Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 1113: Thousands of troops will take the enemy's head!

The shattered and blocked beast master was depressed, while the lion camel 'Lang Xie' of Baiyun Mountain flicked his long blade at this moment, and suddenly moved!

Bleeding attack—

When it was Lang Xie's turn to make a move, he did not choose Shattering Wushuang like Master Beast, but directly launched Po Xue, and rushed towards the murderous force in front of Qianchou!



Quickly slashed with two knives, and jumped out with two high-intensity damages. I saw this Ye Luosha, who had killed countless people, froze slightly, and immediately emptied his blood volume, and flew directly out of the field!


"This **** thing can be regarded as the **** out."

"It's rare to be sober in the world. This murderous force is a time bomb. It's easy in the morning and morning."

"I thought Lang Xie would break through a thousand cities with the sword demon, but I didn't expect to attack this murderous force."

"Although Baiyunshan's lineup does not lack output, it also needs to maximize its benefits. Lang Xie made the right choice."

Following Lang Xie's two saber cuts to kill Qian Qiu cleanly, the supporters of Baiyun Mountain outside the venue all clapped their hands and applauded.

Although this Ye Rakshasa is thin and fragile, it poses a great threat to the opponent.

Half of the reason why Hemudu lost so badly in the last round was because it was not cleared out in time.

Now that it was Baiyun Mountain's turn, they naturally wouldn't fall in the same place. As soon as the match started, they immediately eliminated this huge hidden danger.

Soon, as Qian Qiu's killing power was successfully cleared by Lang Xie, the order of attack came to Bianliang City again.


As the ghost general in front of Qiancheng swung the long knife in his hand, he suddenly used his power to split Huashan Mountain, and immediately turned into a black storm, attacking the lonely 'riding a pig chasing meteor'!


With a slash of force, Piggy Chasing Meteor let out a muffled grunt. While the damage from the top of his head floated out, his blood volume instantly dropped below a thousand blood!

Watching the piggy chasing the shooting stars, who were successively hit by Bianliang City's force to target the sharp drop in blood volume, the Baiyun Mountain audience was a little anxious, but unfortunately they couldn't do anything except stare blankly.

Then, just as the ghost generals from Qiancheng returned to the queue, the vampire in front of Master Beast followed closely!

Force Pi Huashan—

Another Lipi prompt popped up, and the Baiyun Mountain players stared at this scene, and couldn't help shouting in their hearts, "Protect, protect!"

At this time, the blood volume of Riding Piglet Chasing Meteor is already very dangerous. Even if everyone knows that Master Beast's Lipi is resistant to attack, the damage is far less than that of Qianqiu's Killing Night Raksha.

But even so, with the current blood volume of Chasing Meteor riding a piglet, if he can't trigger the protection of his teammates, he will definitely die in the face of this Lipi vampire's Lipi vampire!

Under the collective prayers of the audience and contestants in Baiyun Mountain, the vampire figure flashed in front of Chasing Meteor riding a piggy, scratched violently with its sharp claws, and immediately saw a burst of golden light!



A critical strike was suddenly triggered, and under the angry and helpless gazes of everyone in Baiyun Mountain, the piggy chasing the meteor froze, and a burst of high damage first floated out from the top of his head, and then fell down with a "plop". on the floor...


"Lipi, it's Lipi again!"

"Is this Bianliang City crazy? Damn it's an all-star three-attack start?"

"My head is buzzing and hurting. If you open your eyes and close your eyes, it's still **** Lipi!"

"Being fired by three powers in turn, and two of them were critically hit, it's enough for Little Pig to survive here..."

The critical blow of the Beast Lord's powerful attack on the vampire became the last straw that crushed the camel's camel's back. While riding a piglet chasing a shooting star and being knocked down by a set fire, the mentality of the audience in Baiyun Mountain also cracked.

It is obvious that Baiyun Mountain is the all-out attack lineup, so why do you feel that Bianliang City is the one that fights more fiercely?

Compared with the split Baiyun Mountain audience, Bianliang City's reaction was mediocre.

Although Qiancheng and Qianqiu appeared on the stage at the same time, many audience members were very excited, but after discovering that Qianqiu really seemed to be playing as a feudal system in this round, the excitement in everyone's hearts was extinguished.

As for the three-strike fire just now, this is even more commonplace for Bianliang City.

Soon, the balance on the field was finally broken a little as the Beastmaster Bao sent the piggy chasing the meteor down with a violent strike and returned to the team.

Originally, it was the turn of Riding Piggy to chase the shooting star for the next shot, but because others were in favor of him at this time, the shot order had to be given to the two Dragon Palaces in their team.

