Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 594: Hilarious pre-match predictions

After taking a shower, Fang Yun left the bathroom, and while calling the restaurant downstairs to deliver breakfast, he came to the study to sit in front of the computer, and quickly logged into the voice channel.

"Wow, haha! Dude can't even dream of it, it's too dreamy to be able to start this time!"

"Damn, can you be a little bit positive? We are going to fight the Martial God Altar today, not the TMD arena. If you lose a game, you may be out!"

"Don't worry, my buddies know what I have in mind. As long as the game starts, I will obey the command honestly, and I will never mess around!"

"It sounds nice, but I'm still very worried about you. What's the matter..."

As soon as he got into the voice, Fang Yun immediately heard Huang He's unique drake voice and the sad voice of the cute-faced beast after entering the room.

But before he could speak, Liu Ximeng suddenly asked in his voice: "Sister Sujiu, how much sensitivity have you washed now? Why did I wash so much agility, and the speed still can't catch up with you? ?"

Hearing Liu Ximeng's question, Sujiu, who was also already in place in the voice, immediately replied: "Actually, both of us are similar in agility, mainly because of the equipment, your belt black gem level is still too low. "

"But high-level black gems are so difficult to match..."


Seeing these teammates chatting on voice early in the morning, Fang Yun, who finally arrived, cleared his throat and said, "Then what... everyone came early?"

"That's why you're late!"

Hearing this, the beastmaster choked him directly, and then asked: "I said what the **** are you thinking, you can't go up to a good thousand cities, and you have to go up to a poor daughter like Lao Huang who can't go up and down. When the car overturned, you said should I settle the account with you or with him?"

"Damn it! You wait for Lao Meng for me, and I'll go to your house to find you after the game!"

"Come on, who's afraid of who?"

Seeing that the two of them started pinching before finishing a few words, Fang Yun rubbed Nao Ren and interrupted: "Okay, the game will start in a while, you two are going to quarrel and wait until the game is over. Noisy, listen to my arrangements now!"

After speaking, seeing the two men have stopped, he continued to speak, and quickly arranged the specific tactics for today.

In fact, the so-called tactical arrangement is very simple in this period. Since there is no specific matchup list, when all the opponents they encounter are all random in the system, they can only arrange a stable enough lineup as much as possible. ever-changing.

So it didn't take long for Fang Yun's group to discuss the starting lineup and the choice of formation.

After negotiating these things, everyone disbanded temporarily as usual, and then those who should go to have breakfast, and those who should go to the ring to inquire about intelligence, go to inquire about intelligence.

And after the crowd dispersed, Fang Yun's breakfast was just delivered. .

Taking the breakfast from the younger brother, he quickly paid for it, then took the breakfast and returned to the study again.

Lifting the lid, he casually opened the forum while eating Xiaolongbao with hot rice porridge.

With the increasing number of Wushen altars held, while the scale and format of the league are gradually on the right track, discussions on the Wushen altar in major forums have become more intense.

Although the Wushen altar has only been held for five times now, and there are only three champion teams, this does not prevent the crazy pursuit of players, and a preliminary fan effect has been formed.

To say that the most popular server team at this time, Bianliang City, who had been invisible for two consecutive terms, naturally did not have this chance. The main debates basically revolved around the double-crowned King City God Temple and the defending champion Yan Zhao Fengyun.

It is true that Bianliang City's two previous Group A battles had extremely explosive performances. Even in the past two years, there is no second team that can replicate that crazy scene.

But human beings themselves are a kind of forgetful animal. No matter how dazzling you were in Bianliangcheng before, but after disappearing from the public for three months, no amount of enthusiasm has been worn away.

However, after excluding Bianliang City as the over-the-top king, these players have not been able to argue whether the Chenghuang Temple has a stronger heritage or Yanzhao's potential is better.

While eating the steamed buns, Fang Yun swiped through the posts while holding the mouse, almost all the posts were tearing and declaring war, and the frequency of Chenghuang Temple and Yan Zhao Fengyun appearing in these posts was ridiculously high. .

After swiping for a while, just when he felt a little bored and wanted to close the page, a post with a somewhat special title suddenly appeared in front of him.

"The Ultimate Prediction for the Sixth Wushen Tan Group A Champion! 》

Looking at the title of this rather gimmicky post, Fang Yun, who had not finished his meal, raised his eyebrows and decided to use this post to pass the boring time.

When he clicked in, he found that the owner of the post did not seem to be playing a gimmick, but collected information on the favorite teams to win the championship very seriously, and analyzed it in great detail.

And among the favorite teams in this row, the three types of "Bianliang City" are also listed!

Seeing that at this time, there are still people who have hope for the old team of Bianliang City, Fang Yun also felt a little strange, and quickly put the Xiaolongbao in his hand into his mouth, and sat up straight to check.

"[Bianliang City] Championship Index: ★★★☆☆

As the undisputed overlord-level team in the early stage of the Wushen altar, the Bianliang City team headed by Qiancheng can be said to have contributed game after game to us which can be called a visual feast.

Unfortunately, due to some unknown factors, Qiancheng's team has not appeared in the martial arts altar since the fourth session, and the peerless team that replaced them performed too 'excellent'. Countless glorious teams fell back to Group B.

After that, Bianliang City's performance was completely reduced to mediocrity. Although he successfully returned to Group A as the first in Group B at the fifth time, but faced with the emergence of masters in Group A, the pattern has changed drastically~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Even the author is not sure whether Bianliang City can regain its former glory.




After carefully reading the author's analysis of Bianliang City, Fang Yun couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Of course, his nod does not mean he agrees with the author's analysis.

However, due to the huge difference in information, when he refused to be interviewed at all, the author only relied on speculation and finally gave them Bianliang City's three-star expectation and the championship index, which is actually a good result.

But obviously, compared to the author who still has some expectations for Bianliang City, many players below the post saw this prediction, but they all fired up their firepower one by one!

The reason why these players are mad at the author is actually not very related to Bianliang City. It is entirely because this guy has only three stars in the expectation value and championship index for the City God Temple. If this is calculated, does it mean that the City God Temple and Bianliang City have had this relationship? Is the weather king the same level?

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