Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 650: The so-called "Lian Shan"

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Whether it is a hundred billion beasts or a barrier breaking, it will take a long time to wait for Wangyi to be released in his current timeline, but there is one thing that is an exception, that is the summoned beast suit.

The summoned beast suit is an advanced gameplay of the summoned beast equipment. The ordinary summoned beast equipment will only help the baby to increase various attributes, but the suit is to increase the attributes and also comes with an additional summoning beast skill!

With the help of this new system, many babies who were originally defective in skills were reborn immediately, and players became more flexible when creating babies, and the effect was immediate.

It's just that the triggering methods of the skills attached to these suits are different. Common ones, such as the high-strength combo magic heart, can be triggered directly after the baby wears the suit, which is a passive skill.

And the ones like Jingxin Sword and Hellfire belong to the type of active skills, but the problem is that these active skills cannot be actively used after the baby wears them, and will only be triggered randomly during the process of basic attack.

In this way, it is very pitiful. Passive skills can be triggered directly as long as you wear them, but active skills require basic attacks.

The most important thing is that because many players did not understand this mechanism in the early stage, many people spent a lot of money to collect skill sets such as Taishan's top force and Huashan, but found that they could not actively use it at all. .

In addition, the initial production of summoned beast suits was less, and this method of play was not fully popularized under the circumstance that the price remained high.

After a lapse of many years, with the increasing output of summoned beast suits, this gameplay has finally emerged. After the rise of baby sets, some players suddenly discovered that it is actually better to make some active skills into baby sets!

To trigger active skills, you need to use the baby's basic attack as an opportunity. This probability is not high, only about 10%.

However, under the various practices of a large number of players, they found that if the baby itself has the skill of combo, the trigger probability of the set skill will actually increase a lot.

In this way, a brand-new gameplay immediately spread like a virus among the players, and "Lian Shan" is one of them!

The so-called Lianshan is actually a combo + good and evil sets. On the basis that the baby has the skill of combo, players can then put together a set of good and evil clothes for the baby to wear, so as to achieve the effect of superimposed damage. .

Compared with ordinary good and evil babies, Lian Shan has obvious advantages, that is, the positive feedback is stronger.

Ordinary good and evil shots have a 30-40% probability of good retribution, and once the good retribution + crit is bad, it will directly return the opponent to full blood.

And even if baby Lian Shan does not trigger good and evil, the basic attack damage is actually hit. Even if the good reward is triggered, the previous basic attack damage can offset part of the negative effects.

At the same time, Lian Shan's high burst is not comparable to ordinary good and evil. Once the combo + double evil retribution + four critical strikes are triggered, based on 1000 normal attack damage, one shot of Lian Shan baby can cause a total of 10000 The amount of damage highlights a brutality!

Of course, this idea can also be applied to the skill sets such as the force split set or the sword swing set and the barrier set that will be launched in the future, and the stability is actually higher than that of Lian Shan.

However, Fang Yun still decided to make this wolf king Lian Shan, the reason is very simple, the upper limit of Lian Shan is too high, and the scope of application is wider.

After finalizing this idea, he immediately felt a lot more comfortable when he was still confused. When he looked at this 14-skill wolf baby, he only felt that the other person had the words "Dream First Lian Shan" written all over his body.

"Old Fang, I'm back, let's continue?"

Just when Fang Yun was clearing his mind and preparing to build this wolf baby in the direction of Lianshan, Liu Siyu suddenly sent a message, urging him to continue to celebrate the anniversary.

Quickly replied OK, Fang Yun took several warehouse trumpets offline, traded the wolf baby on the Tiangong number, and immediately went to Liu Siyu to meet.

Although the building direction of this wolf baby has been finalized, since there is still a period of time before the new expansion, before the good and evil sets appear, this plan can only be temporarily stored in his mind, and can only be updated after going back and updating. start to act.

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Looking for Liu Siyu, Fang Yun skillfully grouped all the numbers, then clicked on the flying charm, and quickly ran towards Taoyuan.


In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

The anniversary event that made the vast number of fantasy players excited came to an end a few days ago, but the number of players online in the various regional servers has continued to increase. The reason is very simple, the new year is coming again.

Fang Yun was very helpful in this anniversary event. After all, without the blessings of this event, it would not have been possible for his Demon-Breaking Heavenly Palace to increase by dozens of levels in just one month, as fast as riding a rocket.

However, the biggest winner of this anniversary was not him, but Liu Siyu, who followed him for a month from beginning to end.

At first, Fang Yun thought that this guy's luck was just by it would end in a few days.

But the reality gave him a big mouth. During the whole month of the event, Liu Siyu's Xiaowuzhuang was like a special mother, not only the upgrade speed is fast, but also the various high-value rewards have long legs. It's like drilling into his arms alone!

If that's the case, that's all. Although the total value of these rewards is really good, as the only real comparison in the whole dream, this thing can't really enter Fang Yun's eyes.

But the problem is, after taking high-value rewards for a month in a row, in the final beast lottery, Liu Siyu still continued his luck against the sky, and he won the only super in Bianliang City with a simple stroke. Linger!

At that time, Liu Siyu was so excited that he almost overturned the computer when he drew this super spirit deer, and Fang Yun, who was the captain and led this guy to play activities, was speechless. Work hard, how come all the good things are taken up by this grandson alone?

However, after being speechless, he still sent congratulations in time, and Liu Siyu didn't play tricks with him, and directly divided the high-level rewards obtained from this event into two, two people and one half, which can be said to be extremely open.

Compared with the calm Fang Yun, after learning that Liu Siyu had drawn the super spirit deer, Huang He Beast Master, including Meng Ge, immediately fried the pot!

The so-called group of mildews are holding hands, and whoever smokes the beast is the dog.

Before the results of the lottery came out, Beast Master and the others never thought that someone in their circle would win a divine beast. Of course, Fang Yun was an exception.

After excluding the traditional comparison of Fang Yun, other people's views on divine beasts can be said to be quite Buddhist, and even ridiculed that if anyone can draw divine beasts, they will form a group to buy lottery tickets.

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