Two dragons playing with pearls—

When it was Shuanglong Palace's turn, 'Xiaolongzi' took the lead, swung the mace violently in his hand, and the two dragons threw out with one shot, aiming at the **** Qiancheng!



As Xiao Longzai released the two dragon play balls, Qiancheng and the magic dragon turtle in front of his sister-in-law stopped together, and two three-digit damages jumped out at the same time.

Seeing Xiaolongzai's damage to the second dragon, the audience, whether it was Baiyun Mountain, Bianliang City, or other servers, were stunned.

Is this hurt serious?

As one of the main output methods of Dragon Palace, Erlong Xizhu is very powerful at this time. A normal server Zhanlonggong can deal four-digit damage casually.

But this little dragon boy was fine, he threw out two dragons in one shot, and the combined damage of the two damages could break through four digits, which really looked a bit shabby.

Fortunately, although the damage of Xiaolongzi's two dragons is a bit hip, due to the high damage of Jian Lanmo's previous two swords, and the damage of this two dragons, the thousand cities at this time are only less than 400. Some blood.

Without waiting for the audience to discuss more, after the little dragon boy and the second dragon were released, the '★Mie Shen★' at the side immediately raised his hand, and released another Erlong Xizhu!


When one of them was scratched on the body of my sister-in-law Fafang Longgui, although it only took about 400 points of blood, it was still normal.

But as another two dragons slashed at Qiancheng, all the audience, including Baiyunshan's contestants, were stunned.


Looking at this inconspicuous green number, the audience immediately exploded after reacting!


"What the **** is this?!"

"God bless... Qiancheng is blessed!"

"What the hell? How can a character still be blessed by God??"

"I told you to read more and you insisted on raising pigs. God Bless is a special effect equipment, okay?"

"God's Blessing made such a key point!"

"The so-called fate should not be cut off, that's how it is. Qiancheng is indeed the born protagonist's fate..."

Looking at Qiancheng who was supposed to fall to the ground in the Erlong Xizhu due to luck triggered by luck, but is still standing in the c position, even the most resolute materialistic viewers can't help but sigh—

This grandson's life is really **** big!

Originally, according to the normal development, under the two dragons playing with the two dragons in the Baiyun Mountain Shuanglong Palace, Qiancheng, which did not have much blood volume, should be dead without life.

And as long as Qiancheng falls to the ground, the two sides can complete a one-for-one record in the first round.

But for both parties, the role of Qiancheng is far greater than that of riding a pig to chase meteors. Bianliang City without Qiancheng is not in the same nature as Baiyun Mountain without riding a pig to chase meteors.

In other words, as long as Qiancheng falls, even if Baiyun Mountain has obtained a huge opportunity, the development of follow-up tactics will be smoother.

It's a pity that no one expected that this supposedly foolproof situation would come to naught because of a cheating God's blessing special effect!

With the end of the two dragons in the Shuanglong Palace of Baiyun Mountain, the first round of the battle between Bianliang City and Baiyun Mountain has ended.

But at this time, everyone in Baiyun Mountain had bitter expressions on their faces.

Qiancheng entered the next round alive with 300 points of residual blood. This was the worst news for them, because none of their team, including Baobao, was faster than Qiancheng.

And as long as he can't catch up with Qiancheng's speed, even if he doesn't add blood in the second round, just a simple general attack will still be a huge threat to them!

But the matter has come to this point, even if they are extremely unwilling, they can only temporarily suppress these thoughts, and quickly complete the second round of operations under the captain's command.

Soon, as both players completed their operations, the countdown at the top of the screen disappeared, and the final battle officially entered the second round!

As soon as the battle started, I saw the dragon tortoise in front of my sister-in-law suddenly charge and attack the "Dugu Sword Demon" of the Tang Dynasty in Baiyun Mountain!



As soon as the death call was issued, before the head of the dragon tortoise fell off, the dragon tortoise in front of Dugu Sword Demon quickly stuck to it, blocking in front of its master.



Under the protection of the dragon tortoise, the sister-in-law's baby sent a death call, and in the end, apart from breaking a layer of protection, not even a poisonous mist was hung.

However, although my sister-in-law's baby returned in the beginning without success, Dugu Sword Demon and the others looked a little dignified at this time.

They smelled a dangerous breath.

Before they could think too much, they saw that the little sister-in-law had just returned to the queue, and Qian Qiu immediately dropped a chestnut, and a soul-losing talisman sealed Xiaolongzai.

As soon as Xiaolongzai was sealed, the sister-in-law followed closely behind, decisively released a light dance with lotus steps, and immediately sealed the other dragon palace '★Mie Shen★' in Baiyun Mountain.

