Taking back his mind, Fang Yun was in a good mood by successfully using the Five Elements to speed up his career. After preparing some items for the running ring, he went with a thousand running rings non-stop.

Now that the Five Elements Cultivation has come out, now he has finally made a decision to participate in the next Martial God Altar.

After all, he hadn't appeared at the Martial God Altar for half a year.

Although it may seem a little unpleasant to say, the existence of this thing really needs to be brushed sometimes. If you don't brush, it will not be long before you will be slapped to death on the beach by the back waves.

And after nearly half a year, the miracles the Qiancheng family once created on the Martial God Altar are still unsurpassed, but because they have been away from the stage for too long, both Qiancheng Qianqiu and Qiancheng Qianqiu's popularity are constantly rising. in retreat.

Fortunately, this is what Fang Yun wanted to see.

The reason for this has been mentioned before, but after touching the fish for several months, now he can't help but feel a little itchy, and he really wants to find someone to do a good fight and move his muscles and bones.

However, it has only been two days since the end of the 11th Martial God Altar. If he wants to return to the Martial God Altar, he will have to wait at least nearly a month.

While thinking about how much he could do this month, he controlled Qianzun and ran to Changshou Village to receive the task chain and started the task non-stop.

Time passed quickly as he kept running the ring.

As it was getting late, Fang Yun, who had helped Tiangong to run 300 rounds and swiped countless rounds of official duties, felt a little hungry, so he simply hung up the number on the trustee assistant, left the study and went downstairs to cook.

This villa in Yefengtan is good, but the only thing that makes him feel a little inconvenient is that the house is too big, and he has to run upstairs and downstairs every time he cooks.

There is no cure for lazy cancer, and as a late-stage patient with lazy cancer, Fang Yun is a typical type who can lie down and never sit. Letting him go upstairs and downstairs to cook and eat every day is like killing him.

So since he moved to Yefengtan, he spent most of his time having dinner at school. If he wasn't at school, he would call the private housekeeper directly to have the meal delivered, and seldom cook by himself.

But today, he planned to cook a good dinner for himself, firstly because he was in a good mood, and secondly because he had put too much energy into the game during this time. Occasionally cooking a meal by himself could effectively relieve mental stress.

After being busy in the kitchen for a long time, Fang Yun made four dishes and one soup for himself. After finishing it, Fang Yun wanted to have another bottle of red wine to pretend to be a high-class person. Unfortunately, he turned the house upside down and only found two bottles of Coke, so he could only make do with it. Use it.

Sitting alone in the huge restaurant on the first floor, Fang Yun didn't feel lonely at all, first poured himself a glass of Coke, then picked up his chopsticks and ate.

"Ding dong, ding dong—"

But just as he was eating, he heard the doorbell at the entrance suddenly rang. He walked over to open the door and saw that Meng Ge was holding a plate in one hand and a bottle of red wine in the other. A bright smile.

"Why are you here? And—"

Seeing Meng Ge who suddenly appeared in front of his house with wine and vegetables, Fang Yun couldn't help but froze for a moment, pointed to the contents of the plate on her right hand and asked, "What is this?"

"I haven't seen you for many days. As a neighbor, I have an obligation to come and care for you, right?"

Walking past Fang Yun and entering the room, Meng Geqiong wrinkled her nose, turned around in surprise when she smelled the aroma of the food, and asked, "Have you already started eating?"


Shaking his head, Fang Yun closed the door first and went back to the restaurant with her.

After arriving at the restaurant, Fang Yunzheng wanted to ask her if she wanted to eat together, but saw Meng Ge put the plate in his hand and the red wine on the dining table, pointed to the contents of the plate and said to him, "I don't care, this dish costs me money. It took me several hours to make it, you have to eat it, and I'm still waiting for your evaluation."


Hearing what she said, Fang Yun looked at the piece of toasted bread on the plate and couldn't help but ask, "It took you several hours to bake such a piece of bread? Couldn't your wheat be freshly ground?"

"Hmph, I don't know."

Seeing the disgust on his face, Meng Ge couldn't help but glance at him, "This is not some kind of toast, this is a very famous dish abroad, it's called Steak Wellington, it's delicious!"

“Steak Wellington...”

Hearing her explanation, Fang Yun's heart moved, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "The one with the same style as Sun Honglei?"


In the face of his inexplicable question, Meng Ge suddenly had a question mark in his head, completely ignoring what he meant by this sentence.

And after Fang Yun finished speaking, he also realized that he had made an old mistake again, so he could only wave his hands repeatedly: "Cough...it's okay, I heard that this dish is quite troublesome to cook, but I didn't expect you to do it, it's amazing. what."

"You have to at least eat it to know if it's so powerful."

Hearing this, Meng Ge was not in a hurry. Instead, he helped him cut the steak, pushed him in front of him and handed him a pair of knives and forks. He urged expectantly, "Come on, try it!"

Facing Meng Ge who was full of anticipation, Fang Yun didn't refuse, he picked up a fork and put a piece into his mouth.


As a piece of steak was eaten into his mouth, Fang Yun, who didn't really catch a cold with Western food, raised his eyebrows, looked at Meng Ge in surprise, and said, "Soft, crisp, and fragrant! It's ok, big girl, it's a pity that you are not a cook. !"

"Don't say it's toast now?"

Seeing Fang Yun's incomparably real reaction, Meng Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw her humming and said, "But it's free to be a cook, that's you, I'm not interested in doing it for others."

As she said that, she saw that she opened the red wine at will, took two glasses from the wine cabinet, helped Fang Yun and herself pour them, and then sat down and ate the dishes made by Fang Yun.

Fang Yun knew how to cook for a long time. After all, this was not her first visit.

For Meng Ge, who is used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Yun's dishes can only be said to taste quite satisfactory, but she likes it very much. Often not enough to eat.

In this way, one of the two ate steak and the other had Chinese food. After changing the cups, the time soon came to more than eight o'clock in the evening.

After a bottle of Latu was drunk by the two of them, Meng Ge's eyes were a little blurry. Fang Yun ended the dinner in time and personally helped her back to the villa next door before returning to his home.

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Although Meng Ge's visit surprised him, but after eating half of the bottle of red wine and the whole piece of soft and crisp Wellington steak, Fang Yun felt that his whole body was obviously relaxed for a long time. He moved the dining table to the kitchen. After cleaning up, I went upstairs and went back to the study.

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