Fantasy Westward Journey: Return To 2005

Chapter 679: I am 'Ramos'

With some anxiety, he moved the mouse to open the summoned beast interface and checked the situation of the big turtle.

Soon, as a bunch of red and blue skill icons appeared in his eyes, Fang Yun was immediately relieved, knowing that this time the demon refining was a success.

The aptitude of this big turtle still inherits the aptitude of the 10-skill vampire. Although there is no further improvement, it is completely sufficient.

However, some fly in the ointment is that although this turtle has strong qualifications, after combining with the 10-skill vampire, the number of skills is only one more, and there is no page turning.

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But it doesn't matter, although there is only one more skill, the most important shape has been successfully inherited.

Next, as long as you join hands with the dragon turtle, whether it is a small turtle or a big turtle, as long as the magic defense can be successfully inherited, this time the demon refining is successfully completed.

Went to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda to raise both the sea turtle and the dragon turtle to level 30. Fang Yun, who returned to the rooftop again, quickly filled the books for the two babies and eliminated all conflicting skills. Take a deep breath and prepare to start the most important and final synthesis of the day.

When he opened the demon refining frame, he first put the big turtle in the main position, and then put the dragon turtle in the sub position.

When everything was ready, he saw that he immediately recited 'Qi Luck Enhancement' in his heart, and then clicked the mouse slightly, aiming at the refining demon key--

"Congratulations! You synthesized a sea turtle."


As a prompt to synthesize sea turtles popped up in front of the screen, Fang Yun immediately clenched his fist, knowing that he had already succeeded in half.

Slowly opening the qualification interface of this big turtle, Fang Yun's eyebrows suddenly raised as the qualifications and skills came into view.

【Big Turtle】

Participation level: 0, level: 26

Attack Qualification: 1365

Defense Qualification: 1560

Physical Qualification: 6004

Mana Qualification: 2767

Speed ​​Qualification: 1320

Dodge Qualification: 1543

Lifespan: 10227

Growth: 1.278

Five elements: wood

Skills: Denial of Faith, Wisdom Root, Counterattack, Perception, Luck, Sneak Attack, Regeneration, Eternity, Death Call, Agility, Poison, Spell Defense, Water Absorption, Defense

"Skill 14...death defense, done!"

Focusing on the two key skills, Death Summoning and Spell Defense, Fang Yun only felt that the hardships had come to an end, and the shadows of the previous consecutive failures were immediately swept away.

This big turtle is simply the ultimate invincible explosive power. Not only has the three qualities of anti-body sensitivity been fully filled, but also the growth value has exploded a lot.

The most important thing is that on the basis of having such explosive qualifications, this little guy also has a full 14 skills. As a blood-sensitized auxiliary pet, he can basically fill all the necessary auxiliary books.

After tossing back and forth for so long, after encountering several failures in a row, he finally synthesized himself and possibly the first death magic defense of the whole dream, and the shape of this death magic defense is so unique.

Needless to say, this type of death-defense against sea turtles must have been used by Tiangong, and the death-defense of the other numbers was intended to return to normal and be done in a simpler and more efficient way.

Finally completed a major event. At this time, Fang Yun only felt refreshed. After thinking for a while, he decided to strike while the iron was hot and directly make this big turtle into a finished product.

As soon as he said it, he saw that he immediately logged into a trumpet account that stored high-level beasts, checked his remaining air luck value, opened the demon refining box, and started typing books one by one.

Time passed slowly as Fang Yun continued to type the book.

Finally, an hour later, Fang Yun, who was sweating from the book, let out a heavy breath, looking at the big turtle that had been beaten into red by him, and showed a satisfied smile.

【I am Ramos】

Entry Level: 0, Level: 26

Attack Qualification: 1365

Defense Qualification: 1560

Physical Qualification: 6004

Mana Qualification: 2767

Speed ​​Qualification: 1320

Dodge Qualification: 1543

Lifespan: 10227

Growth: 1.278

Five elements: wood

Skills: Advanced Luck, Advanced Spiritual Concentration, Death Call, Advanced Agility, Advanced Divine Resurrection, Advanced Poison, Advanced Flight, Advanced Eternal, Advanced Anti-Shock, Advanced Defense, Advanced Parry, Advanced Regeneration, Advanced Meditation, Magic Defense

"This guy, I'm afraid he's going to heaven."

Looking at this super sea turtle that can blind all dogs regardless of his aptitude or skills after being marked in full red, Fang Yun, who was the initiator, couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

This thing is worthy of the name Fang Yun gave it, and it is completely an armored dragon turtle that has no way to start.

The physical defense is supported by high defense, and the magic defense is supported by magic defense. The key is to have super double resistance, and this thing can also bounce back human blood, and the shape of its sea turtle also has a strong taunt. The special effects are completely Ramos reincarnation.

After a lot of tossing and spending a lot of energy and money, he finally came up with this little guy with a full taunting value. After calming down, Fang Yun found that he seemed to be constantly developing in the direction of a fun person, and the trend was getting worse.

Laughing at himself, he didn't think about it any more. He held his chin and thought for a while, and decided to stay up all night if he couldn't do it tonight, and then help this invincible turtle to upgrade first.

Now there is not much time left for him to level In the next month, he will not only have to fully level up the Tiangong, but also continue to synthesize more babies.

It takes a lot of time and energy for a baby to go from opening and closing to the finished product and then to the full level, so you don't have to think about it to know that he will have livers next.

At this time, Tiangong is sprinting towards full level with the help of the trustee assistant, while the other main ships that have already reached full level are also experiencing crazy liver experience. a link.

Today's Bianliang City has produced more and more magic weapons, and as long as Fang Yun sees someone selling it, he will basically receive it as soon as possible.

He will go through these magic treasures himself first, and keep the top-quality five elements for his own use, while the general ones will be temporarily put away after being filled with layers, ready to be sold for money after the magic weapon is revised.

After such a screening, he has more and more level 1 magic weapons available in his hand. For example, the two sword-wiping stones of the Datang number have all been collected, and the square-inch wind bag has also completed 9 layers of perfusion two days ago.

This period is no different from the previous life. There are only two magic weapon grids that each player can wear. Therefore, on the premise of wearing a Qibao Exquisite Lamp like his square inch, there is only one grid left.

He had thought about whether this grid should have a gold armor or a windbag, but he soon realized that he was a little unfounded.

With the hardware level of his square inch, even without one of these two magic weapons, it is difficult for the opponent to break through, so what he needs more is a magic cloak that increases spell resistance, but unfortunately this version has not been released.

Chapter 679 I'm 'Ramos'

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