to take this path to become immortal emperors.

When Zhao Hao saw this, he couldn't help but sigh.

The organization of Guardians is not only spread throughout the Middle Thousand Worlds, but even the Immortal Realm has its members, like a big tree.

Is its real purpose just as simple as eradicating demonic cultivation?

Zhao Hao felt that it was not the same thing, when any organization was established, the starting point at the beginning was very good, either to "eliminate violence and peace", or to "do the right thing for heaven", or to "spread grace".

But without exception, all organizations with good teachings will fall and eventually become members of the darkness.

This is "the dragon slayer will eventually become an evil dragon".

[At the age of 23, as a defender, your first mission came, and you were ordered by your superior King Kong to deal with a demon cultivator, and you found that the demon cultivator chose people to eat, which was very brutal, and solved it with a sword.

[Just when you turned around, King Kong appeared and said that you did a good job, and you were decisive enough to deal with demon cultivation, and you deserved to be the Buddha taught by Li Yu.

【You will start to accept more tasks in the future, and the targets you will deal with are all some brutal demon cultivators, killing them to eliminate harm for the people.】

[This year, you and the people from the Taiqing School Palace were training outside, Jiang Yan sneaked up with the demon cultivator, Xiao Qiye wanted to pretend to be forced but was slapped in the face, and finally was seriously injured.

[You relied on your experience in dealing with demon cultivators to expose your strength, Jiang Yan was defeated and you retreated, and everyone knew your cultivation.

[Xiao Qiye knew that his previous performance was just a clown behavior, coupled with the influence of the demon seed, he slowly distorted and quickly entered the demon.

[At the age of 24, you reported this to King Kong, and King Kong asked you to find a way to kill Xiao Qiye, even though Xiao Qiye was not completely demonized, it was still a disaster.

[You tell the other party that Xiao Qiye has the bloodline of a true dragon, and he already has the appearance of a demon dragon, and his strength is not good, but you are not enough to succeed with your personal ability.

[King Kong was silent for a while, and finally asked you to enter the tracking magic weapon into Xiao Qiye's body, and then let Xiao Qiye go, and they will deal with it.

[And after this incident, your status will be promoted, and you will no longer be a low-level member.]

[You are very happy, come to the side of the demonized Xiao Qiye, enter the tracking magic weapon, and then destroy the sealing array, Xiao Qiye broke the seal and flew towards the outside of the Taiqing Xue Palace.

[You thought that this move was foolproof, but you didn't expect that the dean Zhang Qingchi knew about it, and asked you why you did it, and you informed him about the defender. [

Zhang Qingchi couldn't help but sigh, saying that this is your misfortune, you are also forced, to join the guardian organization, practice the "Guardian Sutra", even many people with deep backgrounds will become members of the defenders, crazy and cruel. [

You told Zhang Qingchi the truth, saying that you were just exploring the secrets of the defenders, and the other party was shocked and told you to be careful, he will give you help as much as he can.

[Other defenders fought with Xiao Qiye outside the Taiqing Xue Palace, they thought that Xiao Qiye only had a small ability, but they didn't expect Xiao Qiye to fight stronger and stronger, and finally killed many of them and fled.

[King Kong didn't expect this, he has been seriously injured and his life is short, so he can only pass his position to you, and in the future, you will be the junior deacon around the Taiqing School Palace, not just the lowest member.

[You learned more about the Guardian Organization, and found that you are not the only junior deacon next to the Taiqing School Palace, and there are also "intermediate deacons" who are in charge of the Taiqing School Palace. 】

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