Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 612: unexpected evolution

Seeing that these few goods had to live and die a second ago, he had to look at his strong force. In the end, when he sent them out, they fell into autism one by one. Fang Yun was also speechless, too lazy to pay attention to them, and began to plan for the upcoming arrival. the final.

Because they played the semi-final with Xiaoyao City just now so fast, until the end of the battle, the time was only around 4:10 in the afternoon, and it was nearly four hours before the final.

Fortunately, their team has long been accustomed to this long gap, and after the game, they left the computer one by one to relax.

Only Fang Yun himself remained in the study, browsing the forum while waiting for the results of the other two teams in the semifinals.

The trend of the major forums today can be said to change again and again. From the various prediction rankings of the previous two days to the swearing oath this morning, it seems that no one knows the title of the champion better than these prophets.

But as the top sixteen reached the top eight, and then halfway through the semifinals, the major prophets who had been madly beaten in the face all evaporated at the moment, and they directly chose to play dead in the face of the grave digging of major netizens.

However, while those false prophets were whipped madly, the champion prophecy that Fang Yun had paid attention to before was completely popular now!

Although the owner of this prophecy post has made several small misjudgments, the general direction has never been deviated. The most important thing is that the champion he predicted before will only be determined among the four five-star teams. reality.

Although the other two semi-finalist teams have yet to decide the winner or loser, judging from the information from the two districts, the other team that made it to the final is in all likelihood the Treasure Pavilion. .

In this way, as long as the Treasure Pavilion also enters the finals, then no matter which team wins the championship in the end, the poster will be considered a success.

At this time, the forum is full of discussions about who is more champion between Bianliang City and Zhenbao Pavilion, but from the scene, Bianliang City's voice is obviously higher.

No way, although this year's Treasure Pavilion is quite a dark horse, it seems a little mediocre compared to Bianliang City, where the king returned after the reorganization.

From the start of the play-in, all the teams that encountered Bianliang City have not been able to survive the four rounds, and almost every game was crushed from the beginning to the end.

This led to that until Bianliang City entered the finals, no one could see through the true strength of this team.

But it doesn't matter if you can't see clearly. The wonderful thing about this Martial God Altar is that the two teams that finally entered the finals are both first-class and tyrannical. Bianliangcheng has been destroyed in the previous game, which does not mean that he is still in the finals. Can play the same performance.

Soon, as more than 20 minutes passed, the other game in the semifinals finally decided the winner.

There was no accident. It was Zhenbao Pavilion who finally defeated the opponent and entered the finals. At the moment when Zhenbao Pavilion successfully joined Bianliangcheng in the finals of this Martial God Altar, the entire fantasy players were completely boiling!

With the successful holding of the Wushen altar one after another, after five consecutive years of growth, the team that can now make it to the final can be said to be a real top player.

No one wants to miss this top-level final with a lot of gold, so even though there are still several hours before the final, players from various servers are stationed in various forums early, and they even go directly to Bianliang if conditions permit. City or Treasure Pavilion ready for real-time viewing.

As for Fang Yun, he left the study room when the results of the other semifinals came out, and went to the kitchen to make dinner for himself.

People in the online world gathered together and eagerly awaited the coming of the final, but Fang Yun, one of the protagonists of the final, was quite calm, wearing an apron and busy in the kitchen for a while, and soon Made a sumptuous dinner for myself.

Sitting in the restaurant watching TV and eating, he didn't return to the study until the time came to 7:30 in the evening, after spending most of the day working outside, he sat down in front of the computer and put on his headphones again.

"Master Cheng hasn't come back yet? I think our district is about to be blown up. The attention of the Martial God Altar seems to be quite high this time..."

"After all, this is only the second month that Wangyi launched the spectator system, and it was still in the testing phase last month. This time it was officially launched. It is normal for everyone to be excited and curious."

"With so many people coming to watch the battle, if you accidentally overturned the car, wouldn't it be embarrassing and thrown into Java?"

"Bah, bah, bah! If you don't know how to speak, talk less!"

"The boss said before we left that we would be back at 7:30. It should be almost the same now..."

Fang Yun, who put on the headphones, listened to the chats of several teammates in the voice, first smiled, and then said: "I'm back."

After speaking, without waiting for the others to speak, he continued: "You must already know who the opponents in the finals are. One thing to say, the strength of the Treasure Pavilion is still very strong, so I plan to make another evolution... …”

"Change formation again?"

Hearing this, the cute-faced beast was stunned for a moment, and then immediately became excited when he saw him, "Is there anything to do with me this time around?!"

Hearing this, Fang Yun was about to answer when Huang He suddenly spoke up.

"When it comes to the finals... Fang Ye, are you sure it's okay?"

Compared with the beast master who had been scratching his ears and cheeks after sitting on the bench all day, Huang He was calmer at this time and asked after hesitation.

Seeing that Huang He seemed to be a little worried, Fang Yun comforted: "No lineup is perfect. You can only know if there are any problems."

Then, he added: "And this evolution is mainly aimed at the Treasure Pavilion. The previous full-attack lineup of Xiaoyao City left a deep impression on me. Although we can't be as extreme as they are, this kind of thinking is actually You can optimize it and learn.”

"Full attack lineup..."

Hearing this key word, Sujiu, who was originally silent, suddenly moved in his What do you mean...this time you want Qianren Qianqiu to go with the monster? "

"That's right."

Nodding lightly, Fang Yun directly revealed his plans and plans, "In addition to these three outputs, I also plan to join you and follow Rumeng!"

"No... Master Fang, wait first!"

Hearing this, Huang He finally felt something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Why do I listen to you, do you want to send me down together with Qianqiu? This is the final, even if you can't beat me, at least you have to stay. Qianqiu is there to fight, right?"

"That's right, I really don't plan to go to the Feng Department in this final."

Hearing Huang He's question, Fang Yun replied directly: "The full-attack lineup wants to maximize the output. With our lineup this time, we can only go to the third-output double nurse, and there is no extra position for the seal."

"But...but this is too risky?!"

Seeing that he really planned to give up the title in this final, not only Huang He, but even Liu Ximeng and Beast Master were a little surprised, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

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