Seeing the two dragon palaces of their own family that were blocked one after another at the beginning of the second round, the audience in Baiyun Mountain saw it as miserable.

This is the case with an unsealed lineup and a double-sealed lineup. Every time you start the game, you must be prepared to be sealed, and it is very likely that one will be two.

To break the situation, the only way is to focus on one of the seals first. Unfortunately, for Baiyunshan right now, stabilizing the situation is obviously more urgent than focusing on the opponent's seal.

Soon, when ★Mie Shen★ was also sealed by my sister-in-law, I saw the dragon turtle in front of him in white clothes rushing towards Dugu Sword Demon with another death call!


Unsurprisingly, this death call was once again blocked by a baby in the front row of Baiyun Mountain. After blocking this time, although Dugu Sword Demon was still not hung up on death, a pink patch appeared under his feet. Toxic fog.

After receiving two death calls from Bianliang City in a row, everyone in Baiyun Mountain sighed and realized that as expected, Bianliang City was going to attack their Tang Dynasty this round!

When the baby in white clothes returned to the queue, it was Bai Yimei's turn, and he didn't hesitate to let him out with a "sacrifice of life"—


As a high-value green number appeared on Qiancheng's body, seeing him who was still in a state of residual blood a second ago, he was resurrected with full blood on the spot, and everyone in Baiyun Mountain gritted their teeth.

But soon, before they could swear a few words, Qiancheng suddenly moved after being filled with blood by the white clothes and sleeves!

Total Annihilation-

Accompanied by a skill prompt that terrified everyone, the figure of Qiancheng, who had transformed into Ye Luosha, flashed and killed Dugu Sword Demon in an instant!

Seeing Qiancheng appearing in front of him full of evil spirit, the heart of Dugu Sword Demon who was sitting in front of the computer couldn't help beating wildly. Immediately, he saw the opponent's long blade raised, and the first knife fell directly!


Accompanied by another sound of protection, the third dragon tortoise in the front row of Baiyun Mountain quickly stuck up and bravely blocked Dugu Sword Demon!



Under the protection of the dragon tortoise, Qiancheng swept out the first knife, and saw Dugu Sword Demon's body swaying slightly, and a small half of his blood volume disappeared in an instant!

And soon, without giving him any chance to react, Qiancheng, who had finished sweeping the knife, waved his hand again, and the second knife came down immediately!


The second knife fell, although Dugu Sword Demon himself was also a top Tang, but at the moment when the damage of the knife jumped out, his right hand holding the mouse still trembled uncontrollably!

This Thousand Cities is too **** scary, right? !

He knew very well that if he hadn't been blocked by his own Dragon Turtle for most of the damage from the first knife, otherwise with this knife, unless he triggered the protection of his teammates at this time, he would have been so cold!

And this is the opponent's first two sweeps.

As we all know, the damage of the first two strikes of Datang's sweep is actually relatively low, the first strike is not even as good as the normal attack, and the second strike is only a little higher than the normal attack.

The reason why the skill of sweeping thousands of troops is strong is more because the damage of the third knife is very explosive.

And now, Dugu Sword Demon is about to face Qiancheng's third knife head-on.


Without the slightest stagnation, after slashing twice in a row, Qiancheng swung the long blade in his hand quickly, and it flew across Dugu Sword Demon's neck!


The third slash did not trigger any so-called teammate protection, but the Dugu Sword Demon, who had already lost blood under the pressure of the first two slashes, froze, his blood bar suddenly emptied, and fell to the floor with a "dong" sound superior!

"Mist Grass!"

"Great gift Shet!"

"Cruel, so **** brutal!"

"Wanjun takes the enemy's head from it, this is the 'Thousand City'!"

"I thought Brother Cheng was going to fight an eye for an with Dugu Sword Demon."

"Poxue with a hammer! You can see for yourself how Baiyun Mountain is playing. You can't wait to use all five babies in the front row to protect him. If Brother Cheng really wants to use Poxue, he will definitely be blocked by No Brain."

"Qiancheng: My brother's main focus is 'respect'."

"Formation Da Ke was swept to death with three swords, can you play Baiyun Mountain? Fuck!"

As Dugu Sword Demon fell to the ground under Qiancheng's incomprehensible sweep, all the servers watching the game exploded, and it was a huge explosion!

There is nothing more eye-catching than two top Tangs fighting head-to-head, and what happened at this time is that one of the Tangs was swept to death by the other with three swords. Needless to say, it is topical. Enough for the majority of players to chat for a year and a half.

As one of the protagonists, Dugu Sword Demon is sitting in front of the computer at this time, looking at his character lying on the floor with complicated eyes.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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