Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 660: "Ask" Zhu Ziguo

In the process of disassembling the equipment, players have a chance to obtain a new item 'Adsorption Stone'.

As the name suggests, the Adsorption Stone is a skill that can absorb the summoned beast itself.

There are two ways to use the adsorption stone. One is to use it to refine the monster with the summoned beast. In the process, there is a certain chance to absorb the skills possessed by the current summoned beast.

The adsorption process will consume a certain amount of stamina. If the adsorption is successful, you can get a 'point fossil'. Regardless of success or failure, the adsorption stone and the summoned beast will disappear.

Another way to use it is to right-click to use the adsorption stone, and select a Warcraft tip to directly adsorb it.

If the adsorption is successful, you can also get some fossils, but the corresponding magic beast tips will also disappear. If you fail, the beast will still be there, and the adsorption stone will disappear.

After obtaining the point fossil, the player can build it with the summoned beast equipment for a second time. After the forging is completed, the skills on the point fossil can be covered on the equipment to obtain a 'suit'.

At first glance, the process of creating a summoned beast suit is not troublesome, but if you really try it, you will know how bad this so-called suit adsorption gameplay is.

In the previous life, Fang Yun played with adsorption stones a lot. After all, it was quite attractive to bet a small amount of tens of thousands of taels.

But as he consumed more and more adsorption stones and various summoned beasts, he finally realized that this game was not for him, a non-chief, after throwing in hundreds of millions of them but still not getting much benefit. To get rich with this gameplay is purely overthinking. .

Even in the era of extremely rich resources in the previous life, the price of suits such as good and evil power hacking is still extremely expensive.

There is a reason why it is expensive. One is that it is easy to use, and the other is that the way to obtain these sets is relatively simple and the difficulty is relatively high. The overall cost is not bad, and the selling price is naturally more expensive.

But in today's era of scarce resources, if Fang Yun wanted to come up with a whole set of good and evil power hacks, apart from doing it himself, it was impossible for Fang Yun to obtain it from others.

Fortunately, he has the system to help him this time. No matter how dark his face is, he will not believe that he will still lose everything like his previous life.

The appearance of summoned beast equipment and magic weapons can be said to provide a brand-new industry chain with extremely high profit margins for the majority of fantasy players. As long as the entry time is early enough, it is possible to make money with closed eyes.

Driven by various new resources, the entire Dream World seems to have been given a shot in the arm. Whether it is low-level players or full-level players, they immediately devote themselves to new quests and activities, continuously producing a variety of A very important resource in the new version.

While constantly sorting out the various changes in the new version in his mind, Fang Yun controlled the Datang number, clicked on the flying amulet to come to Changshou Village, and then ran all the way from the suburbs of Changshou to the outside of Datang.

After arriving outside the Tang Dynasty, he controlled the character to run directly to the upper left of the screen, and finally saw a newly updated post boss at the upper right of the entrance of Shituoling.

Running to the boss of the inn, Fang Yun tapped the other side, and immediately teleported into a brand new map, 'Zhu Ziguo'!

Because the map of Zhu Ziguo during this period was just opened, even the flying talisman could not be reached.

If the player wants to reach Zhu Ziguo, there is no other way but to run the map.

Standing in the exotic Zhu Ziguo, Fang Yun couldn't help flashing a nostalgic color in his eyes.

He still remembered that when Wangyi just released this new map, the resistance of many old players was actually not small, because the magic weapon legend has changed too many changes to the game, and even this new map has been affected to a certain extent.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

But after more than ten years, looking back, Zhu Ziguo, including the magic weapon legend, are quite successful new maps and expansions. Those conflicts have gradually disappeared with the passage of time, and the only thing left is endless exploration and development.

First, he turned on the game music that had been turned off for a long time, and listened to the familiar music coming from the speakers. Fang Yun controlled Qiancheng to stroll leisurely in Zhu Zi's country.

At this time, the number of domestic players in Zhu Zi is actually quite large. Although it is impossible to transmit directly, but under the overwhelming desire to explore new things by the vast number of dream players, this new land of Zhu Zi has not been able to maintain the mystery for long, and soon there will be A large number of players came "asking".

After following the crowd around Zhu Zi Country for a few laps, Fang Yun, who was satisfied, took Qiancheng to the teleportation point at the top left of the map, and was soon teleported into another new map, 'Qilin Mountain'.

Zhu Ziguo is the main city, and its function is the same as Chang'an Jianye, which is mainly functional.

The Qilin Mountain is a typical field leveling map, suitable for 94-102 level players to come here to level up and burn doubles.

The types of monsters in this map are newly designed, they are Boar Spirit, Rat Pioneer, and Hundred-Foot General, and there are no tear demons and mirror demons that were added later.

The launch of Qilin Mountain is more to make the player's upgrade process smoother, to improve the upgrade speed of intermediate players, and to release more intermediate summoned beasts for players to choose from.

So for Fang Yun, this map has little influence on him, and he came here just to miss it.

After walking around in Qilin Mountain for a few laps, Fang Yun didn't stop here. He clicked on the flying amulet and came directly to Aolai Kingdom. He ran quickly in the direction of the nine-headed After a few seconds , As Qiancheng ran to the side of the nine-headed monster, he saw a brand new NPC behind him, 'Xiandao Guiding Envoy'.

After clicking on the guide and selecting 'I'm going', Fang Yun saw his game screen turn quickly and came to a peach blossom island with light and ethereal music.

This is another highlight of this expansion, 'Penglai Immortal Island'!

If the appearance of the Fabao and Summoned Beast equipment will have a fundamental impact on the PK pattern of the entire game, then the appearance of Penglai Immortal Island is more like an innovation, a big innovation for the legal players who have just raised their heads!

Although Penglai Immortal Island is also a wild map, its applicable player level is relatively high. Players with level ≥ 130 can only get full experience here. It is an uncompromising top-level map.

Penglai Immortal Island has also updated three new summoned beasts, namely the cloud treading beast, the red calyx fairy and the dragon turtle. There is no piano fairy and no yin and yang umbrella.

Among them, the Cloud Treading Beast and the Red Calyx Fairy are conventional summoned beasts, which can be captured by players with level ≥ 135.

However, the dragon turtle is different. As the new version of the player, the capture level of the dragon turtle is the same as level 135, but it needs the player to soar. It is a real top summoned beast.

The reason why the dragon turtle is the handle of the new version is because this summoned beast not only has extremely high requirements for carrying, but also has a brand-new defensive skill "Spell Defense" that has a great impact on the game pattern!


The content of the new expansion is too much, the author has tried to simplify it for a day and still can't write it all, sorry...#17Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free and smooth read!

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